Corporate Governance Practices In Holding and Non-Holding Operating Structured Banks In Nigeria
This study empirically evaluated corporate governance practices in Nigerian listed banks with international banking licenses operating a holding and non-holding company, using a comparative approach with a view to establishing whether there are divergences or not. Descriptive research design
was employed to guide in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data. Three banks operating a holding company operational structure and five operating a non-holding company structure were selected for the purpose of this study. Secondary data were obtained from the annual reports of the
selected banks. These data spanned 2007-2015. Five hypotheses were formulated and tested at 5% level of significance. Findings, amongst other things, revealed that Nigeria listed banks with international banking license operating a holding company structure have more independent boards that those
operating a non-holding company structure. The study concluded that divergences exist in corporate governance practices amongst Nigerian listed banks with international banking license operating a holding company structure and those operating a non-holding company structure. It was recommended,
inter alia, that regulatory bodies should improve their oversight functions and monitoring strategies to eradicate governance abuses, and any compromise should be exposed and promptly penalised materially

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Olakunle Tijani
Omokehinde, Joshua Odutola