Publisher: Ekiti State University

Relative Effects of Parents' Occupation, Qualification and Academic Motivation of Wards On Students' Achievement In Senior Secondary School Mathematics In Ogun State, Nigeria

Ajayi O. Kassim, Akinsanya O. Omolade, Salomi, O. Modupe
KEYWORDS: Parents' education; Occupation; Academic Motivation; Achievement.


This study investigated the relative effects of parents' occupation, education and academic motivation of wards on students' achievements in Senior Secondary School Mathematics in Ogun State, Nigeria. The study is a survey research design. The sample was selected using the multistage sampling technique (i.e, purposive, proportionate and random sampling techniques). The target population for this study comprised all the 28,796 Senior Secondary School one students (SSS I) in 147 schools from the selected nine Local Government Areas in Ogun State. The study sample comprised 2,400 students from 60 selected schools in nine Local Government Areas within Ogun State, Nigeria were randomly selected. Two research instruments namely; Students' Questionnaire on Parental Socio-economic Status; (r = 0.81) and Mathematics Achievement Test; (r = 0.84) were used. Data were analysed using multiple regression at .05 level of significance. The result reveals that parents' education has the highest significant influence on the academic achievement of students in Mathematics while the effect of academic motivation had the least effect among the variables which exerted significant effects on students' academic achievement in Mathematics

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