© Global Journal Of Social Sciences . 2005. Vol. 4 No. 1
Publisher: Bachudo Science Co. Ltd
Positivism and Nigeria'S Philosophy of Education
C. L. Ochulor
KEYWORDS: Man, Worker, Humanities, Science, Technology.·
This paper examined from a positivist perspective, the ade(!uacy or otherwise of Nigeria's Philosophy of Education. We identified the educational strategies of positivism and tried to discover whether they form part of Nigeria's Philosophy of Education. We discovered that positivism adopts the empiricist - inductivist model of knowledge acquisition. We found out that the ability of the inductivist approach to draw out generalizations from particular instances appears to be an advantage. But its inability to pruve the logical validity of these generalizations mars the entire effort. We argued that given the faults inherent in the empiricist methodology, the impossibility of reading the world through observation becomes obvious. Comte opined that education should lay emphasis on the possibility of using science to help solve social problems. We argued against the positivist tendency of evaluating education only at the "use" level. We condemned, in strong terms, the Nigerian case where education is given one single purpose or being an instrument for achieving the nation's objectives. We discovered that the ratio of Science to Liberal Arts students in our universities was fixed by government at 60:40. We detected that Nigeria's 6 - 3- 3 - 4 educational system is a technologically .· oriented system. We argued fpr parity of esteem between Science and Liberal Arts, as a condition for genuine development in Nigeria. Our paper maintained that it is wrong just to focus on devel,oping the worker in the man through science and technology While undermining the humanities which develop the man in the worl
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Arts and Humanities
Bachudo Science Co. Ltd
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C. L. Ochulor