Monetization Policy and Productivity of Civil Servants In Nigeria Federal Ministries Abuja
Against the background of government’s perceived waste on one hand, and continued dwindling economy occasioned by global economic downturn on the other hand, the Obasanjo administration in 2003 initiated the monetization policy as a panacea to reduce excessive government spending and cost of governance and reposition civil servants on the part of productivity and national development. This research work therefore sought to investigate the extent of implementation of the policy and its effects on workers productivity using civil servants in Abuja as a study platform. Questionnaire served as our major source of data collection assisted by various secondary sources. Research questions and hypotheses were formulated, tested and analyzed using frequencies, percentages and chi-square statistical tools. The findings indicate that the policy is still witnessing low implementation and its effect has not really been felt by civil servants in Abuja. The research found out that productivity of workers therefore has not been positively affected by the policy. The research recommended however that government as a matter of urgency should set up a special task force mandating them to kick start the implementation of
the policy to enable civil servants feel its impact and translate same to high productivity at work.

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