- Language: English
- Established Year: 2017
- Published Articles: 11

Plasu Journal of Communication Studies
Executive Editor | : | Samuel Olaniran |
Publication Frequency | : | Bi-annually |
Publisher | : | Plateau State University, Bokkos |
Paper Submission E-mail | : |
PLASU Journal of Communication Studies is in furtherance of one of the objectives for the establishment of Plateau State University: To encourage and promote scholarship and conduct research in all fields of learning and human endeavour. Accordingly, the journal is committed to providing the forum for a solid collaboration between academics and professionals for the advancement of research and application in all areas of communications and media studies including Conflict and Crisis Reporting, Digital Culture and Communication, Journalism, Broadcasting, Public Relations and Advertising, Communications Media Technologies, Feminist/Gender Studies, Book Publishing, International Media & Conflict Reporting, Media Representation, Interpersonal Communication, Cross-cultural Communication, International/Global Communication, Development Communication, New Media/Digital Communication, Theories of Mass Communication, Media Research, and other emerging areas. The Journal publishes interdisciplinary cutting-edge research articles that promote sound theoretical understanding and critical analysis of contemporary issues that advance societal development and promote highest standards of scholarship and professionalism in communications and media studies.
- Vol-1 No-1 (2017)
- - Traditional Communication and Health Advocacy Campaign: A Study of June 2014 Polio Campaign In Doemak
- - Framing and Priming of Terrorism In The Media: Analysis of Audience Perception of Boko Haram Coverage
- - Media Reportage and Prospects: The Balance Between Objectivity and Self Censorship
- - Gender Analysis of Instagram Uses In Nigeria
- - Public Perception of The Media Coverage of 2016 Herdsmen and Farmers’ Conflict In Bokkos Plateau State
- - An Assessment of Newspaper Framing of Anticorruption War of President Muhammadu Buhari
- - Prosumption: The Making of A ‘New’ Media Audience
- - The Place of Experimental Research In Advertising and Public Relation Practice
- - A Content Analysis of Daily Trust and The Nation Newspapers’ Coverage of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPS)
- - African Traditional Forms of Communication In Marriage Among The Jukuns In The South of Taraba State
- - Political Public Relations and Social Media: An Analysis of The Trends and Perceptions of Political Engagements...
PLASU Journal of Communication Studies is a bi-annual online and off-line journal of the Department of Mass Communication, Plateau State University, Bokkos, Plateau State, Nigeria. PLASUJCS is a peer-reviewed scholarly inclusive and interdisciplinary journal aimed at promoting the development of theory and practice of communications and media studies. Towards the realization of the objectives for its establishment, we now invite submission of original and thoroughly researched articles for publication in our maiden edition.
Contributions are welcome in any of the following areas: Conflict and Crisis Reporting, Digital Culture and Communication, Journalism, Broadcasting, Public Relations and Advertising, Communications Media Technologies, Feminist/Gender Studies, Book Publishing, International Media & Conflict Reporting, Media Representation, Interpersonal Communication, Cross-cultural Communication, International/Global Communication, Development Communication, New Media/Digital Communication, Theories of Mass Communication, Media Research, and other emerging areas.
Submission details are as follows:
Paper submission will close: 1st November, 2016 (for December 2016 Edition); and 1st February, 2017 (for April 2017 Edition)
Manuscript submission guidelines
1. Any article submitted to PLASU Journal of Communication Studies (PLASUJCS) must be the original unpublished work of the author(s) and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the Journal should make a significant contribution to knowledge in the field of media and communications in the following areas: Conflict and Crisis Reporting, Digital Culture and Communication, Journalism, Broadcasting, Public Relations and Advertising, Communications Media Technologies, Feminist/Gender Studies, Book Publishing, International Media & Conflict Reporting, Media Representation, Interpersonal Communication, Cross-cultural Communication, International/Global Communication, Development Communication, New Media/Digital Communication, Theories of Mass Communication, Media Research, and other emerging areas. In addition, the Journal addresses contemporary issues and practices as they relate to media and communications professionals, organizations, regulatory institutions and actors in the public sphere.
2. The Journal accepts manuscripts of a theoretical, empirical, methodological, and/or philosophical nature. Manuscripts dealing with conceptual issues and case studies, book reviews, and other critical reviews are equally solicited.
3. The reviewers are responsible for the selection and acceptance of manuscripts, but the responsibility of statements expressed and accuracy of facts in manuscripts rest solely with the individual author(s). To prevent plagiarism, the Journal uses iThenticate (a plagiarism prevention tool) before papers are sent to reviewers.
4. As a general rule, manuscripts of 5,000 to 6,000 words, including tables and exhibits, are preferred. Articles may contain any combination of text, tables, graphics, animation, or audio component.
5. Authors should submit their manuscripts to the Editors using a standard Microsoft Word format, Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1.5 line spacing, with an appropriate title, an Abstract of 100-250 words in length, with a maximum of five (5) keywords, arranged alphabetically.
6. The title page should include address of author(s) for correspondence including institutional affiliation, e-mail address, telephone number(s) and other details as appropriate.
7. Referencing Style: The Journal adopts the American Psychological Association (APA) style, 6th Edition.
8. Contributors are expected to pay an initial assessment fee of N3,000, and a publication fee of N17,000 upon acceptance of paper.
Articles for consideration should be emailed to the editors at the official e-mail address of the Journal:
All correspondences should be sent to the Editor.
Prof. Nnanyelugo M. Okoro,
PLASU Journal of Communication Studies,
Plateau State University,
Phone Number:
- Professor Longmas, Sambo Wapmuk
- Editor-in-Chief
- Nnanyelugo M. Okoro
- Editor
- Mr. Samuel Olaniran
- Secretary
- Rev. Father Andrew, Dewan
- Member
- Mrs. Priscilla Marcus
- Member
- Mr. Adeyanju Apejoye
- Member
- Mrs. Ochanya Ajii
- Member
- Miss Joyce Laguma
- Member
- Mr. Shalgan Lohnan Moses
- Member
- Mr. Gever, Verlumun Celestine
- Member
- Professor Charles Okigbo
- Advisory
- Professor A. U. Enahoro,
- Advisory
- Associate Professor Suleiman Salau
- Advisory
- Associate Professor Ladi, Sandra Adamu
- Advisory
- Gerard Igyor (phd)
- Advisory