- Language: English X
- Established Year: 1998
- Published Articles: 91

Executive Editor | : | Prof. Udiugwomen |
ISSN | : | 1119-443X |
Publication Frequency | : | Bi-annually |
Publisher | : | University of Calabar |
Paper Submission E-mail | : |
- Vol-9 No-2 (2007)
- - Architecture Through Philosophical Concepts: Light In The Search For Beauty
- - Gender and Political Participation In Nigeria
- - Making The Most of Life: A Critical Analysis of The Western Metaphysical Conception of The Good Life
- - The Role of Adult Education In African Development and Globalisation
- - The Nembe Coup of The Academics: A Historical Account of The 1995 Chieftaincy Fiesta
- - Achieving The United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Through The Quality of Human Population In...
- - Higher Education Sector In Post-War Sierra Leone: Promise and Challenges
- - The Disablement of Traditional Political Institution In Nigeria
- - Dimensions of Managerial Succession In Nigeria
- - Financial Strategies and Survival of Small Scale Business In Nigeria: An Empirical Survey of Selected Firms In...
- - Multigrade Teaching: Implications For The Universal Basic Education In Nigeria
- - Refocusing Finance & Administration In Nigeria For Public Sector Relaunch
- - Confucius and Africa: Ren and Maaya On The Meaning of Humanism
- - The Role of Fallacyand Dialectic In Plato'S Epistemology
- - Improving Quality Basic Education; An Evaluation of World Bank Support To Education In Sierra Leone
- - Oil and Gas Accounting In The Nigerian Petroleum Industry
- - The Eccentricity of The Nigerian Democratic Practices and Political Violence
- - Political Instability and The Electoral Process In Nigeria
- - The Place of Human Person In Relation To Causality: A Complementary Alternative
- - The Impact of The State and Public Policy On Direct Foreign Investments In Nigeria (1960-2005)
- - Outlines of African Aesthetics
- - Factors Responsible For Change of Attitude From Male To Female Centred Society: Evidence From Nigeria
- - Corruption and National Development In Nigeria: The Way Forward
- - The Need To Apply Geo-Political and Socio-Cultural Stragegies For Stable Democratic Government In Nigeria: The...
- - Electoral Violence and Conflict Resolution: Alternative Approaches
- - The Effect of Liquidation and Distress In The Nigerian Banking Industry-; The Role of Nigeria Deposit Insurance...
- - Trends In Labour - Management Relations In Nigeria'S Higher Educational Institutions
- - Perception of Parental Child Abuse and Cult Membership of Adolescents In Cross River State
- - Teacher Characteristics As Predictors of Effectiveness
- - Characteristics of Human Relation Atmosphere In A University
- Vol-10 No-2 (2008)
- - Plato and The Art of Leadership and Citizenship
- - A Critique of Joseph Fletcher'S Situation Ethics In The Light of Christian Ethical Principle
- - The Inadequacy of Multi-Valued Logic In Overcoming The Problem of Regimentation and Its Implications
- - The Indispensability of Moral Principles In Governance
- - Rural Development Programmes and Not Rural Improvement Programmes As The Best Strategy For Rapid and...
- - Spiritual Intelligence (SQ), Leadership and Good Governance: A Treatise
- - Traditional Religion of Ogbaland: Distinguishing Characteristics
- - Applying Accountability and Transparency In The Management of Tertiary Institutions In Nigeria
- - Domestic Violence Against Women: Causes and Control Measures
- - The Method of Science and Its Canons of Induction and Rationality: An Appraisal
- - Human Resources Management and Millenium Development Goals: The Nexus
- - Collective Bargaining In A Regulated Democracy: A Reflection On The 2000/2001 Cross River State Minimum Wage...
- - Odera Oruka'S Philisophic Sagacity: Probloems and Challenges of Conservation Method In African Philosophy
- - Language and Logic In Decision- Making A Philosophical Scrutiny
- - Building Motivational Leaders: A Psychological Approach and Panacea For Fulfilling The Great Commission In The...
- - Vocational Education Programme and Conflict Management In Ogba Land of Rivers State, Nigeria
- - The Contribution of Religion To National Development: A Case Study of Living Faith Church A.K.A Winners Chapel
- - A Revisitation of The Question of Truth
- - Border Conflict In Africa: Managing Its Causal Dynamics
- - The Nigerian Women, and Widowhood: Challenges and Constraints
- - An Appraisal of The Metaphysical Dimension In The Tradition Nigerian Childrearing System
- - The Socio-Cultural Influence of The Hellenistic World On The Development of Western Civilization
- Vol-14 No-2 (2014)
- - The Significance of Understanding The Features of Moral Judgments
- - The Theory of Freedom In Jean Jacques Rousseau: A Critical Assessment
- - Sartre'S Contingency of Being and Asouzu'S Principle of Causality
- - Postmodern Thinking As An Epistemological Revolution: An Exposition
- - The Concept of God In Christian Philosophy
- - The Present Day Relevance of Paul'S Advice To The Family In The Epistle To Ephesians
- - Democracy, Justice and The Quest For Socio-Political Order In Nigeria
- - The Contribution of Gender To Students' Academic Performances
- - "Man is The Measure of All Things": A Critical Analysis of The Sophist'S Conception of Man
- - Conflict Management: A Panacea To Development
- - Extrinsic Motivation and Job Satisfaction of Teachers' In Public Post Primary Schools In Cross River...
- - Are Philosophical Problems Semantical?
- - The Philosophy and Method of Integrative Humanism and Religious Crises In Nigeria: Picking Only The Essentials
- - A Discourse On Moderation As A Philosophical Concept
- - Doctrinal Controversies and Ecumenical Councils
- - State Absolutism and The Future of Man: A Historico-Existential Appraisal
- - Religion'S Relationship With Social Boundaries Surrounding Gender
- - Being As Substance In Philosophy
- - Ortega Y. Gasset As A Philosopher of Development
- - 'The Nature of Morality' In Gilbert Harman: As Appraisal
- Vol-15 No-1 (2014)
- - Philosophy of Art and Art of Philosophy
- - An Appraisal of The Froebelian 'Children'S Garden': The Living Connection In Nature, Play and...
- - The Significance of History In Philosophy
- - Negritude: Leopold Sedar Senghor'S Search For African Heritage and Identity
- - A Meta-Empirical Discourse On The Concept of Pure and Disembodied Spirits In African Metaphysics
- - Moralism and The Hobbesian Quest For Social Peace: The Role of The Self
- - The Impact of Human Resource Valuation On Corporate Performance
- - The Contemporary Nigerian Summum Bonum and Its Effect On The Economy
- - Ecclesiology In The Context of Liberation Theology
- - The Socratic "Man Know Thyself" and The Problem of Personal Identity
- - Religion and Feminization of Poverty In Nigeria: A Christian Perspective
- - Motivation In Vocational Education: A Reform issue In Tertiary Institutions In Cross River State
- - Towards An African Cultural Renaissance
- - Religion and Social Problems
- - The Place of Irony, Paradox and Fallacy In Philosophy
- - Oral Tradition In African Philosophical Discourse: A Critique of Sophie Oluwole'S Account
- - Gassetan Cultural Configuration and The City of Calabar
- - Implications of Freire'S Pedagogy For Teacher Education In Nigeria
- - Nigeria'S Vision 20:2020: The Challenge of Infrastructural Development
ARTICLES intended for publication in the journal should be between 10 and 15 pages (quarto sizes) lond, typed double spaced and should be sent in duplicate to: The Editor (Attn: Prof. A. F. Uduigwomen), SOPHIA: An African Journal of Philosophy and Public Affairs, Dept of Philosophy, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria.
FOOTNOTES, References or works cited should be used sparingly and typed serially in double space on a separate sheet at the end of the article.
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Generally, Editors should be able to reach a decision about the publication within six months, which is communicated to the author subsequently. Authors are advised to avoid needless correspondences.
EDITORS are not committed to the view expressed in articles.
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Individuals - N1000
Institutions - N1200
Outside Nigeria US - $15
All payments and subcriptions should be addressed to the Editor
- Prof. Andrew F. Uduigwomen
- Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. G. O. Ozumba
- Associate Editor
- Dr. K. A. Ojong
- Associate Editor
- Dr. Chris O. Akpan
- Secretary
- Dr. O. O. Oshita
- Member
- Dr. T. E. Ogar
- Member
- Prof. J. O. Omoregbe
- Consultant
- Prof. N. S. S. Iwe
- Consultant
- Prof Udo Etuk
- Consultant
- Prof. Princewill I. Alozie
- Consultant
- Prof. I. C. Oyewuenyi (prof. Emeritus)
- Consultant
- Prof. Uba
- Consultant
- Prof. George Caffentzis
- Consultant
- Prof. Chayya Rai
- Consultant
- Prof. Gyekye
- Consultant
- Dr. Fredrick Ighavodha
- Consultant