Publisher: University of Calabar

Meeting Water Needs In Rural Nigeria: The Case of The F.C.T.

Clement D. Chup, Francis I. Okpiliya
KEYWORDS: Water Supply, Household, Rural, Communities


This paper examined the availability of water in the rural areas of Nigeria using the Federal Capital Territory, and its effects on socio economic development. The objectives of the paper include the identification of the major sources of water in the rural areas, as well as the reliability of such sources. It also examined the efforts so far made by government to address the problems of water scarcity in the rural areas, as well as the present condition of projects that have been embarked upon by government. Furthermore, the paper examined the implications of government efforts and the present situation of rural water supply for the socio-economic well-being of the rural communities. The study revealed that despite the efforts so far made by government, the majority of rural residents in the F.C.T rely on streams and hand-dug wells as their main source of water supply. These sources are largely seasonal thus making most residents to spend hours daily in search of water. The resultant loss of man-hours has negatively affected other household activities, especially those by women and children. Furthermore, the scarcity of water has forced most rural residents to use unhygienic water for domestic consumption. The consequence of this include increases in incidence of waterborne diseases and a gradual perpetration of poverty in the rural areas.

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