© Global Journal Of Social Sciences . 2012. Vol. 11 No. 2
Publisher: Bachudo Science Co. Ltd
Human Resource Valuation and The Performance of Selected Banks In Nigeria
Peter K. Bessong, Usang, Obal Usang Edet, Sunday O. Effiok
KEYWORDS: Human Resources, Human Asset, Cost Based Valuation, Economic Valuation and Market Based Valuation
This study examines human resource valuation and the performance of selected banks in Nigeria. Human resources are the only factor of production that is not recognized in the reporting mechanisms, despite an interest dating back to the 1960s. In other to investigate the above issues, the researcher gathered data from Nigerian banks listed in the Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE) using a survey design. The data were then tabulated and analyzed using Ordinary Least Square (OLS). The study revealed that all the variables of human resource valuation used are statistically significant. Conclusively, human resources cost approach to corporate performance measurement which have gained substantial attention and use in recent years provides further opportunities for utilization of human resource accounting measures. The study therefore, recommended that banks should use career management programs to assist their employees in career planning. A well-functioning company career planning system would encourage employees to take more responsibility for their own development, including the development of skills viewed as significant in the bank. Finally, banks should note that career planning system not only helps ensure that employees have the skills they need to advance in the bank, but also may help ensure that employees possess the mix of skills that the firm believes is important for its future success.
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Human Resources Management
Bachudo Science Co. Ltd
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Peter K. Bessong
Usang, Obal Usang Edet
Sunday O. Effiok
Usang, Obal Usang Edet
Sunday O. Effiok