Publisher: Covenant University

Critical Success Factors (CSF) Determining The Implementation of Public-Private Partnership Projects

Ogunsanmi Olabode Emmanuel
KEYWORDS: Critical success factor, public-private partnership, projects, Nigeria.


Infrastructure deficit has prevented Nigerian‟s development and economic growth while PPP procurement is used for closing this infrastructure gap. The aim of study is to investigate CSFs for implementation of PPP projects in Nigeria. Objectives are to identify and appraise CSFs that contribute to implementation of PPP projects. Structured questionnaires were used to collect information from professionals and concessionaires who were involved in PPP projects. Purposive sampling technique was used in selecting fifty (50) respondents and only thirty-six (36) responses were used for data analysis. CSFs for successful PPP implementation are transparent and sound regulatory framework, comprehensive feasibility study and appropriate risk allocation amongst others. Implication for policy is government forming formidable legal and regulatory framework for PPP and for practice concessionaire with good consortium and adequate financial capability should be engaged for future PPP projects. Conclusions are some CSFs such as commitment and responsibility of public and private sectors, strong private consortium and realistic cost/benefit assessment amongst others are critical for PPP implementation. Recommendations are legal and regulatory framework for PPP to be developed and awareness on payment for use of infrastructure project by the public should be undertaken and leverage for fund from capital market should be embarked upon.    

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