- Language: English
- Established Year: 2009
- Published Articles: 20

Executive Editor | : | PROF S.B AROKOYU |
Publication Frequency | : | Quarterly |
Publisher | : | University of Port Harcourt |
Paper Submission E-mail | : |
- Vol-7 No-1 (2017)
- - Coping Strategies of Rural Workforce In Communities Affected By Oil Spill and Gas Flaring In Rivers and Bayelsa...
- - Wetland Cover Changes In Yenagoa Metropolis, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
- - Assessment of Heavy Metals Concentration In Soils Under Selected Oil Palm (ELAEIS GUINEENSIS) Plantations In...
- - Characterization and Classification of Coastal Soils of Southern Cross River State, Nigeria
- - Competitveness Analysis of Selected Seaports In West African Coast Region Using Analytical Hierarchical Process
- - Impact of International Migration On Income Generation and Poverty Reduction In Orhionmwon Local Government...
- - Government Expenditure On Human Capital Development and Economic Growth In Nigeria
- - Assessing The Status of Urban Agriculture In Greater Port Harcourt City Towards Evidence Based Policy Support...
- - Effectiveness and Efficiency of Rehabilitation and Parole System In The Reduction of Recidivism In Rivers...
- - Prospects and Challenges of Urban Agriculture In Nigeria: Towards A Policy Framework For Sustainable Food...
- - Recidivism As A Function of Income and Employment Status In Rivers State, Nigeria
- - is There Any Merit In The Traditional Farm Practice of Bush Burning? A Case of Bush Burning From A Tropical Wet...
- - Challenges of Intercity Bus Travel In Nigeria
- - Conflicts Over The Use of Land and Water Resources In Yobe State: Implications For Sustainable Agricultural...
- - Health Implications of Physico-Chemical Parameters In Drinking Water From Parts of Gokana Local Government Area...
- - Households’ Sanitation and Hygiene Practices In Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
- - International Price of Crude Oil and Foreign Reserves: The Nigerian Experience (1980 – 2015)
- - Assessment of Heavy Metals Concentration In Soils Under Selected Oil Palm (ELAEIS GUINEENSIS) Plantations...
- - Spatial Clustering and Diffusion of Occurrence of Violence Against Civilians In Nigeria From 1999 To 2015
- - Analysis of The Impact of Port Operations On Nigerian Economy: A Focus On Apapa Seaport
The Port Harcourt Journal of Social Sciences is published twice a year in January and July by the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Port Harcourt. It publishes well researched papers in the area of social sciences and related areas. The maximum length of paper is 18 double-spaced papers including references, table and figures. Book reviews are encouraged. Advertising in the journal is acceptable subject to editorial approval.
Three copies of each article should be submitted to the Editor. The first page should contain the title page, author’s name, title, institutional affiliation, and address for correspondence including telephone, fax and e-mails. For joint authorship, authors should indicate which of the authors will be in charge of corespondence with the editorial office. The second page should contain the title of the paper (usually NOT MORE THAN 25 WORDS), the full text of the paper and an abstract of NOT MORE THAN 250 words.
A submission to the Journal presumes that the article has not been published elsewhere and that it is not being considered for publication by another journal. Articles must not have been published previously or currently under review elsewhere. Figures and tables that have been published before must be properly acknowledged with the understanding that permissions for such use has been obtained. Papers are accepted on the understanding that authors have done their study following applicable ethical standards and that they have requisite permits to publish such data and that data reported are factual and verifiable.
Plagiarism and infringement of any kind is not acceptable to the editorial board, therefore no effort will be spared in subjecting submitted articles to checks. Authors are advised to carry out plagiarism and infringement tests on their papers before submission.
All copies must be typed one-sided, double spaced (excluding abstract, captions, notes and references) on A4 paper with left and right margins of 1 .5 inches. Spelling should be according to Oxford English Dictionary. Each table should be typed on a separate sheet and identified by a short explanatory title on top of the table. Tables should not contain vertical lines and should be numbered consecutively. Indicate the position of the paper in the right hand margin. All maps, diagrams, drawings, photographs and any illustrative material for that matter should appear as figures and on a separate sheet with a short title. Each figure should be in a form suitable for reduction and publication without redrawing.
The APA referencing style is the standard for referencing.
An author whose paper is accepted for publication shall pay page charges as shall be determined by the Editorial Board. Papers accepted for publication are to be submitted along with CD containing the paper with recommended changes. Original copies of all figures will be required. Authors shall receive our complimentary copy of the issue in which their articles appear together with one off-print.
Manuscripts not accepted for publication will not be returned to the author.
- Prof Iwarimie-jaja
- Member
- Prof. E.n. Ekekwe
- Member
- Prof. A.n. Gbosi
- Member
- Prof. W. J. Okowa
- Member
- Prof. T.j. Agiobenebo
- Member
- Prof. C.u. Oygun
- Member
- Prof. O. Onuchukwu
- Member
- Prof. H.e. Alapiki,
- Member
- Prof. O.o. Oyesiku,
- Member
- Prof. C.o. Iporukpo
- Member
- Prof. Nimi Wariboko
- Member
- Prof. J.b. Ejobowah
- Member
- Prof. S.b. Arokoyu
- Editor-in-Chief
- Dr. Sunday Eludoyin
- Managing Editor
- Dr. Ezekwe I Clinton
- Associate Editor