- Language: English
- Established Year: 1978
- Published Articles: 238

Executive Editor | : | Professor Ozo-mekuri NDIMELE |
Publication Frequency | : | Bi-annually |
Publisher | : | University of Port Harcourt |
Paper Submission E-mail | : |
- Vol-13 No-1 (2007)
- - Civil Society As A Catalyst For Charting A Road Map For Enduring Democracy In Nigeria
- - Serial Verb Constructions In Degema
- - Magic and Magical Agents In Igbo Folktales
- - The Documentation of Ibibio Oramedia
- - English and The Church In Nigeria
- - Historical Hybridisation: Are We Better off?
- - Environmental Advocacy In The Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: The Theatre Option
- - Freedom of Speech: A Comparative Study of The United States of America & Nigeria
- - The Ibibio Locative Copular Constructions
- - Religious and Ethical Thoughts On Environmental Justice – A Re-Reading of ‘Rule… The Earth’ In Gen....
- Vol-14 No-1 (2008)
- - According Primacy To Reality As A Strategy For Increasing The Appeal of Nollywood Movies
- - Behavioural Asymmetry In Affix-Clitic Attachment In Degema
- - The Film Medium As A Reconstructive Tool For Woman Development
- - The Pronominal System of Ikwere
- - Ethno-Regional Organisation of News Reports In Daily Independent Newspaper: Implications For Nigeria’S...
- - A Study of The Crime Genre In Nollywood: The Paradigms of New Jerusalem By Ifeanyi Onyeabor and End of The...
- - Arts Management: A Panacea To Gender Equality
- - Management of A University Theatre: The University of Port Harcourt Arts Theatre As An Example
- - Comedy As Social Commentary: A Study of Ola Rotimi’S Our Husband Has Gone Mad Again and Elechi Amadi’S The...
- - Vowel Harmony In Degema
- Vol-14 No-2 (2008)
- - Frank Willett Versus Werner Gillon On African Art History: A Critical Exposition
- - Legal Moralism/Paternalism and The Limits of Legitimate Law: A Critique of Mill’S Harm Principle
- - The Diplomacy of War and Peace: The Nigerian Civil War
- - Achebe’S Receding Male Chauvinism: A Study of Anthills of The Savannah
- - Aspects of The Semantics & Pragmatics of Verb-Noun Selection Restrictions In Igbuzo-Igbo
- - Poetry and Translatability
- - The Diction of Ezenwa-Ohaeto’S The Voice of The Night Masquerade
- - Improving Fluency In English Through Vocabulary Development
- - Le Groupement Tripartite Des Verbes FrançAis: Un Regard Critique
- Vol-15 No-2 (2009)
- - Benin-Niger Delta Relations
- - The Vowel Harmony System In Ikwere
- - Assimilation and Syllable Structure Process In Igala
- - Achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) In Nigeria Through Cultural Values and Media Social...
- - The Treatment of Extensional Suffixes In Igbo Lexicography
- - Women’S Rights Are Human Rights: Marriage & Dignity In Helon Habila’S Measuring Time
- - The Importance of Music In The Educational & Aesthetic Development of The Nigerian Child
- - The Igbo Ethnic Group of South Eastern Nigeria: A People Whose Cultural Identity is On The Throes of...
- - Global English: The Nigeria Situation
- Vol-16 No-1 (2010)
- - Examining The Cognitive Psychology of The Tragic Vision In Nigerian Video Films: Gaza Treasure By Nonso Ekine...
- - The Politics of Nigeria and The Development of The Niger Delta Region
- - Indigenous Women Dance Groups and Women Voice In The Community: The Case of Rumuji Women Dance Group In Emohua...
- - La Psychanalyse D’Allah N’Est Pas Oblige: Le Crime Et Les Peregrinations
- - Form In Femi Osofisan’S Another Raft
- - The World of Fantasy In Ike Oguine’S A Squatter’S Tale
- - Small Arms Proliferation: Threat To Niger Delta Amnesty Programme
- - The Constitutionality of An Acting President In Nigeria: Matters Arising
- - Beyond Hollywood Formulas: Evolving Indigenous Yoruba Film Aesthetics
- Vol-16 No-2 (2010)
- - The Role of The Youths In The Church: A Study of Samuel Ayodele’S The Church is The Problem and Zulu...
- - The Syntax of Gokana Verb Complement Clauses
- - Clipping In Igbo Morphology: The Case of Igbo Names
- - A White Tongue In A Black Mouth: Nativisation & Revitalisation of Language Through Literature
- - Sociolinguistic Variation In Hausa: Another Look
- - Achebe’S Receding Male Chauvinism: A Study of Anthills of The Savannah
- - Arts Management: A Panacea For Gender Equality
- - Asserting Themselves, Reclaiming The Land: Women Grassroots Activism In Tess Onwueme’S Then She Said It
- - The Syntax of Exceptive Modifiers In Igbo
- - The Internet As A Medium of Mass Communication
- - Metaphor and The Absurd: Reimagining The Discourse On Nationhood In Ola Rotimi’S Plays
- - Effects of Gas Flaring and Oil Exploration In Ogbaland: The Role of Diplomacy In The Sustainable Development...
- - The Role of Women In The Subjugation of Women: The Example of “Ebikere” In Julie Okoh’S Edewede
- - Animation: A Practical Method of Enhancing Child Mental Development
- - The Relevance of Children’S Theatre
- - The First Son Syndrome In Ikwerre Traditions of Origin
- - Integrating The Human Resource Into The Science and Technology Paradigm For Development: The Case of...
- - The Director In Ekine Drama
- - Comic Relief In Wole Soyinka’S Kongi’S Harvest
- - Gender Consciousness and Assertiveness In Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’S Purple Hibiscus and Kaine Agary’S...
- Vol-17 No-1 (2011)
- - Dramatic Reconstructions of History In King Jaja of Opobo: A Critique
- - The Notion of Christian Comedy
- - H. L. A. Hart On Law and Justice: An Evaluation
- - Relevance of Community Relations Programme Evaluation In Proactive Crisis Management: A Study of Community...
- - Postcolonial Thought and Development In Africa
- - Juxtaposition of Gender Equity and Critical Perspectives In Nigerian Literature
- - Assessing The Impact of Literacy/Reading Culture On The Implementation of Public Policies In Rwanda
- - Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Nigeria’S Education Dream In The Wake of Vision 20 – 2020
- - Group Types As Style Markers In J.P. Clark-Bekederemo’S Poetry
- - Peace and Its Discomfort: Maya Angelou’S A Brave and Startling Truth
- - Kant As A Professor
- - Peut-On Parler D`Anaphore Morphologique En FrançAis Comme En Anglais?
- - Pre-Conceived Ideas and The Challenge of Reconstruction In African History
- - Promoting Gender Equality and Women Empowerment: Its Implications For Socio-Political and Economic Development...
- - The Quest For Social Justice: The Revolutionary Poems of Idris Amali
- - Syntactic Movement In Our Children Are Coming!: A Stylolinguistic Dimension
- - Mergers, Collaborations and Acquisition As Necessary Synergies For The Growth of The Nigerian Arts Industry
- - Gestalt Principles of Achieving Artistic Perception: A Case Study of The Use of The Straw Medium
- - The Aristotelian Syllogism: Tautologous and Fallacious
- - E-Waste: A Looming Environmental Bomb In Nigeria
- Vol-17 No-2 (2011)
- - Philosophy and Inculturation: The Context of Universalism
- - Nollywood: Reconstructing The Historical and Socio-Cultural Contexts of The Nigerian Video Film Industry
- - An Assessment of The Impact of Rhetorics In Pharmaceutical Products Advertisements On Mass Transit Buses In...
- - Federalism and The Nigerian Nation-State
- - Child Abuse: Teenage Victims In Julie Okoh’S Closed Doors
- - The Epistemology of Perversion For The Preferred Gender: The Example of Sam Ukala’S The Slave Wife
- - Analytic-Synthetic Dichotomy In Kant and The Logical Positivists: A Comparative Analysis
- - Realism and The Portrayal of Female Characters In I.N.C. Aniebo’S Works
- - Childhood and The Place of Memory In David Malouf'S Works: The Example of First Thing Last
- - Cultural Atrophy In Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’S Purple Hibiscus
- - The Dialectics of Self-Cultivation and Formation In Recent African Narratives
- - Thematisation As A Foregrounding Strategy In Contemporary Nigerian Poetry
- Vol-17 No-2 (0000)
- - Womanist Consciousness In Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo’S The Last of The Strong Ones
- Vol-17 No-2 (2011)
- - Fidelite Et Traduction Poetique: Une Etude De La Traduction De L’Ouragan, Un Poeme De Leopold Sedar Senghor
- - Democracy and Its Mediating Structures: An Examination of The Ontoloical Significance of Minority
- - Social Consequences of Teenage Communication Problems
- - Produire Et Comprendre Des Textes: Harmoniser Le «Texte»/Objet Abstrait, «Texte» /Objet Concret Et...
- - Rehearsal Essence: A Model For Theatre Performance Skills In Children
- - The Influence of The Igbo Film On The Igbo Language and Culture
- Vol-18 No-1 (2012)
- - Gender Representation In Nollywood Video Film Culture
- - Tanure Ojaide’S Poetry On The Slick Alliance: From Colonial To Postcolonial
- - Music In The Social and Cultural Development of Nigeria
- - Problems of Personality Development
- - Liberty and Bullets: Historical Paradoxes In The Establishment and Politics of Liberia and Sierra Leone
- - Live Drama: A Dialectical Dramaturgy
- - Politico-Ethical Appraisal of The Nigerian State As The Actuality of Concrete Freedom: The Kantian Perspective
- - Community Theatre In Nigeria: Progress, Challenges and The Way Forward
- - African News Media, Distortion and Objectivity: The West and The Rest of Us?
- - Pre-Natal and Natal Care In Indigenous Africa: A Religio-Cultural Analysis
- - Postcolonialism, African Discourse and Development
- - Beyond Transliteration: Figurative Language and Stylistic Meaning In Gabriel Okara’S The Voice
- - Jeu, Culture Et Symbolisme: Le Cas De La Danse «éBrè » [PRON: éBRè] Chez Les Ibibio D’Akwa-Ibom State
- - Formulaic Exchange In Igbo
- - Heidegger’S Interpretation of Art and African Understanding of Art: A Comparative Study
- - New Identity and The Revolutionary Woman: Ngugi Wa Thiong’O’S Nyawira
- - Nicollo Machiavelli On The Nature and Object of Power and Authority In The Prince
- - The Rhetoric of Themes In Soyinka’S Metaphysical Plays
- - Effects of Students’ Exposure To Literature Genres On Their Achievement In English Language In Rivers State
- - The Consequences of Languages In Contact: A Sociolinguistic Perspective
- - Etude Marxiste De L’HéRos: Cas De Manuel Dans Gouverneurs De La RoséE De Jacques Roumain
- - Euthanasia: A Religio-Ethical Critique
- - The Documentarian As An Auteur Director: Ola Balogun As An Example
- - Quest For Social Justice In Post-Colonial Nigerian Poetry
- Vol-18 No-2 (2012)
- - New Religious Movements (NRMS): The Problem of Definition and Typology
- - The Symbiotic Relationship Between Culture and Technology
- - The Memoir As Bio-Historical Documentation: Wole Soyinka’S You Must Set Forth At Dawn
- - Two Sides of A Coin: Stylistics and Literary Criticism
- - A Cognitive Semantic Survey of Hausa Children’S Folk-Songs
- - Analysis of Language and Content of Uko Akpan’S Songs
- - Parenthood and The Child’S Moral Upbringing: The YorùBá Experience
- - The Church and Politics In The African Context
- - La ProbléMatique De La Traduction De FrançAis En Igbo: Le Cas De Petit Prince D’Antoine De Sainte ExupéRy
- - The Pedagogical Implication of Metaphor In Everyday Conversation
- - The Importance of Information In Public Administration: Imperatives For Public Administrators In Nigeria
- - The Empiricists’ Concept of Mental Activity
- - Socio-Economic Roles of Women In Contemporary YorùBá Society: An Appraisal of AdéJùMó’S Rò óO Re and...
- - Comparative Literature: A Critique of Five Scholars’ Works
- - Refining The Definition of The Concept (AND POSSIBILITIES) of Exploitation
- - The Black Child and The Intra-Racial Hegemony In Toni Morrison’S The Bluest Eye
- Vol-19 No-1 (2013)
- - From Cynicism To Pessimism To Criticism: Professor Charles Nnolim’S Odyssey
- - Niger Delta Communities At The Height of Indigenous Accumulation
- - Religion In Intercultural Communication Process
- - EléMents Stylistiques Dans Le Conte Peul D’Amadou HampâTé Bâ
- - Ogoni As An Internal Colony: A Critique of Imperialism
- - Finding God In Nollywood Films: Establishing Pathways To Applied Contextual Theology In Nigeria
- - Integrating Global Education Into Language Teaching In The 21St Century
- - Nigerian Video Films and The One Script Culture
- - Metaphysics: Its Relevance To The Society
- - Pornography: Economics, Morality and Censorship
- - Saro-Wiwa/Ogoni Modality and Its Continuities In Tanure Ojaide’S Poetry
- - Naturalistic Presentation of Setting In The Nigerian Short Story
- - The Place of Owumini Deity In Choba Religious Life
- - Newspaper Coverage of The December 25, 2009 Attempted Bombing of An American Airliner and The Nigerian...
- - Ours is The City of “Peace”: British Colonial Administrative Policies and The Struggle For The Ownership of...
- - Postcolonial Literatures, Human Dignity and Patterns of Shared Values and Experiences
- - Preparing Language Teachers Towards Achieving Sustainable Human Capacity Development For Vision 20:2020 In...
- - Social Network Media and Political Socialization: An Assessment of Voters’ Participation In Political...
- - On Meaning, Reference and The Ontological Status of Universals In Quine
- - The Academic Historian In Nation Building: Tekena Tamuno’S Example
- - The Place of Women In African Myths: A Feminist Perspective
- Vol-19 No-2 (2013)
- - Tone Marking, Syllable Structure and Minimality In Eleme
- Vol-19 No-2 (0000)
- - A Concentric Analysis of The Socio-Religious Significance of The Medicine Man In Emu Clan of Delta State,...
- Vol-19 No-2 (2013)
- - Religio-Ritual Factor of Contact and Pre-Colonial Inter-Group Relations In The Western Niger Delta of Nigeria:...
- - Are Philosophical Problems Semantical?
- - Hypocrites and Sycophants In Modern Nigerian Poetry: The Example of Tanure Ojaide
- - Music of Yesterday For Today and Tomorrow: An Explication On Change and Continuity In Nigerian Music
- - Religious Functionaries: Their Implications For Africa’S Socio-Cultural and Economic Development
- - ‘Don’T Let It Die’: Indigenous and Indigenised Language In Selected African Literary Works In English
- - A Logical Inquiry Into Historical Law
- - Igbo Oral Literature and Globalization – The Missing Link
- - Diffusion of Development Information In 3Rd World Countries: A Mix-Grill Media Approach
- - The Role of Language In Nation Building and National Unity: Rebranding Nigeria Image Project
- - Analysis and Interpretation of Doubtful Phonological Segments In ỤKwụAni
- - Gender Responds In Fine Art Subject At The Junior Secondary Level, Using The Keller’S Arcs Motivational Model
- - The Abolition of Trial By Ordeal At Eni-Lake, Uzere, Delta State of Nigeria, 1903: A Reconsideration
- - HIV/AIDS Pandemic and African Security: A Historical Perspective
- - The Historical Growth of Ancient Rome and Its Contributions To The Development of Early Civilization
- Vol-20 No-1 (2014)
- - Old Economy, New Actors: Niger Delta'S Shadow Economy In Historical Perspective
- - Democratising African Christian Historiography
- - Religious Crisis (BOKO HARAM) In Nigeria: A Challenge To National Development
- - New Perspectives On Ayi Kwei Armah’S The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born and Fragments
- - Semantic Analysis of Speech Acts: The Case of Actions In The Biblical Garden of Eden
- - African Linguo-Cultural Aesthetics In Barclays Ayakoroma’S A Matter of Honour
- - Rationalists Concept of Mental Activity: The Cartesian Example
- - Responding To Okadigbo’S Critique of Nkrumah’S Consciencism
- - Lost In Translation: Implicitation In The Translation of The Earth Charter From English To Igbo
- - The Role of The Mass Media In The Fight Against Terrorism and The Instrumental Use of Women In Boko Haram...
- - Poetic Drama: Stop Boko Haram In Nigeria!
- Vol-20 No-2 (2014)
- - issues and Challenges In Researching Nollywood: Conceptualising The Parameters of Convergence In...
- - The Universality of Logic and The African Deductive Competence
- - Effects of Students’ Exposure To Literature Genres On Their Achievement In English Language In Rivers State
- - Theatre of The Cox: The Gods and Man In African Literature
- - Social Cohesion and Youths In The Nigerian Polity: A Communication Perspective
- - The Emergence and Substance of Cognitive and Neuro-Biological Perspectives In The Study of Religion
- - Mangrove Forest Folklore and The Drama of J. P. Clark-Bekederemo
- - Post-Alveolar Fricatives In Ikeduru Igbo: A Clarification On Multiconsonantal Igbo
- - Patriarchy and The Female Quest For Identity In Ngugi Wa Thiong’O’S Wizard of The Crow and Henri Lopes’...
- - Aspects of The Phonology of Hausa Ideophones
- Vol-21 No-1 (2015)
- - The Human Destiny & The Ontological Question: A Metaphysical & Ethical Consideration
- - Utilization of Radio and Television In Career Guidance For Human Capital Development
- - Elerius John: Culture Religieuse Et Traditions Africaines - Une Etude Des Contes De La Tortue
- - Discourse Analysis In Communication Research
- - Music Education In Nigeria: Constraints and The Way Forward
- - Setting and Name Symbolism In Ken Saro- Wiwa’S Sozaboy
- - Reformation, Torture and Visionary Resilience In Nnamdi Anumihe’S Chartered Messenger
- - The Place of Value In Social Scientific Theories
- - Translating Guillaume Oyono Mbia’S Notre Fille Ne Se Mariera Pas: A Case For A Source-Text-Oriented Approach
- - Stemming The Tide of Language Endangerment In Nigeria: The Igbo Language Example
- - The Concept of Nemesis In Some Igbo Literary Works
- Vol-21 No-2 (2015)
- - The Relevance of The Humanities In The Twenty-First Century University System
- - Narrative Style In Nigerian Video Films: A Study of Family Battle and Going To America
- - The Rise and Boom of Neo-Pentecostal Women Ministry In Nigeria: An Enterprise of Liberation and Empowerment
- - The Development of Kingship In Oru-Igbo Up To 1991
- - The Cartography of Wh-Questions In Igbo
- - Music of Yesterday For Today and Tomorrow: An Explication On Change and Continuity In Nigerian Music
- - A Split Tone-Interrogative Structure of Some Mgbidi Igbo Questions
- - Intralexical Factors In The Learnability of English Words
- - The ‘Returning’ Significance of Reincarnation: A Semiotic Analysis of The African Mindset On Birth and...
- - Homi K. Bhabha’S Nation and Narration: The Case of Transformation of Culture and Hybridity
- - A Note On T.E. Lawrence’S Poetry
- Vol-22 No-1 (2016)
- - The Place of Women In Laudato Si: The Nigerian Reflection
- - Popular Culture and Transglobalization As Domains For Social Identities In Africa
- - Aesthetics of Music In Religion
- - The Brechtian Impulse In Femi Osofisan’S Dramaturgy
- - Kwa Languages and The Challenges of Globalisation: The Igbo Language Experience
- - Multilinguisme Et L’Apprentissage Du Francais Langue Etrangere Au Nigeria
- - Transmuting Folklore For Dramaturgic Relevance In Contemporary Nigeria: An Assessment of Sam Ukala`S...
- - Anaang Proverbs As A Tool For Cultural Communication
- - Transmuting Folklore For Dramaturgic Relevance In Contemporary Nigeria: An Assessment of Sam Ukala`S...
- - A Note On Litters (POEMS)
KIABARA (ISSN: 0331-8168; eISSN: 2488-9695) is published twice a year (in June – Rains Issue and December – Harmattan Issue) by the Faculty of Humanities, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. KIABARA publishes serious, well-researched and original papers on all aspects of arts and Humanities: English studies, fine arts & design, linguistics, theatre & media arts, peace studies, communication studies, history, diplomatic and international studies, development studies, language & art education, cultural studies, anthropology, archaeology, religious studies, philosophy, literatures in Nigerian languages, foreign languages & literatures, gender studies, etc. It is the objective of this Journal to provide a common meeting point for scholarship and literary creativity, in so far as the content and meaning of such endeavour will bear relevance to studies in the Humanities of the African world and the Black Diaspora.
Manuscripts should be submitted in duplicate with an abstract of about 250 words. References must be presented in a consistent style sheet (e.g. MLA style, LSA style, etc.) throughout, and all notes should be at the end of the text.
Manuscripts accepted as squibs or remarks will not be required to propose a solution to the problems they address as long as their relevance to theoretical issues is clear.
Manuscripts for publication, book reviews, and all correspondence on editorial matters should be sent to:
The Editor:
KIABARA: Journal of Humanities
Box 237 Uniport P.O.
Faculty of Humanities
University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
AUTHORS should give their names, institutional affiliation/postal address, e-mail address and phone number in the form in which they wish them to appear under the title of the article.
SUBMISSION of paper should be made electronically by e-mail attachment in word document and PDF version.
- Manuscripts should have an abstract of not more 300 words.
- We accepts papers which adopt either the LSA, MLA or APA style sheet, provided the author is consistent.
- The whole paper should be presented in an accessible version of Word document file, typed on 13 point Times New Roman in single line spacing, including abstract, endnotes (if any), list of abbreviations (if any), and references.
- Footnotes (if any) should be presented on 10 point Times New Roman.
- The title of the paper should be presented in title case on 14 point Times New Roman.
- Headings and sub-headings should be presented in title case and typed on 13 point Times New Roman.
- Authors are encouraged to use a Unicode-compliant font. Several of them are available for download for no cost at the following website http://sil.org. But if for any reason an unusual font is used, this should be supplied to the Editor.
- Paragraphs: Beginning of a paragraph should be by tab indentation 0.5 cm. No line gap for a new paragraph.
- All data examples should be aligned correctly with the literal gloss morpheme-by-morpheme, using tabs.
- Examples numbering should be backspaced to the margin.
- Section numbering should start with 0 for the Introduction (which preferably should not have sub-sections), proceed to 1, 2, etc., for main sections, 1.1, 1.2, etc., for sections, and 1.1.1, 1.1.2, etc., for sub-sections. It is recommended that numbering of sub-sections should not go beyond three figures.
- REFERENCES should be noted in the text, using the author, date and page system, e.g., Bamgbose (2010:23); (Williamson, 2005:8).
- A full alphabetical list of references used in the text should appear at the end of the paper.
- The list of references should only contain works that are referred to in the body of the text. Please be sure to include and check page references. It is a common fault that authors do not check the accuracy of their citations before submitting their papers.
- We will not allow bibliography in place of references.
- Professor Ozo-mekuri Ndimele
- Editor
- B. A. Ejiofor
- Associate Editor
- I. A. Akakuru
- Associate Editor
- O. Udumukwu
- Associate Editor
- F. A. O. Ugiomoh
- Associate Editor
- Okorobia
- Associate Editor
- W. Ihejirika
- Associate Editor
- B. D. B. Inoka
- Associate Editor
- A. R. Kilani
- Associate Editor
- E. E. Kari
- Associate Editor
- O. Nwankpa
- Associate Editor