Diagnosing The Elephantine Problems In The Implementation of The 2004 Pension Act In Enugu State Civil Service
The study investigate the implementation of the 2004 pension ACT in Enugu State Civil Servic with a view to proferring solutions. Pension administration and prompt payment of pensioners have become a serious problem in Nigeria. In the course of conducting this research, descriptive survey research was used. Data were collected using questionnaire, face to face interview and focus group discussion. Hpotheses formulated were tested using Chi-square non parametric statistics. The study revealed among other things that the government of Enugu State has not put efficient financial control mechanism in place to ensure efficiency in pension fund management. Also, the Government has not worked out the modalities properly on the separation from the erstwhile old scheme from the new one. It was also discovered that the traditional funding strategy of the public-sector pension system, especially the civil service segment is nothing to write home about. This perhaps explains why huge arrears of pension payment exist in Enugu State with the widespread complaints, sickness and death among retirees. Based on the findings the following major recommendations were preferred: That the government of Enugu State should put in place efficient financial control system in pension fund management to ensure that pension fund is prudently managed. The government should work out the modalities to ensure that separating from the erstwhile old scheme from the new one is smoothly done. Even though the employer and employee contributions are adequate, however because of the economic recession the contributions should be slightly increased.

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Alexander Aniche, Phd