• Language: English
  • Established Year: 2014
  • Published Articles: 8
Journal of Linguistics, Language and Culture

Executive Editor : Linda Chinelo Nkamigbo
Publication Frequency : Bi-annually
Publisher : Nnamdi Azikwe University Awka
Paper Submission E-mail :

Journal of Linguistics, Language and Culture (JoLLC) publishes research papers in linguistics, language and culture. It especially is interested in essays and studies that contribute to a better understanding of linguistics, language and culture in education. The journal also publishes critical reviews of books that contribute to knowledge in the areas of linguistics, language and culture. The number and the professional structure of the consulting editors correspond with the objectives and scope of the journal.
    • Vol-3 No-1 (2016)
    • - A Classificatory Analysis of Students Slang: A Case Study of The University of Maiduguri Students
  • - A Corpus-Based Approach To The Linguistic Features In Nigerian and American Presidential Speeches
  • - Clipping of Igbo Personal Names: An Optimality Theory Approach
  • - English As A Linguicide: Language Endangerment and Conservation In Nigeria
  • - Re-Enacting African Cultural Values Cum Postcolonial Distortions In New Nigerian Novels Ecocritically: The...
  • - The Linguistic Consequences of French Colonial Policy of Assimilation In West Africa: Implications For National...
  • - The MàRgí Traditional Numeral System
  • - The Musical Drama Approach To The Study of Nigerian Languages: Clement Ezegbe’S ‘Nwa Na-Eku Nwa’ As An...

Manuscripts submitted by authors should include a coversheet with the name and contact information of the contributor(s). Well researched articles for publication must be original, neither published nor considered for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts, books for review and all editorial correspondence should be sent to the editor at . Manuscripts should follow this order: Times New Roman, Point 12, double line spacing, not more than 15 pages, Linguistics Society of America (LSA) or current APA or MLA style of documentation. Articles can be written in any languages with English translation of abstract. The articles are subjected to peer reviews and editing before they are finally accepted for publication. 

When authors receive their reviewed papers, they are required to effect the corrections and check off their submission compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to this guideline:

1. The submission file is in Microsoft word format;
2. The text is single spaced; Uses a 12 point font size; employs italics rather than underlining (except with url addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points rather than at the end.
3. The text adheres to the style and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Instruction for Authors.
4. Spelling and grammar checks have been performed;
5. All authors have read the manuscript and agree to publish it.

Prof. Alex C. Asigbo
Linda C. Nkamigbo
Felicia O. Asadu
Associate Editor
Prof. Cecilia Eme
Prof. Josephat Rugemalira
Prof. Abdelrahim Mugaddam
Dr. Eyo Mensah
Dr. Endashaw Woldemichael
Prof. Gideon Omachonu