Publisher: University of Calabar

Corruption and Accountability In The Nigerian Public Sector: An Empirical Discourse

Acho, Yunusa, Abuh Paul A.
KEYWORDS: Corruption, Accountability, Public Sector, Civil Service


Accountability in the mist of mistrust and dishonesty in handling public fund is a serious issue which bedeviled the Nigerian public sector. Hence, this study titled “Corruption and Accountability in the Nigerian Public Sector: A study of Federal Civil Service Commission” is carried out to assess the effect of corruption on the level of accountability in the Nigerian public sector. More so, the paper adopts the secondary sources of data in generating relevant empirical and theoretical framework. It was discovered that allocations of funds to the public sector are not adequately and judiciously utilized for the purpose for which it is meant for, corruption in the public sector has a significant effect on the level of accountability, the nation lost huge amount of money due to lack of accountability and transparency. Therefore, the paper recommends that the adherence to internal mechanisms for enforcing accountability should be strictly adhered to while stiffer penalties/sanctions for corrupt practices be aggressively implemented, corruption and similar offences should attract capital punishment as if these measures are properly taken it will go a long way to ensuring an egalitarian society.

Accountability in the mist of mistrust and dishonesty in handling public fund is a serious issue which
bedeviled the Nigerian public sector. Hence, this study titled “Corruption and Accountability in the Nigerian
Public Sector: A study of Federal Civil Service Commission” is carried out to assess the effect of corruption
on the level of accountability in the Nigerian public sector. More so, the paper adopts the secondary sources
of data in generating relevant empirical and theoretical framework. It was discovered that allocations of
funds to the public sector are not adequately and judiciously utilized for the purpose for which it is meant
for, corruption in the public sector has a significant effect on the level of accountability, the nation lost huge
amount of money due to lack of accountability and transparency. Therefore, the paper recommends that the
adherence to internal mechanisms for enforcing accountability should be strictly adhered to while stiffer
penalties/sanctions for corrupt practices be aggressively implemented, corruption and similar offences
should attract capital punishment as if these measures are properly taken it will go a long way to ensuring an
egalitarian society.

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