Publisher: Bachudo Science Co. Ltd

Enforcement of Public Accountability In Public Service For Sustainable Development In Nigeria.

Paul Y. Mbaya, Buba Namadi
KEYWORDS: Enforcement of Public Accountability In Public Service For Sustainable Development In Nigeria.


This paper attempts to look at the relationship between public accountability and sustainable development in Nigeria's Civil Service. It traces and analyses the cumulative effect of poor accountability and the extent it has come to shape the present crisis of development in Nigeria. It explores formal control measures within a public service system aimed at achieving accountability, higher performance and greater productivity. We discovered that mechanisms put in place so far in enforcing public accountability in the civil service have failed, resulting to poor spirit of accountability in the conduct of public affairs in this country. We therefore concluded sustainable development in Nigeria cannot be feasible without serious commitment from our political leaders and public officers, not only to honour these accountability measures in this paper but, more specifically to refrain from using n1eir positions of authority to influence the normal functioning of the administration. The society therefore must be ready to accept change of values and has the duty to nurture good qualities and potentials of our committed leaders.

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