- Language: English
- Established Year: 2001
- Published Articles: 134

Global Journal of Social Sciences
Executive Editor | : | Prof. Barth N. Ekwueme |
Publication Frequency | : | Annually |
Publisher | : | Bachudo Science Co. Ltd |
Paper Submission E-mail | : |
Global Journal of Social Sciences is aimed at promoting research in all areas of Sociology, Anthropology, Management Sciences, Geography, Regional Planning etc.
- Vol-13 No-1 (2014)
- - The Trouble With Nigerian Universities: Bogus Policy and Speculative Ideology
- - Impact of Cooperative Societies In National Development and The Nigerian Economy
- - Chike Aniakor: Master of Poetic Lines
- - The Assessment of The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility On Staff’S Effectiveness In Airtel Nigeria
- - African Art: An Impetus But Implicit Magnitude of Architectural Thought In Bauhaus Schooling
- - Bilingualism In The English of Tertiary Students: A Sine-Qua-Non For Mentorship and Entrepreneurial Development
- Vol-11 No-3 (2005)
- - Effect of Two Processing Methods of Bambaranut (Voandzeia Subterranean, On The Performance of Broiler Chickens.
- Vol-11 No-2 (2012)
- - A Critical Evaluation of The Ogui Slum In Enugu, Nigeria
- - Challenges and Prospects of The Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) In Nigeria
- - Human Resource Valuation and The Performance of Selected Banks In Nigeria
- - Humour As An Aesthetic Existential Strategy In Third Generation Modern Nigerian Poetry
- - The Accounting Implication of Cultural Dimensions On Financial Reporting: A Study of Selected Manufacturing...
- Vol-11 No-1 (2012)
- - African Exporting Firms In The Turmoil of The Global Financial Crisis
- - Aristotle'S Humanistic Ethics
- - Contradictions of Security Paradigms and State Repressions In The Niger Delta Sub-Region of Nigeria
- - Corruption and Its Implications For Actualizing Nigeria Vision 20-2020
- - Cost-Benefit Analysis of Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) For HIV/AIDS Treatment and Its Economic Implications In...
- - Globalization, Technology Transfer and The Knowledge Gap: Case Study of The Global Phamarceutical Industry In...
- - Special Interest Councillors In Zimbabwean Local Authorities: Challenges and Opportunities
- - The Budget As A Management Tool: Zero Base Budgeting, Panacea To Budget Implementation In Nigeria
- - The United States and Nigerian Relations: Diplomatic Row Over official Terrorist Label
- Vol-10 No-1 (2011)
- - Assessment of Selected World Bank Policies and Their Implications On The Fight Against Poverty In Nigeria
- - Effect of Land Use On Water Discharge In Humid Regions: An Example From Southern Nigeria
- - Electricity Infrastructure Failure and The Development of Micro Sized Enterprises In Nigeria: Evidence From...
- - Gender Inequality and Human Resource Management: A Nigerian Perspective
- - Seasonal Variation In Water Quality of Orle River Basin, S. W. Nigeria.
- - Students off-Campus Residence and Impact On Localities: The Case Study of The University of Benin and Ekosodin...
- - Travel and Tourism Promotions: Towards A New Dimension To National Development In Nigeria
- - Travels and Tourism Promotions: Towards A New Dimension To National Development In Nigeria
- - Youth Unemployment and Its Consequences In Calabar Metropolis: Need For Government Intervention
- Vol-9 No-1 (2003)
- - Effect of Levels of Bacillus Spp As Inoculum On Ph and Titratable Acidity During Controlled Fermentation of...
- Vol-9 No-1 (2010)
- - Adjustment Policies and Current Account Behaviour: Empirical Evidence From Nigeria
- - Analysis of Urban Poverty and Its Implications On Development In Uyo Urban, Akwa Ibom State.
- - An Empirical Study of Poverty In Calabar and Its Environs.
- - Determinants of Stock Market Development In Nigeria Using Error Correction Model Approach
- - Drawing As An Instrument of Professional Excellence In Visual Arts: Problems and Prospects
- - Entrenching An Efficient Urban Infrastructure Development In Uyo, Nigeria: A Pragmatic Approach
- - Overhauling The National Industrial Court Act: A Pathway To Effective Labour Dispute Settlement In Nigeria
- - Politics of Conflict Oilification and Petro-Violence In The Niger Delta
- - Statistics of Exchange Rate Regimes In Nigeria
- - The Conception of Poverty In Obubra Rural, Nigeria
- Vol-8 No-2 (2009)
- - Debt Servicing and Economic Growth In Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation
- - Development of Road Infrastructure As A Tool of Transforming Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area
- - Intra-Urban Traffic and Parking Demand In Uyo Urban Area
- - Post-Militarism: Provenance of Praetorian Democracy In Nigerian, 1999 &Ndash; 2007
- - Product Trial Processing (PTP): A Model Approach From The Consumers Perspective
- - The Effects of Public Perception of Yar'Adua'S Leadership On Stability and Sustainable Development
- - The Imperatives of Internal Audit In Nigerian Banks: issues and Prospects
- - The Influence of Personality Characteristics and Gender On Organizational Citizenship Behaviour
- - Variances In Consumers Prices of Selected Food Items Among Markets In Cross River State
- Vol-8 No-1 (2009)
- - A Spatio-Temporal Synchronization of Periodic Markets: Evidence From The Hinterland of Akwa Ibom State
- - An Empirical Study of Dividend Policy of Quoted Companies In Nigeria
- - Human Resource Management For Sustainable Microfinance Institutions In Nigeria
- - Managing The Impact of Urbanization On Biodiversity In Emerging Urban Fringe Settlements: The Case of Satellite...
- - Monetary Policy and Macroeconomic Management: A Simulation Experiment
- - Psychoactive Substance Intake and Gender On Crime
- - Rainfall Response To Dam/Irrigation Projects In Northern Nigeria
- - Servicom Policy Intervention: Improving Service Quality In Nigerian Public Sector
- - Techno-Economic Packaging of Palm Wine Preservation and Bottling Technology For Entrepreneurs
- - Testing Static Tradeoff Theory Against Pecking Order Models of Capital Structure In Nigerian Quoted Firms
- - The Political Economy of Global Financial Meltdown (DEPRESSION): The Implication For Nigeria
- - Democracy and Development: The Nigerian Experience
- - Fifty Years of Oil Exploration In Nigeria: The Paradox of Plenty
- - Rainfall Response To Dam/Irrigation Projects In Northern Nigeria
- Vol-7 No-2 (2008)
- - Capital Market Efficiency and Economic Growth In Nigeria
- - Funeral Rites of The Ejagham People In Cross River State: An Appraisal of Akamkpa Local Government
- - Philosophical Analysis of Democracy For Nigeria'S Socio-Economic Development
- - Problems and Prospects of Poor Drainage Systems and Urban Sustainability In Calabar, Nigeria
- - Stock Market Performance and Economic Growth In Nigeria; A Causality Investigation
- - Synthesis of New Product Development Success
- - Techniques and Tools For Achieving Effective Human Resources Management: Their Constraints In Africa
- - Unemployment and Exchange Rate Uncertainty In An Emerging Sub-Saharan Economy: A Case For Nigeria ( 1970-2005)
- - Women Mobilization In The Empowerment Process, A Recipe For Rural Development In Edo State, Nigeria
- Vol-6 No-2 (2007)
- - Capacity Building Needs of Farmers' Local Organisations In Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
- - Financial Structure, Bank Performance and Economic Growth In Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation
- - Interest Rate and Domestic Savings In Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation
- - Policies and Socio-Economic Constraints To Distribution and Consumption of Traditional Medicine In Cross River...
- - The Dynamics of Privatization Policy and The Nigerian Economy
- - Market Risk and Returns: Evidence From The Nigerian .Capital Market
- Vol-6 No-1 (2007)
- - Magroeconomic Stabilization and Monetary Policy Nexus In Nigeria
- - The New Social Housing Scheme In Nigeria: How Beneficial For The Less Privileged?
- - The Problems and Prospects of Public Health Care Development In Nigeria'S Local Government System
- - Universal Banking and The Nigerian Banking Sector
- - Towards A Durable Alternative Medium In Mural Painting: The Auto Paint Experiment
- Vol-6 No-1 (0000)
- - Household Expenditure On Dairy Products In Adamawa State, Nigeria
- Vol-5 No-2 (2006)
- - Business Ecology: It'S Impact On Business Practices In Nigeria
- - Environmental Stress and Urban Decay Problems In Developing Countries
- - Global Systems Mobile Telecommunications (GSM) As An Instrument For Sustainable Livelihood of Urban Elderly
- - Land Tenure and The Emergence of Exclusive Individualized Rights In Land: Evidence From The Northwest Zone of...
- - Local Governments and Poverty Reduction In Cross River State
- - Rural - Urban Differences In Housing Characteristics In Nigeria: Empirical Evidence.
- - The Problematique of The Nigerian Federalism and The Quest For A New Federal Trend
- - The Rising Profile of Fence The Rising Profile of Fence Architecture In Nigerian Housing Environment
- Vol-5 No-1 (2006)
- - Diversification of Livelihood Among Rural Households In Owan West Local Government Area, Edo State
- - Myth, Media and Culture
- - Modified Value Added Tax In Nigeria: Some issues For Consideration
- - Export Credit, Nigeria'S Export and Productivity Perspective
- - Stream Flow Changes and The Challenges of Traditional Ecological Responses In The Moist-Dry Region of Obudu...
- - The Evaluation of Forest Degradation Using Remote Sensing Technique: A Case Study of Minna Region
- - The Structure of Intra-Urban Trip Flows In Yola Metropolitan Area
- Vol-4 No-1 (2005)
- - Social Demand For University Education and Intellectual Ability: University of Calabar Experience
- - The Effects of Climate On Commercial Activities In Sourthern Nigeria.
- - The Impact of The Environment On Organizational Performance In Selected Textile Firms In Nigeria
- - Aspects of The Crime Geography of Calabar Urban
- - Bureaucratic Corruption and Anti-Corruption Strategies In Nigeria: An Overview
- - Does Globalization Contribute To Economic Growth In Developing Countries? Some Empirical Lessons From Nigeria.
- - Effectiveness of Radio In Dissemination of Agricultural Information To Farmers In Rural Setiings of Nigeria.
- - Empowering Religious Institutions Through The Basic Christian Farming Systems Approach As Development Catalysts...
- - Positivism and Nigeria'S Philosophy of Education
- - Rural Community Perception of Poverty and Development Strategies For Poverty Alleviation,
- - Rural Land Use Change In Southeastern Nigeria: Evidence and Environmental Consequences.
- Vol-3 No-1 (2004)
- - Enforcement of Public Accountability In Public Service For Sustainable Development In Nigeria.
- - Environment and Rural Poverty Reduction In Nigeria.
- - Exploring Some issues In Commercial Drug Dispensing In A Nigerian Urban Centre.
- - Expulsion of Ecowas Citizens Under The Buhari Regime (1984 .. 85): Legal and Economic Perspectives.
- - Governance and Fiscal Federalism In Nigeria.
- - Population Structure: Educational Facilities and Environmental Implications In The Cross River Region, Nigeria.
- - Public Mode Access and Waiting Time Variability In Maiduguri Metropolis.
- - The Global Democratisation Agenda: The Lessons For African Development.
- Vol-2 No-1 (2003)
- - Analysis of Micro Climatic Variations In Jimeta-Yola, Nigeria
- - Man and His Panic Prone Environment: Theoretical and Policy Considerations
- - On Strategies For Effective Implementaion of Rural Development Policies In Nigeria: 'The...
- - Population Changes and Food Insecurity In The Niger Delta
- Vol-2 No-1 (2002)
- - Recent Trends In Inter-Seaport Competition In Nigeria
- Vol-2 No-1 (2003)
- - Regional Planning and Urban Infrastructure Development In The Gongola Region, North Eastern Nigeria ( 1)
- - Tourism and Economic Development In Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation
- - Youth Unemployment In Nigeria: Some Implications For The Third Millennium
- Vol-1 No-2 (2002)
- - Adolescent Fertility Behaviour In Nigeria: Trends and Determinants
- Vol-1 No-2 (2003)
- - Imf and Debt Crisis Management In Third World Countries: A Survey and Critic
- - Nigeria and South Africa: The Politics of Continental Leadership
- - Policy Making and Administrative Agencies The Case Study of The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency {Ndlea)
- - Recidivism of Inmates: A Study of Afokang Prison In Calabar
- - The Intricate Web of Relationships: The Case of Transport Infrastructure and Rural Development In Jos Environs.
- - The Structure of Intra-Urban Road Network Development In Ilorin, Nigeria
Not yet available
- Prof. Barth N. Ekwueme
- Editor-in-Chief
- Dr. E. N. Nwagbara
- Editor
- Eze Bassey
- Associate
- F. M. Obafemi
- Associate
- S. O. Ering
- Associate
- Felix Akpan
- Associate
- E. J. C. Duru
- Associate
- U. R. Ogbuagu
- Associate
- James Okoro
- Associate
- Eugene Aniah
- Associate
- I. Ekpoh
- Associate
- A. A. Adebayo
- Associate
- S. O. Anyanwu
- Associate
- A. Bashir
- Associate
- George Essien
- Assistant