Publisher: Nigerian Library Association, Cross River State Chapter

Gender Differences In Information Seeking Behaviour of Undergraduate Students In Some Universities In Nigeria

Emmanuel E. Baro, Benake-ebide C. Endouware
KEYWORDS: University libraries, gender differences, information seeking, Nigeria.


This study investigated gender differences that exist among undergraduate students in the use of library resources. The study adopted a descriptive survey method. The study covered undergraduate students in History Department in the Humanities in three universities in the South­South geo-political zone of Nigeria. They are: Niger Delta University Amassoma, Bayelsa State, Delta State University Abraka, Delta State and University of Port-Harcourt, Rivers State. A sample size of 273 was used for the study. Questionnaire and Interview were used for the data collection. The study revealed among the following that: female students in History heavily rely on human assistance for information more than their male counterparts; differences exist between male and female students in the use of the Internet and databases to retrieve information, that male students use the Internet more than their female counterparts; and male students use the library card catalogue effectively to retrieve information materials in the university libraries more than their female counterparts. The findings will enable librarians to intensify their efforts to educate both male and female students about the information environment rather than simply providing the knowledge of how to use specific tools. 

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