- Language: English
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- Established Year: 1983
- Published Articles: 151

Executive Editor | : | Prof. Dr. Johnny O. Ogunji |
Publication Frequency | : | Bi-annually |
Publisher | : | Biotechnology Society of Nigeria |
Paper Submission E-mail | : |
- Vol-29 No-1 (2015)
- - isolation and Characterization of Ralstonia Solanacearum Causing Bacterial Wilt of Tomato In Nigeria
- - In-Vitro Effects of Aqueous and Ethanolic Extracts of Parkia Biglobossa (JACQ.) Benth On Selected...
- - Bioremediation Potential of Lentinus Subnudus In Decontaminating Crude Oil Polluted Soil
- - The Use of Dna Barcoding In Identification of Genetic Diversity of Fish In Ugwu-Omu Nike River In Enugu.
- - Effect of Aqueous Extract of Acacia Nilotica On Microbial and Castor Oil Induced Diarrhoea
- - In Vitro Investigation On Antifungal Activity of Some Plant Extracts Against Pyricularia Oryzae.
- - Potentials of Microalgae Biodiesel Production In Nigeria
- - Short Day Photoperiod Protects Against Acetaminophen-Induced Heptotoxicity In Rats
- - Ameliorative Effect of Different Concentration of Mushroom (PLEUROTUS TUBERREGIUM) On Pathomorphological...
- Vol-28 No-1 (2014)
- - Discriminating Nigerian ‘Egusi’ Melon Accessions Using Agro- Morphological and Molecular Techniques
- - Investigation of In-Vitro Biological Behavior and Pro-Angiogenic Potential of Baicalein As Hypoxia-Mimicking...
- - Comparative Study of Microflora Population On The Phylloplane of Common Okra [ABELMOSCHUS ESCULENTUS L....
- - Comparative Studies On Pectinases Obtained From Aspergillus Fumigatus and Aspergillus Niger In Submerged...
- - Germination and In Vitro Regeneration Response of Local Nigerian Tomato Cultivar Using Different Explant...
- - Caps Markers Tao1 and Tg105 In The Identification of I2 Resistant Gene In Nigerian Accessions of Tomato,...
- - Postprandial Glucose and Insulin Responses To Grain Products In Diabetics and Healthy Subjects
- - Prevalence of Trypanosoma Species Found In Cattle Slaughtered In Tudun Wada Abattoir Kaduna Nigeria
- Vol-27 No-1 (2014)
- - In Vitro Evaluation of Aliphatic Fatty Alcohol Metabolites of Perseaamericana Seed As Potential Antimalarial...
- - Effects On Haematological Parameters and Pathology of Internal Organs of Trypanosoma Brucei Brucei Infected...
- - In Vitro Insulinotropic Actions of Various Extracts of Moringa Oleifera Leaves
- - Pollen Diversity, Viability and Floral Structure of Some Musa Genotypes
- - Molecular Characterization of Autochthonous Hydrocarbon Utilizing Bacteria In Oil-Polluted Sites At Bodo...
- - Preliminary Report On The Production of Transgenic Oreochromis Niloticus Using Tol 2 Kit
- - Review of Anticancer and Antioxidant Activities of Radioresistant Extremophiles At Molecular Level: An...
- - Cellulolytic Activities of Wild Type Fungi isolated From Decayed Wood Cuttings
- - Characterization of Hydrocarbon Utilizing Fungi From Hydrocarbon Polluted Sediments and Water
- Vol-26 No-1 (2013)
- - isozyme-Based Genetic Fingerprinting of Manihot Sp
- - Assessment of Growth Performance of Two Cultivated Okra Species (ABELMOSCHUSESCULENTUS (L.)) Moench and...
- - Evaluation of Antibacterial Properties, Acute Toxicity and Immuno-Stimulatory Potential of Scoparia Dulcis
- - Dry Root of Raphia Hookeri and Its Effect On Proximate Composition of The Fruits
- - Conversion of Forests To Arable Land and Its Effect On Soil Physical Properties In Enugu State South Eastern...
- - Plasmid Conjugation In E. Coli and Drug Resistance
- - Production and Partial Characterization of Cellulases From Apergillus Fumigatus Using Two Distinct Parts of...
- - Determination of Phytochemical and Antioxidant Properties of Some Rice Varieties and Hybrids Grown In Ebonyi...
- - Biodegradation of Polyethylene By Bacillus Sp. Indigenous To The Niger Delta Mangrove Swamp
- - Co-Composting of Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluid Contaminated Cuttings From Ologbo Active Oilfield With Organic...
- Vol-25 No-1 (2013)
- - Evaluation of Changes In The Microbial Profile, Physico-Chemical and Nutritional Attributes During The...
- - Rapid Screening of In-Vitro Regenerated Plantlets of Four Nigerian Cowpea Varieties To Artificially-Inoculated...
- - Incidence of Listeria Monocytogenes and Other Bacteria In Spontaneous Abortion Cases In Jos.
- - Mineral Retention Values For Blends of Cereal Based Complementary Food In Rats
- - Antioxidant Activities of The Leaf Extract and Fractions of Cola Lepidota K. Schum (STERCULIACEAE)
- - Antimicrobial Activity of The Methanol and Aqueous Leaf Extracts of Emilia Coccinea (SIMS)
- - Aerobic Degradation of Drill Muds By Axenic and Mixed Bacterial isolates From Drill Cuttings At Ologbo, Edo...
- - Changes In Rheological Properties and Heavy Metal Content of An Ultisol Amended With Ash and Its Effect On...
- Vol-24 No-1 (2012)
- - Prevalence of Methicillin–Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) From Nasal Swabs of Hospitalized Children In...
- - Immunogenic Properties of Ricinus Communis Var Minor Seed On Female Albino Rabbits
- - Changes In Some Soil Physical Properties and Yield of Maize Grown In An Ultisol As Affected By Three Legumes.
- - Field Investigation of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) Virus Infection In Cattle In The Northern States of ...
- - Evaluation of In Vivo Antimalarial Activity of The Ethanolic Leaf Extracts of Chromolaena Odorata and...
- - Germination and In-Vitro Regeneration In ‘Egusi’ Melon, Citrullus Lanatus (THUNB.) Matsum. and Nakai
- - Determining The Field Capacity, Wilting Point and Available Water Capacity of Some Southeast Nigerian Soils...
- - Quality Assessment of The Efficacies of Some Commercially Used Newcastle Disease Vaccines In Jos, Plateau...
- - Modifications In Sperm Quality of Wister Albino Rats By Ethanol Extract of Phyllanthus Amarus (SCHUM. AND...
- - Effects of Ultraviolet (UV) Radiations At Different Wave Lengths On The Microbial Load and Yeast Viability of...
- Vol-23 No-1 (2011)
- - Potential of Rice Husk and Cassava Peel As Carriers For Bio-Fertilizer Production
- - Determination of Proximate Composition and Amino Acid Profile of Nigerian Sesame ( SESAMUM INDICUM L.)...
- - Effect of Neem Seed Kernel Extracts In The Management of Rice Stem Borers In The Field In Nigeria
- - Studies On Antibacterial Effect of The Leaves of Phyllanthus Niruri On Some Enteric Pathogens
- - Production of Microbial Protease From Selected Soil Fungal isolates
- - Physiochemical Properties and Antinutrient Content of Fermented Popcorn and Groundnut Composite Flours Using...
- - Reduction of Exudates (BROWNING) In Sugarcane Micro Propagation
- - Occurrence of Pathogenic Yersinia Species In Locally Fermented Cow Milk (NONO) In Jos, Nigeria.
- Vol-22 No-1 (2011)
- - Effects of Botanical Extracts On The Mycelial Growth of Seed- Borne Fungi of The African Yam Bean, S...
- - Biotechnology In Aquaculture: Prospects and Challenges
- - Molluscicidal Effects of Talinum Triangulare On Bulinus Truncatus
- - Fermented Corn Waste Liquor As A Potential Source For Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria
- - Comparative Assessment of Pathogenicity of Storage Rot Causing Fungi of Cocoyams (COLACASIA ESCULENTA ) (L.)...
- - Effects of The Consortium of Pseudomonas, Bacillus and Micrococcus Spp On Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons In...
- - The Use of Probiotics In Aquaculture
- - Physical and Chemical Properties of Some Selected Rice Varieties In Ebonyi State.
- - Effects of Cultivar, Botanical and Gibberellic Acid Treatment On Physico-Chemical Changes of Yam ( DIOSCOREA...
- - Effect of Retention Time On Biogas Production From Poultry Droppings and Cassava Peels.
- - Suitability of Nigerian Weather Conditions For Cultivation of Microalgae
- Vol-22 No-1 (2010)
- - Effects of Natural Fermentation On The Nutrient Composition of A Mixed Substrate of Spent Sorghum Grain and...
- Vol-21 No-1 (2010)
- - The Effect of Seasons Temperature and Nitrogen Release On Cow Dung and Pig Dung Treatment In Anaerobic...
- - Insecticidal Activity of Artemisia Annua L. (CBGE/CHNA/09/ LTNGS/G) Ethanolic Leaf and Seed Extracts On...
- - In Vitro Stimulation of The Auxiliary Nodal Complex For Enhanced Propagule Production In Five Edible Dioscorea...
- - Construction of A Simple Multipurpose Airlift Bioreactor and Its Application For Yeast Propagation and Amylase...
- - Indigenous Tea Production From Calyces of Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.
- - Nutrient Analysis of Indigenous Fortified Baby Weaning Foods From Nigerian Cereals
- - The Effect of Allium Sativum and Xylopia Aethiopica Extracts On The Growth of Fungi In Sweet Potato (IPOMOEA...
- - Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Evaluation of The Leaves of Talinum Triangulare (JACQ) Wild.
- - Phytochemical, Anticancer and Antioxidant Evaluation of Potential Chemical Consituents of Calliandria...
- - Inhibition of Growth of Fungi isolated From Deteriorating Melon Seed By Extracts of Punica Granatum and...
- - Growth Performance and Hematological Traits of Weaner Pigs Fed Graded Levels of Raw Bambara Nut (VIGNA...
- Vol-20 No-1 (2009)
- - Bacteriology of Dried Meat (KILISHI) Hawked In Some Northern Nigerian Cities
- - Influence of Manganese On Ochratoxin Detoxification In Rats
- - Studies On The Use of Plant Extracts For The Prevention of Bacterial Biofilms On Urinary Catheters
- - Lead, Zinc and Nitrite Levels of Staple Crop Cultivars In Ameka and Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria
- - Evaluation of Starch Biodegradable Plastics Derived From Cassava and Their Rates of Degradation In Soil
- - Effect of Cadmium On Macrophage Cell Proliferation and Activation
- - Investigating The Use of Crude Atili Oil For Maintenance of Stock Fungal Cultures
- - Effects of The Consortium of Pseudomonas, Bacillus and Micrococcus Spp On Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons In...
- - Changes In The Nutrient Composition of Brewery Spent Grain Subjected To Solid State Natural Fermentation
- - Phytochemical Analysis and Antimicrobial Activity of The Bark Extracts of Voacanga Africana Stapf
- Vol-16 No-1 (2005)
- - Mutation and Its Role In Biotechnology
- - The Effect of Poultry Manure On Oil Contaminated Soil
- - The Effect of Milk Supplementation On The Development and Acidification of Lactic Bacteria
- - A Comparative Study On Preservation of Soy Flour (GLYCINE MAX) Using Sodium Benzoate, A Chemical Preservative...
- - Chemical Evaluation of The Nutritive Value of Solanum Indicum Seeds
- - Chemical Evaluation of The Nutritive Value of The Seed Kernel of Canarium Schweinfurthit
- - A Study On The Prevalence of Salmonella Species In Yola North Local Govt. Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria
- - Studies On Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Extracts of Boswellia Dalzielii Hutch
- - Hypoglycaemic Effects of Boswellia Dalzielii Stem Bark In Normoglycaemic and Alloxan Diabetes Rats
- - Ascorbic Acid and Microbiological Analyses of Extra - Cotyledonous Deposits of Pride of Barbados (CAESALPINA...
- - Bioavailability of The Antisalmonellal Active Ingredients Contained In Allium Sativum Bulbs
- - Serological Studies On Newcastle Disease In Sera of Local Chickens In Plateau State
- Vol-15 No-1 (2004)
- - Comparison of Morphological, Cultural and Physiological Characteristic of An Antibiotic Producing Streptomyces...
- - Protein Enrichment of Spent Sorghum Residue Using Candida Species and Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
- - Malting Characteristics of Acha (DIGITARIA SPP) and Finger Millet (ELEUSINE CORACANA)
- - Effect of Dl-Carnitine On Tissue Content of Adenosine Triphosphate and Creatine Phosphate In Inschaemic...
- - Comparative Chemical Evaluation of Locust Bean (PARKIA BIGLOBOSA) Fruit Pulp Harvested During The Dry and Wet...
- - Termites As Possible Animal Protein Supplement For Japanese Quail (COTURNIX COTURNIX JAPONICA) Chicks Feed
- - Llisteria Monocytogenes and Other Listeria Species In Poultry Faeces Applied As Manure On Farm Lands:...
- - Evaluation of Dtech and Hexagon Tb Kits Used For Diagnosis of Tuberculosis In Nigeria
- - Preliminary Studies Into The Insecticidal Properties of Powdered Leaves of Ocimum Gratis Sim Um (LAMLACEAE) On...
- - Effect of Exogenous Application of Rhizopine On Lucerne Root Nodulation
- - Effect of Date of Planting On The Performance of Groundnut (ARACHIS HYPOGAEA) In Yola Adamawa State
- - Schistosoma Haematobium Infection and Community Diagnosis In Enugu State Southeastern Nigeria
- - Production, Purification and Characterization of Extracell Lar Protease From Streptomyces Thermovulgaris.
- Vol-14 No-1 (2003)
- - The Role of Biotechnology In Crop Improvement
- - Preliminary Studies of Saponins Extracts of Tetracapidium Conophorum Nut (HUTCH AND DALZ)
- - Studies On The Current Status of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) Virus Outbreak In Nigeria
- - Quality Evaluation of Two Fmd Vaccines Prepared From Local isolates of Sero Types Sat1 and Sat2 Antigens and...
- - Presence of Pathogenic Yeasts and Fungi On Schools Playing-Grounds: Danger Posed To Public Health
- - Proximate Chemical Analysis of Zonocerus Variegatus (GIANT GRASS HOPPER)
- - Nutritional Evaluation of Parkia Biglobosa (AFRICAN LOCUST BEAN) Pulp -Supplemented Laboratory Animal Feed
- - A Chemical Study of An Indigenous Knowledge System of Milk Preservation In Adamawa State, Nigeria
- - Prevalence of Ascites In Local and Exotic Breed of Dogs In Jos Metropolis
- - Clinical Evaluation of Dogs With Ascites In Jos - Metropolis, Plateau State
- - Effect of Storage On The Yield and The Elemental Composition of The Volatile Oils of Eucalyptus Citrodora and...
- - Propagation of Tempeh Rhizopus Oligosporus I: Use of Organic Food Wastes
- - Production, Purification and Characterization of Extracellular Protease From Streptomyces Thermovulgaris.
- Vol-9 No-1 (1998)
- - Protein Enrichment of Sweet Potato By Solid State Fermentation Using Four Mono-Culture Fungi
- - Production of Single Cell Protein From Brewery Spent Grains
- - Effect of Supplementation of Soyabean Diet With L-and D,L-Methionine On The Growth of Mudfish Clarias...
- - Soybeans Yoghurt Production Using Starter Culture From 'Nono'
- - Hydrolysis of Certain Nigerian Cereal Starches Using Crude Fundal Amylase
- - Effects of Millet Malt Wort On Brewer'S Yeast
- - Effect of Ethrel On Growth and Development of Tomato (LYCOPERSICON ESCULENTUM MILL)
- - Effects of Dieldrin Toxicity On The Haematology of The African Catfish, Clarias Garipinus (BURCHELL, 1822)
- - Effect of Seed Extracts of Azadirachta Indica A. Juss On The Transmission of Cowpea Aphid-Borne Mosaic Virus By...
- - Single Dose Pharmacokinetics of Mefloquine In Healthy Nigerian Male Subjects
- - Induction of Artificial Meiotic Gynogenesis With Ultraviolet Rays In The African Catfish, Ciarias Anguillaris
- - Serodiagnosis of Dermatophilosis Iv. Antigenic Selection For Optimal Antibody Response Determination In...
- - Development of An Electric Dryer For Biomaterials
- - The Development and Production of Typhoid Fever Vaccines Toxicity and Potency Tests In Mice
- Vol-8 No-1 (1997)
- - The Economic Importance of Microorganism In Food Processing
- - Microbial Deterioration Studies of Military Cotton and Leather Based Uniforms
- - The Antimicrobial Activities of Extracts of Sidium Guajava and Citrus Aurantifolia
- - Antimicrobial Activity of Extracts of Momordica Charantia and Alstonia Boonei On Some Bacteria
- - Production of Ethyl Alcohol From Molasses Using Continuous Process
- - Effect of Sublethal Concentrations of Some Pesticides On The Growth and Survival of The Fingerlings of The...
- - Biodegradation of Maize Straw By Fungi For Use As Ruminant Feed
- - Chemical and Nutrition Evaluation of The Seed Kernel of Balanites Aegyptiaca
- - Critique and Review of Methods of Digestibility Evaluation In Nutrition Studies -Digestibility of Soybean...
Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology will publish original research papers, shot communications (not more than 1500 words), theoretical or review articles (invited) or from authors that worked extensively in their areas of research), reporting advances in our knowledge or understanding of any field of Biotechnology and relates disciplines. Letters to the Editors are also welcome. Negative results will be accepted only when they can be considered to advance our knowledge significantly. Authors wishing to write review articles should send an outline to the editor before preparing their manuscripts. All manuscripts submitted are subject to peer reviews. Contributions are accepted on the understanding that all authors have seen and approved the manuscript, that the work has not previously been published in journal form and that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere.Manuscripts should be neatly typed, double spaced on one side of an A4 size paper with at least 2.5cm on all margins and should not be more than 2500 words or 10 pages including figures, tables and references. The first page should carry the title of the paper, the first name, middle initials) and last name of the authors and address of institution where the work was done. A summary of not more than 200 words should be included at the beginning of the paper. The text of the paper should be divided into Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgment and References. Results and discussion may be combined in one section.
- Prof. Johnny O. Ogunji
- Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Isaac Osakwe
- Deputy Editor