© Covenant Journal Of Language Studies . 2014. Vol. 2 No. 1
Eco-Literacy and The Planetary Crisis: Nigerian Protest Drama and The Niger-Delta Dynamics
Emmanuel Uzoji
Covenant University
KEYWORDS: Ecopedagogy, Ecocriticism, Drama, Conflict and Ecology
This paper investigates the preoccupation of theatre practice in Nigeria and its relevance to the eco-challenges of the sub-Saharan African nations. It further makes a case for the engagement of Nigerian theatre in the global quest for peace in which sustainable development thrives. The study is a textual analysis of selected plays written in the past fifty years that examines their relevance in the eco-discourse that has taken the centre stage in contemporary literary criticism. It establishes areas of critical engagement in the field of eco-drama for Nigeria and also explores opportunities for academic discourse in Nigeria‟s participation in the green revolution using drama as a pedagogic tool. The paper concludes that the planetary crisis calls for not only a concerted effort but also a radical paradigm shift in re-interrogating the sustainability of the global life world. If Nigerian drama must remain relevant in the next decade, the subject of human ecology, climate change and the planetary crisis as it affects the nation must be an immense thematic concern.
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Theatre and Performance Studies
Arts and Humanities
Covenant University
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Emmanuel Uzoji