- Language: English
- Established Year: 2012
- Published Articles: 100

Executive Editor | : | Prof. Ndem A. Ndiyo |
Publication Frequency | : | Bi-annually |
Publisher | : | University of Calabar |
Paper Submission E-mail | : |
- Vol-5 No-1 (2016)
- - Impact of Hospitality and Tourism Industry On The Residents of Obudu Mountain Resort, Cross River State -...
- - World Bank Partnership In Poverty Reduction Programmes and Socio-Economic Wellbeing of Workers In Cross River...
- - Public and Private Sectors’ Expenditure Elasticities of Poverty: Evidence From Nigeria
- - Time Series Analysis of The Effect of Crude Oil Revenue On Economic Development In Nigeria, 1981-2014
- - Rural Development Programmes and Sustainable Development In Nigeria: A Case Study of Cross River State
- - The Role of The Media In Contemporary Sports Development In Nigeria
- - Ontology of Child Labour In Nigeria
- - Public and Private Sectors’ Expenditure Elasticities of Poverty: Evidencefrom Nigeria
- - Vegetation Dynamics In Fallow Genealogical Cycles In Part of The Cross River Rainforest, South-Southern Nigeria
- - Analysis of Oil Wars and Environmental Justice In Ogoniland, Nigeria
- - HIV/AIDS and Agricultural Output In Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries: Panel Estimation
- - Crude Oil Price, Exchange Rate Volatility and Economic Growth In Nigeria, (1970-2014)
- - Rape As A Weapon In African Conflicts: A Perspective On The Conviction of Congolese Vice President
- - Changing Attitude Toward Family Planning In Calabar Municipality, Cross River State, Nigeria
- - The Military Option and Nigeria Implementation of The Uncounterterrorism Strategy
- - Small Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation: A Challenge To Ecowas Peace and Security Architecture
- - The Effect of Entrepreneurial Skills On Organisational Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises In...
- Vol-4 No-2 (2015)
- - The State, Anti-Oil Insurgency and Emergence of “Comprador” Militias In The Niger Delta
- - Cultural Significance and The Challenges of Eliminating Female Genital Cutting (FGC) Practice In Izzi Land
- - Culture and Child Labour Practices In Ebonyi State Nigeria
- - Transportation, Investment and Economic Growth In Nigeria
- - Akamkpa Women Farmers’ Organization and Employment Creation In Akamkpa Local Government Area, Cross River...
- - Policy Failure In Nigeria: Evidence From Public Private Partnership In The Management of Federal Unity Colleges...
- - Crime Management In Nigeria: A Sociological Analysis
- - Financial and Non-Financcial Determinants of Savings In A Developing Economy: Evidence From Nigeria
- - Spatial Analysis of Tourism Attractions and Institutions For Regional Development In Southern Cross River...
- - Feasibility of Knowledge Sharing For Small Business Start-Ups In A Lowskilled Economy: A Case Study of Cross...
- - Political Leadership and Socio Economic Development Challenges In Nigeria: Rethinking The Need For State...
- - Public Waste Management Systems and Tourism Development In Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria
- - Socio-Cultural Factors As Determinants of Childbirth Intervals In Cross Rivers State, Nigeria
- - Economic Analysis of Limestone Production and Utilization In Portland Cement Manufacturing: A Study of The...
- - Physical Exercise and Diet: A Therapy For Work Stress
- - The Role of Nigeria In The Success of Ezulwini Consensus
- - Malaria, Labour Productivities and Economic Growth In Nigeria, 1981-2014: An Econometric Assessment
- Vol-4 No-1 (2015)
- - Use of Enema Among The Quas In Calabar Municipality of Cross River State, Nigeria
- - Leveraged Buyouts and Private Equity Firms Funding In Nigeria
- - The Socio-Economic Effect of Export Free Zone On Catchment Areas In Nigeria: The Cross River State Experience
- - Assessing Urban Renewal Programme As A Strategy For Sustainable Tourism Development In Calabar, Nigeria
- - Population Control and National Development In Nigeria
- - Assessing The Level of Concentration and Competition In The Nigerian Money and Capital Markets
- - Unemployment and Poverty In Nigeria: The Cross River State Situation
- - Social Media and Political Transformation of Nigeria: Lessons From The Advanced Democracies
- - Effect of Financial Liberalization On Financial Depth In Nigeria
- - Repositioning The Military Establishments of African States: The Need For A Visionary Transformation Strategy
- Vol-3 No-2 (2014)
- - Globalization and Identity Question: Implications For Neo-Panafricanism
- - Globalization and The Erosion of State Sovereignty: An Assessment of Nigeria
- - Public Transportation System and Road Fatalities In Nigeria: The Cross River State Experience
- - The Collapse of Patriotic Citizenship Among Nigerian Youth: issues and Challenges
- - The Politics of Maternal Mortality and Morbidity: Examining Women’S Human Rights and Reproductive Wrongs
- - Measuring Performance Efficiency of Nigerian Publicly Quoted Banks: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach
- - Stock Market Volatility and Economic Growth: An Empirical Comparison Between Nigeria and The United Kingdom
- - The Impact of Stock Return Volatility On Stock Exchange Investment In Nigeria
- - Local Government Autonomy and Democratic Consolidation In Nigeria: An Analysis of The Legislative Arm of...
- - An Empirical Analysis of Public Debt and Inclusive Economic Growth In Nigeria: The Case of Cross River State,...
- - The Role of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) In Nigeria'S Democratic Process
- Vol-3 No-1 (2014)
- - The Impact of Corruption On Nigerian Political Economy In The Fourth Republic
- - The Impact of Concessioning On Performance of Calabar Seaport, Calabar, Nigeria
- - Framework For Effective Land Administration: Integrating Customary and Statutory Land Tenure Systems In Cross...
- - Health Implication of Quarry Hazards On Female Workers In Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State,...
- - The Accidental Publication; A Review Article
- - The Impact of Unemployment and Poverty On Economic Growth of Nigeria (2000/2011)
- - Economic Integration In Ecowas and Prospects For Convergence In Real Per Capita Income
- - Challenges of Rural Development and Food Security In Nigeria: A Study of Ebonyi State Agricultural Development...
- - The Implications of Transnational Organized Crime On Human Rights In Nigeria
- Vol-2 No-1 (2013)
- - Tackling Poverty In Nigeria: An Appraisal of The National Directorate of Employment (NDE) Programme In...
- - The Banking Sector Reforms and Its Implications For National Development: An Analysis of Cashless Lagos
- - Nigerian'S Tottering Democracy: is The Toddler Learning To Crawl?
- - Proliferation of Hotels In Calabar Municipality: Location, Problems and Prospects
- - Capital Flight and Economic Growth: The Nigerian Experience
- - The Marikana Mine Incidence: An Examination of The Imposing issues For Labour Relations In South Africa and...
- - The Role of Adult and Community Education In Fostering Community Policing In Nigeria
- - Tourism Event As Catalyst For Crime Rate Assessment In A Residential Neigbourhoods In Calabar South, Nigeria
- - Budget Dificit and Economic Growth In Nigeria.
- - Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Adoption In Nigerian Tertiary Institutions: The Case of Ebonyi...
- - Religion, Health and Healing In Traditional Igbo Society- A Missing Link In Contemporary Medicare System Rev.Fr...
- - University Part-Time Degree Programme and The Imperative of Quality Assurance: The Ebonyi State University...
- - Praetorian Constructivism and The Politics of Democratic Reversal In Post-Militarism: Reflections On Nigeria
- - Youth Unemployment and Criminal Activities In Nigeria: An Empirical Assessment
- - Gender, Age and Education As Mediating Factors In Stress Coping Mechanisms of Young People
- - Stress and Frustration Tolerance Differential In Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD) and Non-Peptic Ulcer Disease...
- - Teachers' Continuing Professional Development In A Comparative Global Discourse
- - The Effect of Violent Television Content On The Recall Accuracy of Televised Advertisement Viewers In Jos...
- - Child Labour and issues of Vulnerability Among Nigerian Children
- - Preventive Diplomacy, The Democratisation Process and The Crisis In Guinea-Bissau
- - Mother To Child Transmission (MTCT) of HIV/AIDS: A Threat To Nigeria'S Sustainable Development
- Vol-1 No-1 (2012)
- - F.D.I. Remittances and Economic Development In Nigeria: Application of The A.R.D.L. Bounds Testing Approach
- - An Assessment of Poverty Alleviation Administration In Nigeria'S Local Government Areas
- - Switching Regression Analysis of Public Expenditure On Infrastructure and Economic Growth In Nigeria
- - The Dynamics of Nigerian Foreign Policy and President Jonathan'S Transformation Agenda
- - M.D.G. 1 Demand, The Poverty Challenge and The Imposing Question of Social Exclusion In Nigeria: An Analytic
- - Human Security and Monetary Integration of E.C.O.W.A.S.: Negotiating The Ego
- - Causes and Effects of Conflict On Nigeria'S Development
- - Assessment of Community Participation As A Component For Tourism Development In Cross River State
- - Comedy As An Expository and Corrective Tool: A Study of Soyinka'S The Trials of Brother Jero and...
- - The Impact of Human Activities On Lokpoi Stream In Yakurr Local Government Area, Cross River State, Nigeria
- - Agricultural Development and Food Security In Nigeria: The Political Economy Approach
- - Work-Family Balance and National Development In Nigeria: A Demographic Discourse
- - National, Human and Environmental Security Nexus: A Conceptual Analysis
- - No Accounting For Fraud: Governance and Forensic Accounting
- - New Dynamics of Feminization of International Human Trafficking In Endemic Areas of Nigeria
Three (3) hard copies of manuscripts are received from contributors with the understanding that they comprise original unpublished materials and are not being submitted for publication elsewhere.
The manuscripts must be type-written, double-spaced and one one side of A4 paper. The full length of the article must not exceed fifteen pages including notes, references, charts, etc or 3,000 words.
The title, name and affliate on every author should be given separately on the cover page of the article. An abstract of not more than 200 words should precede the main text. Tables and graphs should be indicated in the text showing the name of the author(s), dates of publication and page numbers where necessary. Examples (Edem, 2010:15), (APA Format), full references should be presented at the end of the paper in an alphabetical order, thus, Edem, A. (2010) The Law of Harvest, Calabar: Unical Press.
All manuscripts and correspondences should be sent to the Editor, Nigerian journal of Social and Developmental Issues c/o The Secretary, The Office of the Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Calabar, P.M.B. 1115, Calabar, Nigeria.
All manuscripts submitted are peer reviewed following the procedure as follows:
Firstly, This Journal employs a double blind reviewing strategy, where both the Referee and Author remain annonymous throughout the process, while referees are matched to paper according to expertise. On our part, we constantly review and update our database. Secondly, referees are strictly required to ascertain whether the manuscripts submitted are:
- Original
- Methodologically sound
- meets appropriate publication ethical guidelines
- certain results which are clearly presented and support the conclusions provided
- correctly referenced in relation to previous relevant scholarly works
- make clear synergy with policy and interrogations of international interests
- Referees are NOT expected to correct or copy-edit manuscripts
Language correction is not part of the peer review process. Referees' personal opinions are not required.
Electronic manuscripts are to be submitted through the following e-mail address:
- Prof. Ndem A. Ndiyo
- Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Chris Chukwura
- Editor
- Prof. (mrs) Oluwagbemi Jacob
- Editor
- Prof. J. A. Dada
- Editor
- Prof. B. J. Inyang
- Editor
- Dr.(mrs) R. S. Bassey
- Editor
- Prof. Simon Ering
- Editor