- Language: English
- Established Year: 2003
- Published Articles: 32

Executive Editor | : | Prof. Ndem A. Ndiyo |
Publication Frequency | : | Bi-annually |
Publisher | : | University of Calabar |
Paper Submission E-mail | : |
- Vol-4 No-1 (2005)
- - An Empirical Investigation of Stability and Money Demand In Nigeria (1970-1999)
- - Nigeria: Balancing Oil With Agriculture For A Virile Economy
- - Deregulation and Economic Reforms In Nigeria: issues and Conditions For Success
- - The Influence of Distance On The Utilization of Family Planning Services In Rural Nigeria: A Case Study of Akwa...
- - Appraisal of The 2004 Budget With Emphasis On Basic Social Services In Nigeria
- - Secondary Education Strategy and National Development In Nigeria: The Case of Cross River State
- - Can Nigeria Do Without The International Monetary Fund (IMF)?
- - Openness, Trade Liberalization and Economic Growth In Developing Countries
- - Human Resources Implications of Business Process Reengineering
- - Economic Planning Versus Market Mechanism: A Further Review of The Debate
- - Meeting Water Needs In Rural Nigeria: The Case of The F.C.T.
- - Social Responsibility: is It Worth The Trouble?
- - Industralization Experience and A Bottom-Up Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy In Nigeria
- - Rural Development Programmes As Growth Strategies For Sustainable Development In Contemporary Nigeria
- Vol-2 No-1 (2003)
- - Allocative Efficiency In Wetlands (FADAMA) Farming: The Case of South-Eastern Nigeria Inland Valleys
- - Predictability and Volatility of Stock Returns In Three Emerging Markets: Nigeria, South Africa and Brazil
- - Urban Agriculture: Its Impact On Nutrition and Urban Health
- - A Dynamic Analysis of Monetary Policy and Poverty In A Small Open Economy: The Nigerian Experience
- - Public Policy Employment Generation In Nigeria: A Case Study of National Directorate of Employment
- - External Debt Crisis and Economic Growth In Nigeria
- - Nation Building Through Food Security By Immigrant Farmers: A Study of Akpabuyo and Calabar Metropolis, Cross...
- - Relative Contributions of Syndicated Facilities To The International Financial System
- - Challenges of Managing The Nigerian Economy In The 21St Century: The Role of Nigerian Economists
- Vol-1 No-1 (2003)
- - Opportunities and Stability: The Economic Aspect of Resource Control
- - Relevance of Neo-Technology Theories For Technology Accummulation In Nigeria
- - Panacea For Community Bank Failure In Nigeria
- - Towards Privatization and Industrial Investment: Priorities For Sustainable Growth and Development In Akwa Ibom...
- - The Petroluem Sector and The Nigerian Economy
- - Fiscal Adjustment To Currency Devaluation In Nigeria: An Empirical Analysis
- - Changes In The Modes of Coordination Among Actors In The Cattle Trade Between Tchadian and Nigerian Markets
- - Challenges of Managing The Nigerian Economy In The 21St Century: The Role of Nigerian Economists'
- - Non-Religious Factors In The Development of Capitalist Economy: A Critique of Max Weber'S Thesis In The...
CALL FOR PAPERS (Two Issues per year)
Manuscripts of well-researched, authoritative, intellectually-rich and professional articles are invited from scholars and professionals. The journal also welcomes book review essays designed to bring relevant literature to the attention of a wider readership. Papers could be submitted in final form by e-mail or MS Word to the editor at . Three physical copies of the paper should also be posted to:
The Editor, Nigerian Journal of Economics and Development Matters, Department of Economics, University of Calabar, P.M.B. 1115 Calabar, Nigeria. Tel: ;
Prospective authors should please note that they are expected to adhere strictly to the ollowing instructions. Non-compliance will lead to the return of the paper for correction and may cause unnecessary delay in the publication of the article.
i.) Authors should please refer to the aim and scope of thr journal before submitting any paper for consideration.
ii.) Authors should ensure that they are not infringing any copyright. Submission of an article is understood to imply that the work is original, unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
iii.) Author's name, address, institutional affliation, and biographical sketch should appear on the title page, separate from the main text to ensure anonymity in the review process. Again, the title and the Abstract of the paper (not exceeding 130 words)nshould appear on the first text page as a means of identification.
iv.) Articles should be written in English. Authors are urged to ask themselves whether their papers are satisfactory from a linguistic point of view (e.g., grammar, syntax). If in doubt, please consult a language adviser before submitting the paper.
v.) Manuscripts should be typed or printed double-spaced on one side of A4 paper and should not exceed 25 pages; font; Times New Roman, 14 point, all margins set at 2.654cm.
vi.) Figures should have clear markings (in a large, legible font), be done in Excel or Powerpoint and form part of the main text. For table and figure headings, see a recent article in NJEDEM. Equations should be done in MS Word compatible format. Diagrams, graphs, etc., should be provided in a form suitable for reproduction to avoid unnecessary delays in production.
vii.) The Harvard method of refrencing should be used. All refrences to books and articles should be identified in the text by the surname of the author, year of publication and page refrence, placed in parenthesis, e.g, (Ndiyo, 2001:94). Where there is more than one reference to the same author with different materials published in the same year, the references should be distinguished sequentially as for example (Essia, 2003a; 2993b). If there are more than two authors in a particular publication, use the surname of the first author, followed by 'et al', e.g., Ebong, et al (1995).
viii.) Short quotations should be distinguished by the double quotation mark, but quotations of more than 3 lines should be indented and separated from the main paragraph without quotation marks. Whwn emphasizing words, using terms in a foreign language, and referrig to the title of a book or journal in your paper, use italics rather than underline.
ix.) Endnotes (not footnotes) should be kept to a minimum, numbered consecutively, and placed at the end of the text, before the list of refrences. This should be followed by a list of references arranged alphabetically. For a practical example, see a recent issue of NJEDEM or the journal flier.
- Prof. J. E. U. Ndebbio
- Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Ndem A. Ndiyo
- Editor
- Dr. M. O. Nyong
- Associate Editor
- Dr. A. N. Bassey
- Associate Editor
- Dr. U. E. Essia
- Associate Editor
- Prof. A. H. Ekpo
- Consultant
- Prof. C. O. Bassey
- Consultant
- Prof. R. H. Green
- Consultant
- Prof. E. B. Akpakpan
- Consultant
- Prof. R. O. Sule
- Consultant
- Prof. T. O. Agiobenebo
- Consultant
- Prof. M. O.ebong
- Consultant
- Prof. P. Dasgupta
- Consultant
- Prof. J. G. Ottong
- Consultant
- Prof. E. B. Barbier
- Consultant
- Prof. E. J. Etuk
- Consultant
- Dr. U. B. Uwatt
- Consultant
- Dr. A. T. Jerome
- Consultant
- Dr. R. Asogwa
- Consultant
- Dr. N. O. Magbagbeola
- Consultant