- Language: English
- Established Year: 2012
- Published Articles: 114

Executive Editor | : | DR. MICHAEL SUNDAY AGBA |
Publication Frequency | : | Quarterly |
Publisher | : | Research Center For Management and Social Sciences |
Paper Submission E-mail | : |
- Vol-2 No-1 (2013)
- - Banking Industry As A Central Nervous System of An Economy, The Role, Challenges and Prospects
- - Developing The Niger Delta Region of Nigeria Through Community Development Committees (CDCS): A Critical...
- - Green Audit and Environmental Sustainability In Nigeria: Unveiling Corporate Perspectives
- - Labour Unions and The Transformation of The Nigerian Civil Service: A Discourse
- - National Identity, Integration and Question: Implications For National Security and Stable Democratic...
- - National Interest and National Development In Nigeria
- - Nigerian Local Government System and Effective Manpower Planning: A Reappraisal
- - Political Groups As Important Element In Political Decision Making In Nigeria
- - Public Service Ethics and The Fight Against Corruption In Nigeria: A Critical Analysis
- - Revenue Allocation Formulae In Nigeria: A Continuous Search
- - Review of Performance Appraisal and Objective Assessment of Subordinate officers In Nigeria
- - The Effect of The Cost of Militancy and Unrest Or Peace Accounting On The Productivity of Private Organisations...
- - The Perception of Nigerians On The Deregulation and Privatization Moves of The Government In The Oil and Gas...
- - Unemployment and Poverty: Implications For National Security and Good Governance In Nigeria
- Vol-2 No-2 (2014)
- - An Assessment of The Privatization of Benue Cement Company Plc, Gboko, Benue State Nigeria: 1986- 2011
- - Bureaucracy: A Tool For Scuttling Application of Innovative Ideas In The Nigerian Public Service
- - Comparative Analysis of Npas of Old Private Sector Banks and New Private Sector Banks In India
- - Decentralization, Local Governance and Public Goods Delivery In Nigeria
- - Developing office Management Techniques In Nigeria: Perspective, Profile and Prospects
- - Effects of Human Resource Training and Development On Productivity In Nigerian Hospitality Industry
- - Effects of Microfinance Banks On The Rural Dwellers In Kogi State, Nigeria
- - Implications of Unemployment On Nigeria’S Sustainable Development
- - Performance Improvement Through Non-Systematic Training Premises
- - Performance of Public Enterprises In Nigeria and The Privatization Option
- - Performance of Public Enterprises In Nigeria and The Privatization Option
- - Performance Improvement Through Non-Systematic Training Premises
- - The Impact of Taxation On Revenue Generation In Nigeria: A Study of Federal Capital Territory and Selected...
- - Poverty Alleviation Strategies and Governance In Nigeria
- - Perspectives On Stress and Its Management For Individual Well-Being and Organisational Productivity
- - Performance of Public Enterprises In Nigeria and The Privatization Option
- - Re-Positioning Commercial Banks To Enhance The Productive Capacities of Small and Medium – Scale Enterprises...
- - The Effects of Corporate Governance On The Performance of Commercial Banks In Nigeria
- - Social Network and Human Capital As Determinants of Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition In Nigeria
- - Towards Sustainable Economic Development and Security In Nigeria: The Public Sector Audit Perspective
- - Structural Adjustment Programme and Its Negative Effect On Education In Nigeria: A Philosophical...
- - The Verity of Urbanization and Public Health System In Nigeria
- Vol-2 No-3 (2014)
- - A Study of The Relationship Between Human Resource Policies and Employee Satisfaction In The Private...
- - Analysis of Public Administration System Reform Process In Uganda: To What Extent Did It Attain Its Objectives
- - Assessing The Niche Tourism Products of Lokoja Township
- - The Role of Information In Marketing Decision
- - Capacity Building Boost Employee Performance In Banking Sector of Pakistan
- - Challenges and Opportunities of Entrepreneurs In Emerging Economies
- - The Challenge of Entropic Society and Sustainable Development Governance In Africa
- - Disaster and Its Management Machinery In India
- - Empirical Study of Financial Sector Development On Economic Growth In Nigeria (1990-2010)
- - Human Asset Accounting: A Reconsideration of Some Contending issues
- - Independence of The Judiciary In Nigeria: A Myth Or Reality?
- - Leadership Crisis and Corruption In Nigerian Public Sector: Implications For Socio-Economic Development of...
- - Market Mechanisms For Democratic Control?
- - Provision of Health Assistance To Internally Displaced Persons of South Waziristan Agency In Camps
- - The African Charter On Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration Contributions In Mauritius
- - The Imperative of Local Government Autonomy and Intergovernmental Relations In Nigeria
- Vol-2 No-4 (2014)
- - Design For Performance Measurement System Using Entreprise Engineering Approach of The Local Government In...
- - Governance Reform and The Challenge of Implementing Public Procurement Law Regime Across Nigerian State and...
- - Leadership Style, Motivation and Delegation In One Selected Tertiary Institution In Kogi State, Nigeria
- - Leadership Styles and Organizational Productivity: An Assessment of Confluence Fertilizer Company Limited,...
- - Weaving Through Paradoxes of Green Transformation and Sustainability of Natural Capital In Biomass Economy: The...
- - The Mediating Role of Citizen Satisfaction In The Relationship Between Service Quality and Relationship...
- - Rural Development Programmes and Rural Underdevelopment In Nigeria: A Rethink
- - Pre-Retirement Entrepreneurship Skills Development and Its Relevance To Serving Directors In The Nigerian...
- - The Role of Labour Administration System Services In The National Development Process: The Case of Malawi
- Vol-2 No-5 (2014)
- - A Critical Evaluation of Electoral Management Bodies In Nigeria and The Perennial Problem of Electoral...
- - Enhancing The Operational Effectiveness of Cooperative Organizations For Sustainable Job Creation In Nigeria
- - Integrated Personnel Payroll and Information System (IPPIS) Panacea For Ghost Workers Syndrome In Nigerian...
- - The Colossus of Rewards and Motivation On Employees Performance In Kogi State University, Anyigba
- - Money Politics and Vote Buying In Nigeria: A Threat To Democratic Governance In Makurdi Local Government Area...
- - Fraud Prevention In Outsource Tasks of Federal Polytechnics In Nigeria
- - Challenges Confronting Local Government Administration In Efficient and Effective Social Service Delivery: The...
- - Effects of Debt Usage On The Performance of Small Scale Manufacturing Firms In Kogi State of Nigeria
- - Fiscal Decentralization As A Must Fiscal Policy To Congolese Economy
- - A Study of The Impact of Expatriate Managers On Local Managerial Capacity Development In Emerging Markets: The...
- Vol-3 No-1 (2015)
- - Effects of Pension Reform On Household Savings In Nigeria
- - Assessment of Compliance To Ethical Standards In Bottled Water Producing Firms In Nigeria: A Study of Selected...
- - The Effect of Globalization On Banking Operations In Nigeria
- - Global Trends of Wage and Income Inequality: Lessons For Nigerian Employers’ and Economy Planners
- - Nigerian Tourism: A Catalyst For Sustainable National Development
- - Nigerian Public Sector Communication: A Discourse
- - The Impact of Training and Development On Workers’ Productivity In Some Selected Nigerian Universities
- Vol-3 No-2 (2015)
- - The Role of Strategic Planning In Small Business Enterprises In Benue State
- - Amnesty Programme In Nigeria: Understanding Justice and Equity In The Niger Delta Region
- - Impact of Self Organisation and Time Management On Staff Performance and Service Delivery
- - National Interest and Selected Military Administrations In Nigeria: A Case of Inconsistency
- - Impact of Operational issues and Financial Performance On The Growth of Small Medium Enterprises In Kwara...
- - Challenges Faced By Small and Medium Enterprises In Raising Finance In Uganda
- Vol-3 No-3 (2016)
- - Assessment of The Impact of Development Strategies Adopted By The Babangida’S Military Regime (1985-1993) and...
- - Effects of Women Education (LITERACY AND VOCATIONAL) On Their Participation In Community Development In...
- - Policy For Improving Competitiveness of The Government Workers: It’S Performance
- - Test of Multicollinearity Among Some Selected Diseases: Case Study of Zonal Hospital Idah , Kogi State (1994 -...
- - Tabular Method of Integration By Parts and Some of Its Striking Applications
- - Effects of Selected Colours In A Built Environment: A Study of Federal Polytechnic Idah Premises
- - Trade Unionism and Wage Agitations In Nigeria: The Nigerian Labour Congresstrade Unionism and Wage Agitations...
- - Democracy, Party Politics and Good Governance: The Role of Electoral Management Bodies In Nigeria
- - Corruption and Accountability In The Nigerian Public Sector: An Empirical Discourse
- - Money Politics and Analysis of Voting Behaviour In Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects For Free and Fair...
- - An Overview and Analysis of Reported Cases of Some Selected Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIS): A Case...
- - Bureaucracy On Trail: Ethical Standards For Public officials and Employees
- Vol-3 No-4 (2016)
- - Anatomy of Unethical Practices In Employee Selection: The Case of Uganda
- - Academic Staff Development In Nigerian Polytechnics: issues and Challenges
- - Mediating Effect of Work-Life Balance In The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and...
- - The Impact of Capital Structure On Financial Performance of Listed Firms In The Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry
- - Assessment of The Effects of Performance Appraisal On Job Performance of office Employees (NON ACADEMIC STAFF)...
- - Mitigating Organisational Conflict Through Effective Communication Management
- - An Assessment of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) On The Productivity of Selected Banks In Ilorin
- Vol-4 No-1 (2017)
- - Drivers and Inhibitors of Online Shopping In Kogi State, Nigeria
- - Risk and Benefits of Information Technology (IT) Outsourcing In Nigerian Polytechnic Libraries
- - Ethics, Rules of Professional Conduct and Discipline of Lawyers In Nigeria: An Overview
- - Political Parties and The Quest For Democratic Sustenance In Nigeria'S Fourth Republic
- - The Relationship Between Oil Industries and Their Host Communities In Nigeria'S Niger Delta Region
- - Effectiveness of Service Delivery In Panchayat: Experience From Tamil Nadu
- - Library Utilization In Nigerian Polytechnics: A Survey of Students’ Use of Library Catalogue In Federal...
- Vol-4 No-2 (2017)
- - Effective Leadership and Change Management For Sustainable Development In Nigeria
- - Imperative of Tribal Movements, Development Induced Displacement and Rehabilitation For Decentralisation In...
- - Proposal For A Review of Curricula For Training of Librarians In Nigerian Polytechnics
- - Rape and Sexual Violence Against The Girl- Child: Securing The Future Through Good Governance In Nigeria
Submission of Manuscripts: Submission of manuscript(s) is electronically by attachment via the email: or . Manuscript should not be published elsewhere or under consideration for publication.
Preparation of Manuscript: The maximum length of intended articles for publication in the journal is 8000 words. A short abstract of 150-250 words with 4-5 keywords should precede the introduction. Contributors are to submit a separate cover page containing their contact details. Corresponding author of papers submitted should be indicated. Authors will receive a copy of the volume containing their articles where applicable. All diagrams, tables, and figures should appear as an appendix at the end of the paper.
Reference: We accept American Psychological Association (APA) and a double or triple in text citation (Johnson, 2010 or Johnson, 2010:10).Other reference style(s) as it applies author’s field of discipline may be accepted.
- Professor Basil C. Nwankwo
- Editor-in-Chief
- Dr. Arif Anjum
- Associate Editor
- Dr. Charles Adora
- Associate Editor
- Dr. Mohammad A. Bhatti
- Associate Editor
- Dr. Theophilus Tshukudu
- Associate Editor
- Dr. Itai Beeri
- Associate Editor
- Dr. Cristina-georgiana Voicu
- Associate Editor
- Grace E. Michael Agba
- Associate Editor
- Dr. Josephine, Eluan Lloyd
- Associate Editor
- Dr. Rajesh Timane
- Associate Editor
- Associate Professor Naglaa, Fathy El Dessouky
- Associate Editor
- Ms. Indrani Sengupta
- Associate Editor
- Professor (dr.) Mosam Sinha
- Associate Editor
- Dr. Lukpata, Victor Ikong
- Associate Editor
- Dr. V. S. More
- Advisory
- Dr. A. M. Ogaboh Agba
- Advisory
- Engineer A. Yusufu
- Advisory
- Dr. Fen-ling Chen
- Advisory
- Dr. Pacha Malyadri
- Advisory
- Dr. Stan C. Weeber
- Advisory
- Dr. Lee Pugalis
- Advisory
- Kittisak Jermsittiparsert (phd Candidate)
- Advisory
- Moses, Kibe Kihibo (phd Student
- Advisory
- Dr. B. Neeraja
- Advisory
- Dr. Amelia Girly U. Lagbas
- Reviewer
- Saad, Ahmed Javed
- Reviewer
- Saif Ul Amin
- Reviewer