Human Resource Management Challenges In Nigeria Under A Globalized Economy: A Study of Innoson Vehicles Manufacturing Company Nigeria Limited
The study examined the global challenges in human resource management in Innoson motors Ltd, Nigeria with a population of 630 senior staff of the company. 4-point Liker scale-type questionnaire was developed and found reliable at .085 using the Cronbach Alpha test for internal consistency. The descriptive statistics were used to analyze the research questions while the Chi-square was used to test the hypotheses at 5% significant level. The results revealed that Nigerians are predominantly employed into administrative positions while the non-Nigerian are employed to man the technical work in the company. The non-Nigerian staffers in the company are all employed as technical staff, indicating that acquisition of technical know-how is a reason for employing foreigners. The recruitment procedure for Nigerian employees is significantly different from the recruitment procedure for non-Nigerians. Thus the study conclude that there is discrimination in the employment processes in the company, wherein the non-Nigerian staff received better treatment and employment terms than Nigerian staff. Hence it is recommended that the management hi-tech firms in Nigeria should encourage transfer of technical-know-how to engender development technological and human capital base in Nigeria. On the job training, media for in-house knowledge sharing and seminars should be encouraged.

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