Publisher: Nigerian Library Association, Cross River State Chapter

Establishment and Distribution of Public Libraries In South-East Nigeria: A Case Study of Anambra State

Ngozi P. Osuchukwu
KEYWORDS: Public libraries, establishment, distribution of libraries, communities, information services


One important agent of empowerment is information. The growing population and the need to improve the life of the people in social and economic sectors have necessitated the importance of adequacy of public libraries. Based on this, the study sought to find out the scope of distribution of public libraries in Anambra state. In the study, key informant interview (Kii) was used to obtain data on library distribution and locations in the state. Variables that inhibit distribution of libraries were also examined. The study revealed that out of 177 communities in the state only 11 communities have public libraries. Out of this number, 3 were established by government, 1 by community, 4 by Social Clubs and 3 by individuals. These were handed over to the government to manage. It was also discovered among other things that fund and government policy are the major challenges of library establishment and distribution. The study proffered solutions on how best to provide libraries and information service delivery to the citizenry.    

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