Teaching Skills of Upper Basic Teachers and Students' Academic Achievement In Social Studies In Ogoja Education Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria.
This study determined the relationship between teaching skills of upper basic teachers and students' academic achievement in Social Studies in Ogoja Education zone of Cross River State, Nigeria. To carry out this study, Ex post facto research design was adopted. A sample of four hundred and eleven (411) students was randomly selected for the study using the stratified random sampling techniques. The population of the study was 4,511 The instruments for data collection were Teachers' Teaching Skills Rating Scale (TTRS) and Social Studies Achievement Test (SOSAT). The instruments were validated and reliability ascertained. This was established through Split-half Method. The reliability values ranged between 0.88 to 0.92 for the variables and 0.80 for the academic achievement. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Analysis Technique was used to test the hypotheses. The results revealed a significant positive relationship between Social Studies teachers' class management skills and students' academic achievement; interpretational skills and students' academic achievement. It was recommended that teachers should improve on their management skills so that students' performance in Social Studies will be sustained. Also, Good and friendly interpersonal skill between teacher and students' should be highly encouraged.

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Mr. Joseph Bekeh Undie