Malaria, Labour Productivities and Economic Growth In Nigeria, 1981-2014: An Econometric Assessment
The study examined the impact of malaria burden on economic growth and labor productivity for the period (1981-2014). Data on per capita income, GDP growth rate, labor productivity index, malaria cases, and secondary school enrolment rate were obtained from the World Bank Website. The stationarity state of the variables was first examined and then co-integration test conducted. A long-run equilibrium relationship was found among the variables. The study utilized the methodology of pairwise Granger causality and Vector Autoregression. The study found out that malaria constitutes drag to economic growth reduces labor productivity. Again, a reverse causality was traced from economic growth to malaria cases. In order to reduce the burden of malaria, it was recommended that government should encourage free and subsidized treatment, early testing and treatment and awareness on the use of insecticide treated nets.

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Olabisi Julius