Publisher: Bachudo Science Co. Ltd

Gender Inequality and Human Resource Management: A Nigerian Perspective

F. O. Ogunrin, F. I. O. Iyayi, K. A. Eghafona
KEYWORDS: Gender inequality, paid work, human resource management, gendered job stratification, statistical discrimination, institutionalised child-care


The literature suggests that gender inequality in the work-place stems from gendered stratifications in the larger society, and that it is comparable with race- and class-based inequality. Specifically, the gender inequality discourse revolves around the assertion that biological differences between the two sexes have been transformed into male advantages versus female disadvantages. This paper is a library research with the objectives of exploring theories of gender inequality, and examining women’s unequal treatment in paid employment through the lens of the human resource management function. On the overall, research evidence indicates that manifestations of gender inequality in employment situations vary over time and space, and that egalitarian relations between the sexes will eventually emerge but slowly. Female workers however must be ready to kick-start the change process by seeking relevant training and re-training, among other measures that will assure their relevance in the workplace. Organisations as well as governments on their part must put supportive measures in place to aid women workers in effectively managing work and family demands. Such measures should be informed by a new appreciation that child bearing and rearing which hitherto curtail women’s participation in paid work, are actually civic responsibilities for society at large

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