Students' Academic Self-Concept, Achievement Motivation Study Habit and Attitude Towards Educational Research In Federal College of Education Obudu, Cross River State, Nigeria.
This study investigated the collective and relative contributions of academic self-concept, achievement motivation, and study habit in predicting students' academic self-concept, achievement motivation and attitude towards educational research in Federal College of Education in Obudu Cross River State, Nigeria. The study adopted survey research design, and used stratified random sampling technique to select 400 respondents from 2026 students in the college. A 30-item, fouroption Likert type questionnaire titled: “Survey of Students' Attitude Questionnaire (SSAQ)” was used for data collection. The hypothesis of the study was tested at .05 alpha level using multiple regression analysis tool. The result showed that students' academic self concept, (.546), achievement motivation (.352), and study habit (.273) are significant predictors of students' attitude towards educational research, and these compositely accounted for about 52.6 per cent of variance of students' attitude towards educational research. It was recommended, that special counseling service should be provided by the college management to encourage students to develop positive academic self-concept, achievement motivation, good study, habit and positive attitude towards educational research.

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Juluis A.