• Language: English
  • Established Year: 2005
  • Published Articles: 93
Ng Journal of Social Development

Executive Editor : Professor Emma E. O. Chukwuemeka
Publication Frequency : Quarterly
Publisher : Centre For Social Science Research, Enugu
Paper Submission E-mail :

The NG Journal of Social Development (NGJSD) is an International Journal, indexed in and a member of Arabian Group of Journals (AGJ). It is a professional and academic discussion and research in development and social related issues across the globe. NGJSD is a peer reviewed open access journal publishes original unpublished research work. A scholarly journal deals with the disciplines of social and development sciences. NGJSD publishes research work that meaningfully contributes towards theoretical bases of contemporary developments in society. The journal is published three times a year (March, June and October). Objective of NGJSD is to widen the knowledge base in collaboration with scholars, academicians, professionals and practitioners by allowing free access to valuable information around the globe. Research studies in NGJSD address emerging issues and developments in business and societies around the world. NGJSD encourages submission related to subjects of sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, political science, international relations, linguistics, history and project management. The goal of the journal is to develop and disseminate social work literature that provides linkages among social research, social work education, social work practice and social development at the national as well as the cross-national levels. Scope The subject areas of the journal cover the following: Ideologies, values and ethics of social work Approaches, methods, techniques and skills of social work Governance, welfare and social development Administration of voluntary/ non-profit organizations Societal systems and social work intervention Social service sectors and social work intervention Social work intervention for marginalized groups Social work intervention in social conflict and emergency situations Fieldwork practicum The journal invites the following types of original: Theoretical/historical/empirical/methodological/epistemological analyses Reviews of policies, programs, legislations, organizations, and practice interventions Book reviews


Interested contributors should type their scientific papers on A4 size with wide margins and single line spacing in 12 fonts Times New Roman. It should not exceed 15 pages including the abstract of not more than 200 words. Not more than five keywords should be provided immediately after abstract. The paper should be empirical or theoretical, well researched, and persuasive. It should also include: brief profile of the author including institutional affiliation and status, title of paper, abstract, introduction, statement of problem, review of related literature, method of investigation, discussion of findings and recommendations. Authors should include their phone numbers including addresses and e-mail.

Articles must be in conformity with the American Psychological Association (APA) documentation style 6th edition. Journal titles should be abbreviated for multiple citations in the same year, a,b,c, should be used immediately following the year of publication.

Manuscript submission is online.  See the e mail address below.
All correspondence should be addressed to the Executive Managing Editor

Prof. Emma E.O. Chukwuemeka, Ph.D
Professor of Public Administration and Development Studies 
Department of Public Administration, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
P.M.B 5025, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria
Tel: ;
Paper sbumission E-mail:  

Dost, M. K, Phd
Prof. Emma E.o. Chukwuemeka, Phd
Professor B.c. Nwankwo, Ph.d
Prof. Patrick Akpan
D. Stamatakis, Phd
Muhammad Aamir Hashmi, Phd
Santosh Kumar Behera, Phd
Saeed Sharifi, Phd
Prof. Chika Oguona
Chukwuemeka Okafor, D.admin
S. Jabulani
Ogochukwu G. Okafor, Phd
Dr. Mozamel Elnair Somi Kakitla
Prof. B.c. Osisioma, Ph.d
Prof. Anis Mahomed Karodia
Prof. Emma Okoye, Ph.d
Prof. Charles Okigbo, Ph.d
Patrick Ezepue, Ph.d
Prof. Kunleawotokun, Ph.d
Dr. Bilal Mohammad Eneizan
Ali Gholipour Soleymani (phd)