- Language: English
- Established Year: 2000
- Published Articles: 113

Executive Editor | : | Datonye Alasia |
Publication Frequency | : | Quarterly |
Publisher | : | University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital |
Paper Submission E-mail | : |
- Vol-8 No-1 (2008)
- - An Evaluation of The Volume and Concentration of Alcoholic Beverages offered For Sale In Port Harcourt,...
- - An Appraisal of Hospital Based Blood Pressure Control In Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
- - Awareness and Practice of Emergency Contraception Among Students of University of Port Harcourt, South-South...
- - Post -Episiotomy Morbidity Amongst Parturients At The University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port...
- - Hysterectomy In Adolescents, In Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
- - Sanitation Facilities and Hygiene Practices In A Semi-Urban Community In Rivers State, South-South Nigeria
- - A Review of The Appropriateness of User Fees and Social Health Insurance To Fund The Health Care Systems In Low...
- Vol-8 No-3 (2008)
- - Huge Symptomatic Brenner Tumour Simulating Uterine Fibroid: A Case Report
- - Conduct Disorder Amongst Children In An Urban School In Nigeria
- - Dermatophyte Infections In Children: A Prospective Study From Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
- - Health issues On Beauty Treatment
- - A Review of The Impact of The Health Literacy Status of Patients On Health Outcomes.
- - Metabolic Syndrome In A Rural Nigerian Community: is Central Obesity Always The Key Determinant?
- - A Survey of The Community Water Supply of Some Communities In Rivers State, South-South Nigeria.
- Vol-9 No-1 (0000)
- - Management of Anaemia: An Advocacy For The Integration of Bloodless Medicine and Surgery Program (BLMS) Into...
- Vol-9 No-1 (2009)
- - Management of Anaemia: An Advocacy For The Integration of Bloodless Medicine and Surgery Program (BLMS) Into...
- - Prevalence and Causes of Blindness In Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria
- - The Impact of Galactorrhoea On Infertility In Port Harcourt.
- - Hand Washing Practices Amongst Medical Students In Port Harcourt, Nigeria
- - Holoprosencephaly In A Nigerian Female: A Case Report
- - Pattern of Microbial Flora In Septic Incomplete Abortion In Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
- - Neonatal Tetanus: A Continuing Menace
- - Suspected Conn'S Syndrome In A Female Adult Hypertensive: A Case Report.
- Vol-10 No-1 (2010)
- - Effects of Oral Administration of Aloe Vera Plus On The Heart and Kidney: A Subacute Toxicity Study In Rat...
- - Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease In A Child With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia: A Case Report and Review of...
- - Clinical Quiz On Hypertensive Crisis
- - Pattern of Corrosive Ingestion Injuries In Port Harcourt: A Ten Year Review
- - Focal Intracranial Suppuration: Clinical Features and Outcome of 21 Patients
- - Knowledge, Risk Perception and Vaccination Against Hepatitis B Infection By Primary Healthcare Workers In Jos,...
- - The Effects of Crude Neem Leaf Acetone-Water Extract On Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial...
- - A Review of Neuro-Ophthalmologic Emergencies
- - In Vivo Radiodetoxification of Salmonella Minnesota Lipopolysaccharides With Radio-Labeled Leucine Enkephalin...
- - Shoulder Dislocation In The Course of Revenue Collection: A Need To Caution Revenue Agents In Port Harcourt
- Vol-11 No-1 (2011)
- - Blood Pressure Pattern In Barako - A Rural Community In Rivers State, Nigeria.
- - Pattern and Outcome of Management For Traumatic Closed Cervical Spine Injuries At The National Orthopaedic...
- - Pattern of Eye Disorders In Ogbodo: A Rural Community In Rivers State.
- - Pattern and Management of Acquired Facial Defects In Imo State University Teaching Hospital, Orlu, Nigeria.
- - Microalbuminuria: It'S Significance, Risk Factors and Methods of Detection
- - Perception of Rape Amongst Secondary School Students In Port Harcourt
- - Post-Neonatal Hypoglycaemia and Paediatric Emergency Room Admissions: A Study In The University of Port...
- - Situs Inversus In A 53 Year Old Man: A Case Report
- - Tethered Cord Syndrome With Syrinx In A Nigerian Adult Female: A Case Report
- Vol-11 No-2 (2011)
- - The Burden of Blindness According To Age and Sex In Some Communities In Niger Delta of Nigeria
- - isolated Dextrocardia Coexisting With Skeletal Anomalies and Mild Cardiac Anomalies
- - Mothers' Perception of Fever Management In Children
- - Neuroprotection In Glaucoma: A Review
- - Pattern of Demand For Removable Acrylic Partial Denture (RPD) In The City of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
- - Complications of Fracture and Dislocation Treatment By Traditional Bone Setters: A Private Practice Experience
- - Causes of Vitreous Haemorrhage In Port Harcourt; A 3 Year Review.
- Vol-11 No-3 (2011)
- - A Decade of Anti-Retroviral Therapy In Nigeria: Efficacy of First Line Regimens In Treatment-Naive HIV/AIDS...
- - Childhood Pneumonia and Under-Five Morbidity and Mortality At The University of Port Harcourt Teaching...
- - Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Contraception Amongst Antenatal Patients At The University of Port...
- - Compliance To Medical Therapy of Primary Open Angle Glaucoma In Enugu
- - Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of General Medical Practitioners In Port Harcourt Towards The Prevention of...
- - An Evaluation of The Health Status of The School Environment In Public Primary Schools In Bonny Local...
- Vol-11 No-4 (2011)
- - Anaesthetic Challenges In An Untreated Grave'S Disease Parturient Undergoing Emergency Caesarean Section
- - The Environmental Health Condition of The New University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital.
- - Marjolin’S Ulcers: A Review
- - The Prevalence of Malaria Antigen In The Serum of HIV Seropositive Patients In Port Harcourt.
- - State of Diabetes Care In Nigeria: A Review
- - Complications of Fracture and Dislocation Treatment By Traditional Bone Setters: A Private Practice Experience
- - Tuberculosis of The Thyroid Gland In A Nigeria Female: A Case Report
- - Pattern of Complicated Unsafe Abortions In Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital Okolobiri, Nigeria: A 4...
- Vol-12 No-1 (2012)
- - The Pattern of Diabetic Admissions In Ucth Calabar, South Eastern Nigeria: A Five Year Review
- - Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Breast Self Examination Among Women In Rivers State, Nigeria
- - Knowledge and Intake of Fruit and Vegetables Consumption Among Adults In An Urban Community In North Central...
- - Study of The Lumbosacral Angles of Males In Port Harcourt, South- South, Nigeria
- - Morphometric Study of The Supraorbital Notches and Foramina In Adult Human Skulls In South-South Nigeria
- - Sigmoidopexy and Tube Sigmoidostomy In Sigmoid Volvulus: A Case Report
- - Management of Obesity: The Surgical Perspective
- Vol-12 No-2 (2012)
- - Autism In Children: Clinical Features, Management and Challenges.
- - Indications For Caesarean Section At A Nigerian District Hospital
- - An HIV-1 Infected Patient With Neurofibromatosis Type 1: A Case Report.
- - Prevalence of Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection Among Female Undergraduates of The University of Port Harcourt...
- - Prospective Study of Sex Hormone Levels Among Prostate Cancer Patients Attending The University of Port...
- - Improving Stroke Management Through Specialized Stroke Units In Nigeria: A Situational Review
- - Systemic Analysis of Sudden Natural Deaths At Braithwaite Memorial Specialist Hospital Port Harcourt, Nigeria
- Vol-12 No-3 (2012)
- - Electrocardiographic Evaluation of Structural and Electrical Abnormalities In Nigerians Presenting With...
- - Pattern and Outcome of Eclampsia Managed At A General Hospital In North-West, Nigeria.
- - Universal Precautions: A Review
- - Recent Change of Locality As Risk Factor For Malaria Fever Among New Residents of Ahoada East Local Government...
- - Energy Saving Bulbs: An Emerging Threat To Public Health, From Mercury Contamination of The Environment
- - An Overview of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Epidemiology and Pathogenesis
- Vol-12 No-4 (2012)
- - Evaluation of Peak Expiratory Flow Rates (PEFR) of Workers In A Cement Factory In Port Harcourt South-South,...
- - Childhood Hearing Impairment: How Do Parents Feel About It?
- - The Mortality of Serving Africa Presidents: A Lesson For The Health Profession and The Lay Public
- - Acute Limb ischemia Masquerading As Stroke: A Case Report
- - A Review of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and The Current Management of Genotype 1 Chronic Hcv Infection
- Vol-13 No-1 (2013)
- - The State of Paediatric Eye Care In Nigeria: A Situational Review and Call For Action.
- - Hypertension In A Rural Community In Rivers State, Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: Prevalence and Risk Factors
- - Current State of Public Cemeteries In Rivers State, Nigeria
- - Profile and Outcome of Medical Emergencies In A Tertiary Health Institution In Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
- - An Audit of Otorhinolaryngological Practice In A Tertiary Institution In The Niger Delta Region of Nigeria.
- - Effects of Interval Training Programme On Resting Heart Rate In Subjects With Hypertension: A Randomized...
- - Skinfold Parameter As Predictor of Body Density For Undergraduate Female Students In A Nigeria University...
- - How Effective is The 2012 Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Week (MNCHW) In Rivers State?
- - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): A Review of The Clinical Management
- Vol-13 No-2 (2013)
- - An Unusual Case of Acute Asthma After Snake Bite
- Vol-13 No-3 (2013)
- - Live Birth After In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) In A 53 Year Old Woman: A Case Report
- - Risk Factors Associated With Breast Cancer Among Women In Warri and Ibadan, Nigeria
- - University Students In Nigeria: Attitude Towards Marriage In The Face of Haemoglobin Genotype Incompatibilty
- - Maltoma of The Transverse Colon, Ascending Colon and Caecum: A Case Report
- Vol-13 No-4 (2013)
- - The Storage and Processing of Cassava-Based Nigerian Staple Foods For The Prevention and Management of...
- - 'Raw' Formula For Calculating Maintenance Fluid Volumes In Low Birth-Weight and Premature Babies...
- - Histologic Study of Non-Malignant Kidney Lesions In Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
- - Can The French Paradox Be Achieved With The Drinking of Palm Wine?
- - Options For The Production of A Cardiovascular-Friendly Palm Oil
- - Upper Gastro-Intestinal Endoscopy In Port-Harcourt: An Audit
- - Pattern and Prevalence of Psychiatric Consultations In Other Non-Psychiatric In-Patient Facilities In The...
- - Correlation of General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) Values With Quality of Life (QOL) of Subjects Living With...
- - Socio-Demographic and Clinical Determinants of Psychiatric Co-Morbidity In Persons With Essential Hypertension...
- - The Impact of Phc Reorganization and Doctors Task Shifting In Health Delivery Services In Rivers State: A...
- - Litigation and The Anaesthetist: A Review
- - Primary Postpartum Haemorrhage At The University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital: Incidence and Risk Factors
- - Medication Related Cutaneous Disorders In End Stage Renal Disease Patients In Lagos.
- Vol-14 No-4 (2014)
- - Acceptance of Umbilical Cord Blood As An Alternative To Adult Blood Transfusion By Pregnant Women In Makurdi,...
- Vol-15 No-1 (2015)
- - Laboratory Request Forms - How Well Do Doctors Fill Them? A Look At The Practice At The Niger Delta University...
Information for Authors: writing for the Nigerian health journal (TNHJ):
What we publish: Manuscripts submitted to TNHJ may be in the form of Review articles, Original research articles, Case series and reports, Clinical practice materials, Editorial Letters, Short commentaries, Books reviews and Medical educational materials. All contributions are expected to be original works, and must not have been previously published in print or online or simultaneously submitted to another journal. An abstract published prior to a full report will not be regarded as a duplicate publication.
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TNHJ also supports open access archiving of articles published in the journal after three months of publication. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g, in institutional repositories or on their website) within the stated period, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access). All requests for permission for open access archiving outside this period should be sent to the editor via email to .
- Dr. Datonye Alasia
- Editor-in-Chief
- Dr. Kelechi E. Okonta
- Associate
- Dr. Daprim Ogaji
- Associate
- Dr. Iroro Yarhere
- Associate
- Dr. Priye Jaja
- Associate
- Dr. Cecil Maduforo
- Associate
- Dr. Victor Aniedi Umoh
- Associate
- Dr. John Dimkpa Ojule
- Associate
- Dr. Alagoma Iyagba
- Associate
- Dr. Sandra Ofori
- Associate
- Dr. Pedro Chimezie Emem-chioma
- Associate
- Dr. Amabra Dodiyi-manuel
- Associate
- Dr. Aquaeno Ekanem
- Associate
- Dr. Jacob Dunga
- Associate