- Language: English
- Established Year: 1982
- Published Articles: 105

Journal of The Linguistic Association of Nigeria (JOLAN)
Executive Editor | : | Professor Ozo-mekuri Ndimele |
Publication Frequency | : | Bi-annually |
Publisher | : | Linguistic Association of Nigeria |
Paper Submission E-mail | : |
Journal of Linguistic Association of Nigeria (JOLAN) is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary academic journal which is published by the Linguistic Association of Nigeria (LAN). JOLAN publishes serious, well-researched and original papers or research reports in any area of linguistics, language, literature, culture, information science, and communication studies. It was established in 1982 as the professional journal of the Linguistic Association of Nigeria. The journal was initially issued once a year. From 2010, however, the Journal began to be published in volumes of two issues per year (June and December), in print form only. Occasional supplements may be published as the need arises. Some earlier editions are available on-line for free download. JOLAN receives manuscripts all year round from members and non-members of LAN. The ISSN of the Journal is 0189-5680. The eISSN is 2488-9709 The Editor of the Journal is Professor Ozo-mekuri Ndimele (University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria). Official e-mail address for correspondence and submission of papers is Language, Linguistics, Communication, Information Sciences, Literature and culture
- Vol-10 No-1 (2007)
- - Further issues In The Formation of The Hausa Verb
- - Further issues In The Formation of The Hausa Verb
- - The Rhetoric & Propaganda of Political Campaigns In Nigeria
- - The Linguistic Correlate In Nigeria’S Developmental Strategies: An Appraisal
- - Complement Movement In Obimo Igbo: A Case For Middle Constructions
- - is Ebira Nupoid?
- - Problems Encountered By Yoruba Speakers In Learning English Cleft Constructions
- - The Critic, The Text and Context: Three Approaches To Carol Ann Duffy’S “Psychopath”
- - Stages In The Acquisition of Yoruba Syntax
- - The Kwa Language As An Enclave Speech Community
- - Question Formation In The Igala Language
- - Street Names In Calabar Metropolis: A Socio-Historical & Sociolinguistic Study
- - Endophoric Reference In Tanure Ojaide’S Delta Blues and Homesongs
- - issues, Problems and Prospects of Mother Tongue Education In Nigeria
- Vol-11 No-1 (2008)
- - The Effects of Complete Assimilation On The Phonetic Quality of Igbo Vowels
- - The Promotion of Reproductive Health Among The Grassroots In Nigeria: A HIV/AIDS-Focused English-Igbo...
- - Conversational Management & Sustainance In Kole Omotoso’S The Edifice
- - Advertising Discourse: The Analysis of Transactional Functions In The Promotion of Goods and Services In The...
- - Noun-Modifier Relations In Igala As A Response To Basic Word Order
- - Pro-Drop In Hausa
- - Tanure Ojaide'S Waiting For The Hatching of A Cockerel: An Agency For Reawakening Man'S Consciousness...
- - Reflexivization and Reciprocality In Igbo
- Vol-13 No-1 (2010)
- - A Linguistic Study of Electronic Media Advertisements In Ghana
- - On Nouns, Nominals and Pronominals In English: The Systemic Functional Linguistics Perspective
- - Functional Englishes: Some Problems In The Teaching and Learning of Technical, Technological, and Scientific...
- - Empowering The Igbo Population Politically: The Onus of Translation and Interpreting
- - Patterns of Lexical Choices & Stylistic Function In J. P. Clark-Bekederemo’S Poetry
- - Style and Communication In Dennis Brutus' A Simple Lust
- - Introducing Poetry In The English Language Class: An Overview
- - An Articulatory-Perceptual Approach To The Teaching of Pronunciation To L2 Learners
- - Cohesion In Political Discourse
- - On English As A Minority official Language In Cameroon
- Vol-13 No-2 (2010)
- - Negative Polarity Items & The Licensing Mechanism In Hausa
- - Tonal Features of Noun Reduplication In Igbo
- - Tense & Aspect In English & Yoruba: Problem Areas of Yoruba Learners of English
- - Verb Base Selection In Igbo Verb Compounding
- - YorùBá & French Phonemics: Implications For Fl Teaching & Learning
- - Female Empowerment: A Study of May Ifeoma Nwoye’S A Child of Destiny
- - Opening Encounters In Nigerian Telephone Conversation
- - Language Policies and Planning In Nigeria: issues & Perspectives
- Vol-14 No-1 (2011)
- - On Defoid Sound Acquisition
- - Mode and Function of Nigerian English As Speech Act Forms of Expressions
- - Politeness Strategies In Krisagbedo’S … A Darkling Plain: Implications For Effective Communication Towards...
- - A Semiotic Analysis of Wole Soyinka’S Death and The King’S Horseman
- - Teaching Nigerian Literature In English: A Case For Reading To Develop The Nigerian Youth
- - Language Use Effectiveness In Television Commercial Campaigns: A Descriptive Study of Etisalat Sim Registration...
- - The Grotesque In Zakes Mda’S Ways of Dying and Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie’S Half of A Yellow Sun
- - Discourse Analysis: Beyond Linguistic Contents
- - Lexical Innovation In Anaang
- - Transitivity and Grounding In Igbo Folktales
- Vol-14 No-2 (2011)
- - Towards A Socio-Semiotic Approach To YorùBá Written Poetry
- - The Determiner Phrase In Igbo
- - Aspects of The Syntactic Problems of Esan Learners of English
- - Serial Verb Constructions In íGáLà
- - Proverbs and Linguistic Meta-Criticism: Towards A Re-Reading of Proverbs As Narrative Sublimation In Achebe’S...
- - The Human Resource Paradigm As A Tool For Sustainable Development In Africa: Assessing The Indigenous Language...
- - Literature As Discourse – Constructing Lagos Women In Helon Habila’S Waiting For An Angel
- - A Re-Appraisal of Nasal Vowels In Esan
- - The Use of Syntactic Structures In Signalling Social Status In The English Language Discourse of Members of The...
- - Woman-To-Woman: Displacement, Sexuality and Gender In Carol Ann Duffy'S Poetry
- - Tense and Aspect In Edo
- - The Pronominal System of Igala
- - The Syllable of Structure of Yala
- Vol-15 No-1 (2012)
- - Applicative Constructions In Bassa
- - The Process and Properties of Question Formation In Tiv
- - The Stylistics of Environmental Degradation In Daniel Ogum’S Green Nightmares
- - A Morphological Analysis of Nigerian Pidgin: The Example of Selected Advertisement Jingles
- - A Linguistic Study of Power and Gender In The English Language Discourse of Senior High School Students In Cape...
- - Constructing The Subject, Deconstructing The Text: The Feminist Order In Achebe’S Anthills of The Savannah
- - Critical Thinking As A Tool For Enhancing Effective Learning and Communication
- - Question-Word Interrogatives In Nigerian Pidgin
- - The Broom Takes Flight: Odia ofeimun and The New Nigerian Poets
- - Tone of Igbo Associative Constructions and Complex Cardinal Numbers: A Comparative Study
- Vol-16 No-1 (2013)
- - Deictics and Stylistic Function In J. P. Clark-Bekederemo’S Poetry
- - A Linguistic-Stylistic Analysis of YorùBá Sports Commentaries: The Case of Amuludun 99.1 Fm
- - Semantic Connotations In Igala
- - Towards The Era of Using English As The Only Language For Communication In Nigeria
- - A Linguistic Exploration of Propaganda In Advertising In Nigeria
- - Place De L’Adjectif Qualificatif Epithete: Implications Pedagogiques Chez Les Apprenants Yorubaphones
- - Whither Definition? A Critical Note On Literary Creativity
- - U.N.E.S.C.O. Prediction of The Igbo Language Death: Facts and Fables
- - Analysing Adult Igbo Second Laguage Phonology
- - Language Endangerment: The Case of Defaka
- Vol-17 No-1 (2014)
- - Pragmatics and Social Distance In Doctor-Patient and Police-Suspect Conversations
- - Morphosyntactic Interface of Agreement and Tense In English and ỊZọN
- - Causativisation: A Valency Increase Process In Bassa
- - Interrogation, Questioning Or Interview?: Police-Suspects Interactions In Nigeria
- - Cultural Representation and Its Significance In Modern Advertising: The Case of Igbo
- - The Role of Attitudes In Language Shift and Maintenance In Badagry Town
- - Subordinate Elements In Codeswitching Conversation Structure
- - issues In The Syntax and Semantics of Adjectives In Hausa
- - The Eye and Other Facial Emblems In Nonverbal Communication In YorùBá Novels
- Vol-18 No-1 (2015)
- - Practical Perspectives On Minimum Essentials For Effective Orthography Designs In Nigeria
- - The Moment of Speech: The Case of Naro (A CENTRAL KHOESAN LANGUAGE)
- - A Critique of Functionalist Approaches To Translation Studies
- - Perspectives On Language Planning In Bette: Some Language Engineering Options
- - The Pragmatics of Irony In Interpersonal Exchanges: The Case of Igbo Women and Their Maids
- - Globalisation and The Survival of Minority Languages: The Case of The Ogu Language
- - Language of Competition In The Station-Promoting Jingles of Radio: A Study of Broadcasting Stations In Kwara...
- - The Numeral System of Defaka
- - Practical Codes As Non-Verbal Communication In YorùBá Novels
- - Vp Shell and Ngwa Igbo Ergative, Double Object and Object Control Structures
- - Syntactic Characteristics of Fulfulde Ideophones
AUTHORS should give their names, institutional affiliation/postal address, e-mail address and phone number in the form in which they wish them to appear under the title of the article.
SUBMISSION of paper should be made electronically by e-mail attachment in word document and PDF version.
- Manuscripts should have an abstract of not more 300 words.
- We accepts papers which adopt either the LSA, MLA or APA style sheet, provided the author is consistent.
- The whole paper should be presented in an accessible version of Word document file, typed on 13 point Times New Roman in single line spacing, including abstract, endnotes (if any), list of abbreviations (if any), and references.
- Footnotes (if any) should be presented on 10 point Times New Roman.
- The title of the paper should be presented in title case on 14 point Times New Roman.
- Headings and sub-headings should be presented in title case and typed on 13 point Times New Roman.
- Authors are encouraged to use a Unicode-compliant font. Several of them are available for download for no cost at the following website http://sil.org. But if for any reason an unusual font is used, this should be supplied to the Editor.
- Paragraphs: Beginning of a paragraph should be by tab indentation 0.5 cm. No line gap for a new paragraph.
- All data examples should be aligned correctly with the literal gloss morpheme-by-morpheme, using tabs.
- Examples numbering should be backspaced to the margin.
- Section numbering should start with 0 for the Introduction (which preferably should not have sub-sections), proceed to 1, 2, etc., for main sections, 1.1, 1.2, etc., for sections, and 1.1.1, 1.1.2, etc., for sub-sections. It is recommended that numbering of sub-sections should not go beyond three figures.
- REFERENCES should be noted in the text, using the author, date and page system, e.g., Bamgbose (2010:23); (Williamson, 2005:8).
- A full alphabetical list of references used in the text should appear at the end of the paper.
- The list of references should only contain works that are referred to in the body of the text. Please be sure to include and check page references. It is a common fault that authors do not check the accuracy of their citations before submitting their papers.
- We will not allow bibliography in place of references.
- Professor Ozo-mekuri Ndimele
- Editor-in-Chief
- Professor Gideon Sunday Omachonu
- Associate Editor
- Professor Lendzemo Constantine Yuka
- Associate Editor
- Salem Ochala Ejeba
- Assistant
- Ayo Bamgbose
- Advisory
- Ben O. Elugbe
- Advisory
- Okon Essien
- Advisory
- Victor Manfredi
- Advisory
- Bruce Connell
- Advisory
- Munzali Jibril
- Advisory
- A. H. Amfani
- Advisory
- Akinbiyi Akinlabi
- Advisory
- Andrew Haruna
- Advisory
- Chinyere Ohiri-aniche
- Advisory
- Eno-abasi Urua
- Advisory
- I. Junaidu
- Advisory
- A. U. Okwudishu
- Advisory
- G. I. Teke
- Advisory