- Language: English
- Established Year: 2005
- Published Articles: 93

Executive Editor | : | Professor Emma E. O. Chukwuemeka |
Publication Frequency | : | Quarterly |
Publisher | : | Centre For Social Science Research, Enugu |
Paper Submission E-mail | : |
- Vol-5 No-1 (2015)
- - Online Shopping Trends and Its Effects On Consumer Buying Behavior: A Case Study of Young Generation of...
- - Talent Management and Employees Retention In Nigerian Universities
- - Remuneration Challenges and Industrial Conflicts In The Anambra State Civil Service System: A Mitigation...
- - He Dwindling Performance of Public Organisations In Nigeria: The Role of Corporate Governance
- - Staff Training and Development As An Effective Tool For Organisational Efficiency A Study of Water Corporation...
- - Impact of Nigerian Housing Policy On University Staff Service Delivery In Ebonyi State: A Study of Ebonyi State...
- - Effects of Organizational Structure On Job Satisfaction In The Nigerian Financial Sector: Empirical Insight...
- - Imperatives of Variance Analysis For Cost Control In Business Organizations – An Empirical Study of Delta...
- - Fiscal Federalism In Nigeria: The Confusion and Realities
- - Project Financing, Fund Sourcing, Management and Accountability
- - The Challenges of Attitudinal Change To Corporate Governance In Nigeria
- Vol-5 No-2 (2016)
- - Entrepreneurship Education: A Panacea For Unemployment In Nigeria
- - Instructors’ Perception of Corruption In Higher Education: - Evidence From Business and Economics College,...
- - Determinants of Trade Balance In Jordan
- - Digital Perseverations of Library Resources In Nigeria
- - Effect of Corporate Governance Mechanism On The Financial Performance of Banks In Nigeria
- - Intergenerational Effect of External Debt On Performance of The Nigeria Economy
- - Alleviating Poverty Among Nigeria Youth Through ICT A Case Study of Akure Ondo State, Nigeria
- - The Manipulation of Macroeconomic issues On Foreign Direct Investment Inflow In Nigeria: A Cointegration...
- - Monetization Policy and Productivity of Civil Servants In Nigeria Federal Ministries Abuja
- - Imperatives For Genuine Democratic Process In Nigeria: Matters For Urgent Consideration
- - Effect of Human Resource Planning On Reduction of Childhood Mortality In Selected Primary Health Centres In...
- - Effect of Total Quality Management On The Performance of Brewery Industry In Nigeria: An Empirical Study of...
- - Exchange Rate Depreciation and Nigeria Economic Performance After Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPS)
- - National Accountability To Gender Equality and Equity: Challenges For Public Administration
- - Political Parties and Ethnic Politics In Nigeria
- - Local Government Autonomy In Nigerian Federal System: State Intervention and The Implications For National...
- Vol-5 No-3 (2016)
- - Assessment of Delinquent Behaviours of Library Users In Tertiary Institutions In Imo and Anambra States
- - Application of Strategic Human Resource Management In Manufacturing Organizations In Enugu State
- - Impediments To The Application of Research Findings Towards Rural Development
- - International Financial Reporting Standards and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
- - World Trade Organization and The Dynamics of Trade Between Nigeria and The Euro Area
- - Empirical Analysis of The Nigerian Stock Market and The Global Financial Crisis
- - Globalisation and Domestic Savings Growth In Nigeria
- - Venture Capital As A Source of Fund For Entrepreneurs
- - Cost Accounting As A Vehicle For Entrepreneurship Development In Nigeria: An Empirical Study of Selected...
- - Promoting Good Governance In Nigeria: The Imperative of Strengthening The Functionality of The Civil Society
- - Challenges of Sustainability of Agency Banking In Nigeria: A Study of Selected Commercial Banks
- - Effective Strategic Financial Management As A Veritable Tool In Enhancing Business Growth: A Survey of Selected...
- - An Empirical Study of The Relationship Between Interest Rate and Investment In Nigeria (1980-2013)
- - The Role of Police In Preventing Juvenile Delinquency and Victimization: A Case Study of The islamic Republic...
- - The Role of Intellectual Capital Value In The Organization
- - Establishment and Development of A Metropolitan Municipality In Durban, South Africa: An Historical Evaluation...
- Vol-5 No-4 (2016)
- - issues of Poverty To Women In The Third World Compared To Women In The Developed West
- - Preliminary Notes On Noise, A Negative Externality In The Nigerian Economy
- - Effect of Tax Evasion and Avoidance On Nigeria'S Economic Growth
- - The Attitude of Nigerians Toward Made In Nigeria Goods
- - Analysis of The Relationship Between Debt Financing and Firm Profitability of Some Selected Quoted Firms In...
- - The Police Force: Crime Management and Prevention In Nigeria: A Study of Edo State
- - Audit Firm Characteristics and Litigation Risk In Nigeria
- - Strategic Planning and Organisational Performance: The Nigerian Experience
- - Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Financial Performance In Developing Economies: The Nigerian...
- - An Appraisal of The Effect of Population Explosion On The Development of An Economy: A Comparative Study of...
- - Entreprenuership Education In Tertiary Institutions of Nigeria: Functional Or Chimerical
- - Leadership Struggle In Nigeria: The Interplay of Ethnicity and Religion
- - Effect of Private Sector Investment On Economic Growth In Nigeria
- - Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance of Selected Quoted Companies In Nigeria
- - Role of Commercial Banks In Sustainable Economic Development In Nigeria
- - Corporate Fraud and Performance of Micro Finance Banks In Nigeria
- Vol-5 No-5 (2016)
- - Women Employment and Family Stability In Nigeria
- - Appraisal of Environmental Accounting Information In The Financial Statements of Consumer Goods Manufacturing...
- - Mobile Phones Using Cloud Computing Infrastructures For Efficient Performance
- - Political Parties and Chief Executives As Threats To Democracy In Nigeria: A Study of Peoples Democratic Party...
- - Monetary Policy, The Control of Money Supply and Its Effects On The Profitability of Deposit Money Banks In...
- - The Media and The Change Agenda: Towards Sustenance of Democracy In Nigeria
- - Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions On Banking Sector Performance In Nigeria
- - Post Independence Conflicts In The Horn of Africa: Analysis of The Geo-Strategic Interests of Eritrea, Ethiopia...
- - Government and Poverty Reduction In Nigeria: A Review of The Agricultural Development Programmes In Rivers...
- - Deposit Money Banks’ Credit and Nigerian Economic Growth and Development (1981-2015)
- - Designing Key Performance Indicators For Public Private Partnership Companies In Nigeria: A Case of Polo Park,...
- - Electoral Violence and Democratization Process In Nigeria: A Review of 2011 Post Presidential Election Violence...
- - Dialectics of Treasury Single Account and Public Financial Management In Tertiary Institutions In Nigeria
- - Prolegomena To Leadership In Nigeria: Diagnosing The Elephantine Problems
- - The Effect of Financial and Non-Financial Rewards On Performance of Librarians In Academic Libraries In Imo...
- - Review of Social Capital Models
- - Factors Associated With Adherence To Antiretroviral Therapy of HIV/AIDS Patients, In North Shoa Zone Hospitals...
- - Advertising and Sales Promotion Effects On Brand Equity: A Case Study of Iran Insurance Company
- - Measuring and Predicting The Performance of Agriculture Bank Using Dea Technique In Guilan-Iran
- Vol-6 No-1 (2017)
- - Effect of Management Information System On Organizational Performance: A Study of 7Up Bottling Company Enugu
- - Impact of Biometric Technology On Deposit Money Banks Performance In Nigeria
- - Managerial Supervision and Productivity In The Edo State Board of Internal Revenue
- - Currency Devaluation and Nigerian Economic Growth
- - Assessment of Food Cost Control In The Hospitality Industry - Emphasis On Catering Organizations
- - Agricultural Value Chain Financing and Small Scale Farmers In Nigeria: The Pre-Requisites
- - Corporate Governance Practices In Holding and Non-Holding Operating Structured Banks In Nigeria
- - An Investigation Into The Processing and Utilization of Cassava Flour In The Production of Snacks In The...
- - Private Waste Contractors and Solid Waste Management In Anambra State
- - Repositioning The Nigerian Youths For Self Employment: A Prognosis
- - Youths As Agents of National Development In The South-East Nigeria
- - Impact of Organizational Culture On Performance Management Practices In Enugu: A Study of Nigeria Bottling...
- - The Place of Gender In Pre-Industrial Through The Industrial Societies
- Vol-9 No-1 (2014)
- - Exploring Public Participation issues In South Africa
- - Nigerian Prison Service (NPS) and The Challenges of Social Welfare Administration: A Study of Abakaliki Prison
Interested contributors should type their scientific papers on A4 size with wide margins and single line spacing in 12 fonts Times New Roman. It should not exceed 15 pages including the abstract of not more than 200 words. Not more than five keywords should be provided immediately after abstract. The paper should be empirical or theoretical, well researched, and persuasive. It should also include: brief profile of the author including institutional affiliation and status, title of paper, abstract, introduction, statement of problem, review of related literature, method of investigation, discussion of findings and recommendations. Authors should include their phone numbers including addresses and e-mail.
Articles must be in conformity with the American Psychological Association (APA) documentation style 6th edition. Journal titles should be abbreviated for multiple citations in the same year, a,b,c, should be used immediately following the year of publication.
Manuscript submission is online. See the e mail address below.
All correspondence should be addressed to the Executive Managing Editor
Prof. Emma E.O. Chukwuemeka, Ph.D
Professor of Public Administration and Development Studies
Department of Public Administration, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
P.M.B 5025, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria
Tel: ;
Paper sbumission E-mail:
- Dost, M. K, Phd
- Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Emma E.o. Chukwuemeka, Phd
- Editor
- Professor B.c. Nwankwo, Ph.d
- Member
- Prof. Patrick Akpan
- Member
- D. Stamatakis, Phd
- Member
- Muhammad Aamir Hashmi, Phd
- Member
- Santosh Kumar Behera, Phd
- Member
- Saeed Sharifi, Phd
- Member
- Prof. Chika Oguona
- Member
- Chukwuemeka Okafor, D.admin
- Member
- S. Jabulani
- Member
- Ogochukwu G. Okafor, Phd
- Member
- Dr. Mozamel Elnair Somi Kakitla
- Member
- Prof. B.c. Osisioma, Ph.d
- Consultant
- Prof. Anis Mahomed Karodia
- Consultant
- Prof. Emma Okoye, Ph.d
- Consultant
- Prof. Charles Okigbo, Ph.d
- Consultant
- Patrick Ezepue, Ph.d
- Consultant
- Prof. Kunleawotokun, Ph.d
- Consultant
- Dr. Bilal Mohammad Eneizan
- Consultant
- Ali Gholipour Soleymani (phd)
- Consultant