Study Habits and Students' Attitudes As Determinants of Students' Academic Achievement In Economics In Senior Secondary Schools In Ogun State
Economics is one of the social science subjects that is popular and studied among students in senior secondary schools. With this, one would expect the students taking the subject to do well and have distinctions. Rather, their performances in various examinations enrolled for fall below credit pass in the subject. Thus, this study investigated how study habits and students' attitudes determine students' academic achievement in Economics in senior secondary schools in Ogun State, Nigeria. The study employed a survey research design. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select a total of 300 students from six out of the nineteen senior secondary schools in Ijebu-North Local Government Area of Ogun state, Nigeria. Two research questions were raised and answered using the following instruments: Study Habit Inventory, (r = 0.55) Students Attitude toward Economics Questionnaire, (r = 0.65) and Economics Achievement Test, (r = 0.45). Data were analysed using multiple regression analysis. The result of the findings revealed that both study habits and students' attitudes are predictors of students' academic achievement in Economics with attitudes contributing significantly higher coefficient than study habits to academic achievement in Economics. Based on these findings, it is pertinent that students should be encouraged to cultivate good study habits and attitudes towards the study of Economics in order to improve their academic achievement in the subject.