Publisher: Bachudo Science Co. Ltd

Tourism and Economic Development In Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation

Okey O. Ovat
KEYWORDS: Tourism, Economic development, empirical, investigation, Nigeria.


This paper carries out an empirical investigation of the role of tourism in economic development in Nigeria. The investigation reveals that globally, tourism has become a sustainable revenue earner competing favourably with the manufacturing sector, especially in the developed countries. However, in spite of the enormous tourism potentials in Nigeria, the investigation shows that tourism's contribution to economic development in Nigeria, leaves much to be desired. For tourism industry to contribute significantly to economic development in Nigeria; just as it does in other economies, the paper suggests some promotional remedies for the industry by the government. These remedies among others include: the playing of an active role in tourist destination development by the government, government involvement in the planning and execution of marketing of tourism potentials, the invitation of travel agents to visit Nigeria by government agency (NTDC), from time to time with the aim of stimulating such travel agents interest in marketing Nigeria; and the compilation of statistics on international arrivals - tourism expenditure with a view to measuring travel, recreational and tourism development.

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