Entrepreneurship Education: A Panacea For Unemployment In Nigeria
Entrepreneurship world over are believed to be catalyst for economic growth and an antidote to unemployment. The emergence of competitive environment fostered by globalization and entrepreneurial phenomenon appears critical both at local and national level. This study focused on entrepreneurship education as a panacea for unemployment in Nigeria. A descriptive survey research method was adopted. Stratified random sampling method was used to select 120
entrepreneurs and 80 scholars from Enugu State. The instrument of data collection for this study was questionnaire administered to respondents. Ten (I0) questionnaire items that measured entrepreneurship education as a panacea to unemployment in Enugu State was presented. The techniques of analyses adopted included the statistical weighted means, scores and standard deviation. Findings arising from the study revealed that the increasing global phenomenon and awareness on entrepreneurship education will enhance the acquisition of the necessary skills for gainful and self- employment. The Nigerian educational policy should further consider the introduction of entrepreneurship development programme as a compulsory course in all level of
our educational system in Nigeria. Attention should be given to the appropriate entrepreneurial education to encourage the emergence of individuals with required entrepreneurial skills so as to reduce the high level unemployment in Nigeria.

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Gabriel A. Anidiobu
Clifford E. Ezinwa