The Place of Experimental Research In Advertising and Public Relation Practice
The concept of experimental research were first developed and used in the natural sciences alone, but with multivariate analysis, it is now possible and can conveniently be used in the experimenting behaviours. It argued that it was not feasible in times past to use experimental research in social sciences because of the difficulty in analyzing human behaviour in the laboratory. However, the design is now conveniently applied to advertising and public relations practice. Thus, advertising agencies should use the experiment to test their product availability and sustainability. Experimental research designs vary in complexity and adequacy with the consideration of some important factors such as feasibility, time, cost, ethics, measurement problems and what the researcher wants to test when choosing the design. The paper argued that in spite of the context for its utility, it is obvious that experimental research has produced a substantial degree of mental stimulation in advertising when appropriately used. The “felt transformation of spirit and purpose makes the application of experimental design in
advertising studies scientific. Experimental research therefore comes into play in situations where an advertisement or advertising campaign is seen to be misleading. Researchers will therefore have to find out through use of experiments to ascertain if really the assertion that an advertisement has led the consumer astray or rather left the consumer unsatisfied. The paper concluded that whatever may be the significance of experimental research to advertising and public relation practice; it can only be a means not an end. This can lead to human behaviour inquiry bias which is highly subjective. The paper recommends among others that with new technological innovations public relations practitioners could partner with the professional community in their research endeavours to make their practice more fulfilling.

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