An Overview of Entrepreneurship and Strategies For Self-Employment
The author presents an overview of entrepreneurship and strategies for self-employment by conceptualising the concept and examining its relevance for business creation. Based on a comprehensive review of literature in the field, he explains entrepreneurship in terms of three key dimensions namely, innovativeness, risk-taking and proactiveness and describes entrepreneurs in terms of their characteristics and competencies. He mentions factors of business creation, examines the infrastructural support for entrepreneurship and presents the strategies for self-employment. The author opines that entrepreneurship creates opportunities for socio-economic development in every society and accelerates industrialisation. Though there are lots of factors militating against the self-employed, exacerbated with uncertain business environment, he believes that the strategies presented in this paper will ensure that it is embarked upon on the right footing to help achieve success in job creation and wealth generation in the society.

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