Acquired Personality From Changing Work Environment and Obstacles To Learning Transfer
Individual achievements are often attributed to one’s personality. But on becoming a member of a work group, the individual gradually acquires dual personality: the naturally endowed, and that from the work environment. Some people see themselves as capable of controlling their environment while others cannot. These categories explain the incidence of success or failure of individuals in their performances. The particular features a person exhibits depended on others especially in a work environment. He or she acquires a ‘new’ personality by reference to others. That is, a person is in part a product of the characteristics of those around him/her. The changing personality of the individual in a work environment depends on organisational policies and politics among many others. The ideal personality trait for effective learning transfer would be that of ‘self-concept,’ making the individual feel satisfaction of good performance, or regard other performances as abominable and must not be done. This self-concept personality must be driven by ‘internal control’ which disregards environmental influences, as against ‘external control’ which accommodates environmental influences, leading to failure. Aside from the usual motivational measures applicable for performance enhancement, transfer of learning could be enhanced where Training Needs Analysis is carried out before training implementation.

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Edino, Ferdinand Ojonimi