- Language: English
- Established Year: 2002
- Published Articles: 73

Executive Editor | : | Professsor Kenneth Halim |
Publication Frequency | : | Bi-annually |
Publisher | : | University of Benin Teaching Hospital |
Paper Submission E-mail | : |
- Vol-15 No-2 (2016)
- - Menstrual Hygiene Among Students of A Tertiary Institution In Benin City, Nigeria
- - Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness: Knowledge and Practices Among Pregnant Women In Benin City, Edo...
- - Experience and Use of Ultrasound Scan For Fetal Evaluation Among Obstetricians In An African Population
- - Effect of High Plant Protein Cowpeas (VIGNA UNGUCULATA) and Animal Protein (CASEIN) On Renal Function In Rats
- - Effects of High Plant Cowpeas (VIGNA UNGUCULATA) and Animal (CASEIN) Protein Intake On Some Serum and Urinary...
- - Atherogenic Index of Plasma is Higher In Rubella Positive Than Rubella Negative Pregnant Women In Benin City.
- - The Effect of Ethanolic Seed Extract of Cucurbita Maxima On Lipid Profile In Wistar Rats Fed On Normal and High...
- - Reasons For Failure and Replacement of Class I and Class Ii Amalgam Restorations In Permanent Teeth
- - Anti-Ulcer Activity of Brassica Oleracea On Induced Gastrointestinaltract Injury In Albino Wistar Rats
- - Association of Foetal Haemoglobin With Pancreatic Enzymes In Sickle Cell Disease Patients In Benin City,...
- - Oral Care of Critically Ill Patients: Practice of Attending Nurses At The University of Benin Teaching...
- - Nephrotic Syndrome In Pregnancy Wrongly Diagnosed and Managed As A Case of Preeclampsia
- - Morphology of The Human Pinna In Anioma, Urhobo and isoko Populations of Delta State
- - Pattern of Ascitic Fluid Cytology In A Tertiary Centre: A 5 Year Review
- - Very Large Polycystic Kidneys Presenting With End Stage Renal Failure and Massive Inguinoscrotal Hernia
- - Serum Lipid Profile of Anti-Retroviral (ARV) NaïVe Human Immunodeficiency (HIV) Patients
- - A Study of The Frequency and Pattern of Non-Drug Therapies Among Patients With Some Cardiovascular Diseases At...
- - Biochemical Assessement of Liver Enzymes In Immunocompromised Subjects – HIV/AIDS
- - Dental Autotransplantation: Case Report of Two Variants
- - Evaluation of The Antimicrobial Activity of Some Commonly Used Toothpastes Against Selected Microorganisms.
- - Status of Disease Screening Among Adults In Egor Local Government Area, Edo State.
- - Childhood Sexual Assaults Presenting At The Central Hospital, Benin City, Edo State.
- - Pattern of Brain Computed Tomography Findings of Adult Patients With Head Injury At Oghara, Nigeria
- - Use of Mousseaubarbin Tube In The Palliative Management of Advanced Oesophageal Carcinoma
- - Extremity Trauma In Midwestern Nigeria: An Epidemiological Study
- - Prevalence of Onchocerciasis In Edo State, Nigeria
- Vol-16 No-1 (2017)
- - One Stage Treatment of Chronic Osteomyelitis Using Antibiotic Impregnated Bone Graft Substitute: A Preliminary...
- - Current Concepts In The Management of Resistant Hypertension: A Review Article
- - Prevalence and Risk Factors of Diabetes Mellitus Foot Syndrome Amongst Persons With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus In...
- - Antibacterial Activity of The Ethanoic Leaf Extract of Bryophyullum Pinnatum (CRASSULACEAE) On Selected Gram...
- - Screening For Risk Factors of Kidney Disease In A Rural Population In Delta State, Nigeria: A World Kidney Day...
- - The Barthel Index As Predictor of Handicap In Stroke Survivors: A Prospective Study In Benin City.
- - Pattern of Adult Psychiatric Emergency Cases Presenting At A University Teaching Hospital In Nigeria
- - Sexual Practices and Self-Perception of HIV Risk Among Undergraduates In A Southern Nigeria University
- - Effect of Aqueous Extract of Allium Sativum On Liver Function Profile In Wistar Rat
- - Sexual Practices and Self-Perception of HIV Risk Among Undergraduates In A Southern Nigeria University
- - Timing of Hospital Arrival In Stroke Patients In Benin City Nigeria
- - Effect of Aqueous Extract of Azadiracta Indica On Organs of Tissue Macrophages In Swiss Albino Rats.
- - The Challenge of Managing Haemophilic Pseudotumour In A Resource Poor Setting: Case Report
- - Chronic Ethanol Consumption is Associated With Hypomagnesaemia and Increased Calcium-To-Magnesium Ratio In...
- - A Case Report of Emphysematous Cholecystitis Associated With Pneumobilia In A Diabetic Patient
- - Antiglycemic Effect of Hunteria Umbellata Aqueous Extract On Alloxan Induced Hyperglycemic Albino Rats
- - Prevalence of Malaria Parasitaemia and Its Effects On Some Haematological Parameters In Pregnant Women (AT...
- - Evaluation of Some Haematological Indices of Implanon (ETONOGESTREL) Acceptors After 36Months of Use In A...
- - Attitude of Final Year Medical Students of A Nigerian University Towards Homosexuality
- - Investigating The Effect of Lidocaine On Tropicamide-Induced Mydriasis
- - The Attitude of Final Year Medical Students To Orthopaedics In A Nigerian Medical School
- - Bilateral Sciatic Nerve Injury is A Possible Iatrogenic Complication of Unsafe Injections In Children A...
- - Female Injuries of Medico-Legal Significance Examined At The Accidents and Emergency Department of Central...
- - Variation In Some Haematological Parameters and Levels of Selected Toxic Metals In Cosmetologists and Heavy...
- - Epidemiology of Gastrointestinal Parasites Among School Children In Minna, Niger State, Nigeria
- - Gastrointestinal Parasites of Fish As Bio-Indicators of The Ecology of Chanchaga River, Minna, Niger State
- Vol-16 No-2 (0000)
- - Spectrum of Eyelid Disorders At A Nigerian Tertiary Eye Care Center.
- Vol-16 No-2 (2017)
- - Spectrum of Eyelid Disorders At A Nigerian Tertiary Eye Care Center.
- - Evaluation of Some Haematological Indices of Implanon (ETONOGESTREL) Acceptors After 36 Months of Use In A...
- - Acute Kidney Injury From Paraquat Poisoning: A Case Report.
- - Confrontation Visual Field Testing In Routine Ophthalmic Practice – What is The Relevance?
- - Levels of Some Selected (ESSENTIAL-MN, ZN AND TOXIC-AL, SB) Metals In Clariasgariepinus(CAT FISH) Reared In...
- - Penetrating Eye Trauma:A Case Report and The Role of Imaging In Prompt Diagnosis.
- - An Assessment of Radiation Protection Practices In Radiological Facilities In Benin City, Nigeria.
- - Assessment of Dyslipidemia In Renal Disease Patients
- - An Assessment of The Willingness of Patients In Hospitals In Benin City To Give Consent To Clinical Research
- - Perceptions About Tissue Donation For Medical Research Among Patients In A Tertiary Hospital In South...
- - Long Term Hypolipidaemic and Anti-Atherogenic Effects ofcarica Papaya Linn. Administration On Normal Rabbits
- - Prevalence of Elevated Serum Creatinine Among Treated Hypertensives In South-South Nigeria.
- - Financial Implications of Anemia Management In Anaemic Chronic Kidney Disease Patients In South-South Nigeria.
- - isolation and Characterization of Bacteria Flora From Dumpsites In Benin City Metropolis, Southern Nigeria.
- - Abrogation By Human Menopausal Gonadotropin On Testicular Disorders Induced By Cisplatin In Adult Male Rats
- - Ruptured Appendix In Pregnancy: A Case Report
- - Blood Chemistry of Implanon(ETONOGESTREL) Users In Anigerian Tertiary Institution
- - Ocular Morbidity Pattern In Abonnema, Akuku –Toru Local Government Area of Rivers State.
- - Platelet Aggregates and Adp-Induced Platelet Aggregation In Essential Hypertensive Nigerian With Sickle-Gene...
- - Nigeria’S National Health Act 2014: A Review of Some of Its Implications and Challenges
- - Histological Effects of Aqueous Extract of Allium Sativum (ALLIACEAE) Bulb On The Lungs of Adult Wistar Rats
Manuscripts should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief
Prof. N.K.D Halim
Annals of Biomedical Sciences
Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion
University of Benin Teaching Hospital
P. M. B. 1111
Benin City, NIGERIA.
Authors should follow accepted English usage and be consistent in the use of either first or third person. The past tense of verbs should be used when narrating the procedures, observations etc of the work being reported and the present tense for statement of conclusions, generally accepted facts and for discussion of results
Scientific names of micro organism must be printed in italic script.
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References should be in the order made in the text and numbered accordingly. These numbers should be inserted as superscript on each occasion a reference is cited (… documented by others.8) Numbered references should appear at the end of the article and should consist of the surnames and initials of all authors when six or less, when seven or more, list first three and add et al, title of article, name of journal abbreviated according to index medicus style, year, volume, first and last page numbers.
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All authors of a manuscript are responsible for the entire contents of their manuscript and all named authors of a multi-author paper must have participated directly in the planning, execution or analysis of the work report or in writing the paper.
Reference citation numbers must not be enclosed in brackets. Literature references (which should be restricted to those strictly necessary to the point being made) should follow the style adopted in use in Index medicus. Authors’ names should not be typed in capital letters. Examples of the style to be used are shown below.
In text It has been demonstrated1 that the work of Philip2 and Michael was based upon accurate sample preparation
In references:
1. Gabriel E. Measurement of blood glucose. J. Clin Chem 1986; 5: 26 - 9
2. Phillip F M, Michael NE. In: Enzyme Assay (3rd Edn). Vol. 2 London: Interprint, 1980; 232 – 5.
Authors are responsible for checking the accuracy of all references, and that all references in the text agree with those in the list of references.
Authors must comply with “Instructions to authors” which is published in each issue of the journal.
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Original articles
These are reports of original research of major developments in the Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences.
The paper should contain the following:
Abstract – Not more than 250 words single paragraph briefly (objective & methodology) as well as outlining the purpose of the study and the conclusions. It must be complete and understandable without references to the text.
Keywords – about 6 words
Introduction – stating the reason(s) for the investigation and giving any (brief) historical background.
Materials and Methods – giving sufficient details to enable others repeat the work, if desired.
Results - presented in form of text, or tables or graphs etc. Result should be selective not comprehensive
Discussion – a critical review of the results, highlighting any discrepancies and assessing the value of the investigation.
References – sufficient to substantiate any claims or statements made in the text and including full names and addresses of (i) any manufacturers or suppliers referred to and (ii) the source of any “personal communication”
Table/Figure – Table should be in Roman, while figure in Arabic and be on a separate page of its own
Review articles
A review article is an up – to – date, comprehensive and essentially critical – exposition of existing knowledge in a defined subject area. It is preceeded by an “Abstract” of not more than 150 words, and is made up of sections with sub-headings appropriate to the subject matter, supported by extensive references.
Authors contemplating a paper of more than 5000 words (excluding references) should consult the editor.
Short Communications
These are generally reports of unique clinical experiences, new or modified techniques, procedures, reagents or apparatus of investigations or observations which would not be appropriate for a full length paper. A short communication should not exceed 3, 000 words and may include necessary references and a few tables and /or illustrations. The article should be preceded by an ‘Abstract’ of not more than 150 words and should not be divided into sections with sub-headings but should consist of continuous prose in paragraphs.
Letters to the Editor –in-Chief
Letters for publication may be
1) brief reports of new or important observations that do not merit a fuller report or which will be followed by one later.
2) Comment, criticism or supplementary information relating to any item already published in the Annals of Biomedical Sciences. Criticism must always be objective and supported by experimental or other evidence. Personal criticism of an author or of his work is not allowed.
Letters intended for publication are subject to the usual process of peer review. Any letter accepted for publication and which offers comments upon any item which has been published in the journal will be shown to the author of the original item, who will be invited to offer a reply for Publication in the same issue. Letters should not exceed 400 words.
Ethical Approval
Authors should provide a statement in the manuscript that ethical approval was obtained from the appropriate bodies in the country where the research was conducted. The journal will reject illustrations or photographs which allow the recognition or identification of a patient or subject unless a written permission for the publication given by the patient or subject is submitted with manuscript.
- Professor N. K. D. Halim
- Editor-in-Chief
- Professor M. O. Ibadin
- Member
- Professor O. Akinkugbe
- Member
- Professor G. I. Akenzua
- Member
- Professor R. O. Ofoegbu
- Member
- Professor G. E. Ofovwe
- Member
- Professor L. I. Ojogwu
- Member
- Professor D. Ufomata
- Member
- Professor A. A. Okolo
- Member
- Professor E. E. Okpere
- Member
- Professor F. E. Okonofua
- Member
- Professor A. A. Orhue
- Member
- Professor J. Ayanru
- Member
- Professor B. D. O. Saheeb
- Member
- Professor O. Oviawe
- Member
- Professor W. E. Sadoh
- Member
- Professor T. T. Marchie
- Member
- Professor M. E. Aziken
- Member
- Professor M. A. Sede
- Member