- Language: English X
- Established Year: 1998
- Published Articles: 206

Executive Editor | : | Professor G. Chuks Ejezie |
ISSN | : | 1119-409X |
Publication Frequency | : | Bi-annually |
Publisher | : | University of Calabar Teaching Hospital |
Paper Submission E-mail | : |
- Vol-1 No-1 (1998)
- - Cryptosporidiosis Among Diarrhoeic Subjects In Calabar, Nigeria
- - Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Ciprofloxacin (CIFROXIN) In Acute Respiratory Tract Infections
- - Some In Vitro and In Vivo Studies On The Inhibition of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase By Cyanide.
- - Abdominal Hysterectomy For Gynaecological Conditions In Calabar: Trends and Outcome
- - Error of Refraction In Primary School Children In Enugu, Nigeria
- Vol-2 No-2 (2000)
- - Birthweight and Neonatal Haematocrit Levels In Calabar, Nigeria
- - Distribution of Liver Diseases Among Medical Admissions In University ofcalabarteaching Hospital
- - Pre- and Post-Exercise Haematological Parameters In Nigerian Sportsmen and Women
- - Profile of Childhood Leprosy In South Eastern Nigeria
- - Serum Protein Changes In Sickle Cell Anaemia Patients In South Eastern Nigeria
- - Venous Thrombo-Embolisni In Obstetric and Gynaecological Practice: Review of Literature and Calabar Experience
- - Prevalence and Characteristics of Tuberculous Pleural Effusion Among Newly Diagnosed Cases of Pulmonary...
- - Reduced Prevalence of Finger Clubbing Among 500 Newly Diagnosed Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients Seen In Iwo,...
- - Surgical Acute Abdomen In Children In Calabar
- - Reproductive Goal of Norplant Acceptors In Calabar
- - Serum Bilirubin Level As An Indicator of Degree of Parasitaemia In Malaria Children In Calabar, Nigeria
- - Evaluation of Buffy-Coat In The Rapid Screening For Septicaemia In Children With Sickle Cell Anaemia
- - Retroperitoneal Yolk Sac Tumour—A Case Report
- - A Review of Occupational Hazards In Oral Surgery and Dentistry
- - Frequency of Loiasis Amongst Patients With Peri-Orbital Swelling In Calabar, Nigeria
- - Biochemical Indices of Bone Metabolism In Enugu Children With Sickle Cell Anaemia
- - Birthweight and Neonatal Haematocrit Levels In Calabar, Nigeria
- - Birthweight and Neonatal Haematocrit Levels In Calabar, Nigeria.
- - Distribution of Liver Diseases Among Medical Admissions In University of Calabar Teaching Hospital.
- - Pre- and Post-Exercise Haematological Parameters In Nigerian Sportsmen and Women
- Vol-3 No-1 (2003)
- - The Epidemiology of Pulmonary Paragonimiasis In Cross River Basin In Nigeria: Update On Infection Prevalence...
- - The Biochemical Composition of The Breast Milk of Nigerian Mothers
- Vol-3 No-1 (0000)
- - The National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) and Information Management
- Vol-3 No-1 (2003)
- - Association of Pulmonary Paragonimiasis With Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis In Rural Yakurr Community In Cross...
- - Paragonimus Uterobilateralis: Peak Period of Egg Output In Sputum of Infected Subjects In Cross River Basin,...
- Vol-3 No-1 (0000)
- - Urinary Schistosomiasis In Two Endemic Communities of Cross River Basin: Prevalence, Intensity and Treatment
- Vol-3 No-1 (2003)
- - Chronic Suppurative Osteomyelitis of The Jaws
- - Penile Cancer In North-Eastern Nigeria
- - Prevalence of Bacteria In Diabetics and Non-Diabetics.
- - A-V Fistulse From Arrow Injuries: A Report of Two Cases
- - Molecular Identification of Anopheles Gambiae Complex . Found In Calabar, Using The Polymerase Chain Reaction...
- - Blood Concentrations of Methaemoglobin, Carboxyhaemoglobin and Some Haematological Parameters In Petrol Station...
- - Safety Considerations In The Management of Hospital-Generated Wastes In University of Calabar Teaching...
- - Antibiotic Misuse Among High School Students In Calabar Nigeria
- - The Prevalence of Filariasis In Awi, Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State - Nigeria.
- - Masses In The Neck: A Histopatbological Analysis of 213 Cases In South Eastern, Nigeria
- - Restoration of Functions In Children After Ano-Rectal Surgery
- Vol-3 No-2 (2004)
- - A Prospective Comparative Study of The Bacterial Flora of The Vagina and Cervix In Non-Pregnant Women of...
- - A Review of Recent Advances In Hla and Tissue Typing
- Vol-3 No-2 (2003)
- - Attitude of Nigerian Mothers To Labour Pain and Its Relief
- - The Effect of
- - The Effect of Chemiron On Haematological Parameters and Ferritin Levels In Pregnant Nigerian Women In Calabar
- - Congenital Malformation of The Anus and Rectum In Children In Calabar, Nigeria
- - Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma: (A CASE REPORT): Management Obstacles In A Developing Country
- - Histologically Diagnosed Cancers: University of Maiduguri Teaching / Hospital Cancer Registry Experience (1994...
- - Knowledge, Attitude and Information Sources On HIV/AIDS Amongst Inmates of Two Prisons In Benin City, Nigeria
- - Motorcycle Related Abdominal Trauma In Children In Calabar Nigeria
- - Obstetric Practices In Spiritual Churches In South Eastern Nigeria
- - Assessment of The Efficacy of Deltamethrin Impregnated Bed Nets For The Control of Malaria Infection In Ono...
- - The Activities of Nadh-Methb Reductase and Glucose - 6 - Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) In The Red Cells of...
- - Socio-Demographic Determinants of Elcampsia In Calabar; A Ten-Year Review
- - A Review of The Role of Vitamin C In Health
- - A Review of The Role of Vitamin C In Health
- Vol-5 No-1 (2005)
- - Assessment of Haematuria and Proteinuria As Diagnostic Markers For Monitoring Treatment of Urinary ...
- - Assessment of Haematuria and Proteinuria As Diagnostic Markers For Monitoring Treatment of Urinary...
- - Assessment of Haematuria and Proteinuria As Diagnostic Markers For Monitoring Treatment of Urinary...
- - Nitrates and Nitrites Content of Water Bore Holes and Packaged Water In Calabar Metropolis.
- - Prevalence of Enteropathogens and Their Association With Diarrhea Among Children of Food Vendors In Uyo,...
- - Experience With Modified Lahaut'S Procedure For Rectal Prolapse
- - Experience With Modified Lahaut'S Procedure For Rectal Prolapse
- - Pregnancy Outcome In Women Aged 40 Years and Above In Calabar, Nigeria
- - Current Trends In Caesarean Section In University of Calabar Teaching Hospital Calabar-Nigeria
- - Outcome of Pregnancy In Women With Motorcycle Accidents In Calabar, Nigeria
- - A Five-Year Review of Female Genital Tract Malignancies In Sokoto, Northwestern Nigeria.
- - Diagnostic Value of Urinalysis Combined With Abdominal Ultrasound In Diagnosis of Renal Colic In Jordan
- - A Five-Year Review of Female Genital Tract Malignancies In Sokoto, North Western Nigeria.
- - Diagnostic Value of Urinalysis Combined With Abdominal Ultrasound In Diagnosis of Renal Colic In Jordan
- - Intrathecal Pethidine: An Alternative Anaesthetic For Transurethral Resection of Prostate?
- - Pattern of Injuries Among Children Presenting With Trauma At The Emergency Department of King Hussein Medical...
- - Hydatidiform Mole In Calabar, Nigeria: A Ten-Year Review
- - Synchronous Dehiscence of The Abdominal and Uterine Wounds
- Vol-6 No-2 (2006)
- - Post-Operative Analgesia For Major Abdominal Obstetric and Gynaecologic Operations In University of Calabar...
- - Tubularised Incised Plate Urethroplasty For Repair of Hypospadias: Preliminary Report of Outcome In Nigerian...
- - Presentation and Management of Uterine Fibroids In Calabar, Nigeria.
- - The Effect of Tobacco Smoking On Total and Differential White Blood Cells Counts In Calabar - Nigeria Cigarette...
- - Outcome of Midline Dorsal Plication of Tunica Albuginea For Repair of Penile Curvature In Nigerian Children
- - Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection In Patients With Persistent Peripheral Lymphadenopathy In Calabar
- - Seropositivity of Hepatitis B Among Healthcare Workers In Calabar, Nigeria.
- - Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Bacterial isolates From Urine Samples of Acquired Immunodeficiency...
- - Sero- Prevalence of Hepatitis - C Virus (HC V) Antibodies Among Blood Donors In Ikom, Cross River State,...
- - Qtc Interval and Antipsychotic Drug Therapy In Psychiatric Patients - Experience From Calabar, South -Eastern...
- - Patterns of Bacterial isolates From Surgical Site Infections At A Federal Medical Centre In North Eastern...
- - A Study On Bacteriuria In Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic In Calabar Metropolis, Nigeria.
- - Antimycotic Effects of Jatropha Curcas Seed Extracts: Findings From A Preliminary Study
- - Squamous Cell Carcinoma of The Neck
- - Ileocaecal Volvulus Presenting As Acute On Chronic Appendicitis A Case Report and A Review of The Literature
- Vol-8 No-1 (2008)
- - Effect of Aqueous Leaf Extract ofdombeya Buttneri On The Gastrointestinal Tract of Guinea Pig and Rat
- - HIV/AIDS, Women and Poverty: Socio-Cultural Imperatives In The Oil-Bearing Communities In Nigeria'S Niger...
- - Contraceptive Choices In An Ngo-Sponsored Family Planning Clinic In Owerri, Nigeria
- - Contraceptive Choices In An Ngo-Sponsored Family Planning Clinic In Owerri, Nigeria
- - Dietary Pattern of Adult Diabetic Subjects Attending A Tertiary Care Hospital Diabetic Clinic In Calabar,...
- - Effect of Orogastric Administration of Methanolic Extract of Ageratum Conyzoides On Gastric Acid Secretion In...
- - The Aetiology of Neonatal Septicaemia In Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
- - Effect of Aqueous Extract of Rothmannitl Hispida On Gastric Acid Secretion and Gastric Mucosa Protection...
- - Increase of Body Temperature and Changes In Some Routinely Estimated Biochemical Parameters
- - Effect of Consumption of Aqueous Leafextract of V. Amygdalina On Gastric Acid Secretion, Gastric Ulceration and...
- - Epidemiology of Cigarette Smoking Among Secondary School Students In Owerri Municipality Imo State, Nigeria.
- Vol-8 No-2 (2008)
- - Clinico-Pathological Variables In The Prognosis of Breast Cancers
- - Multi-Drug Resistant Pseudomonas Aeruginosa From Ear Discharges and Potential Challenges In Treatment of Ear...
- - Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmias In Cardiac and Non- Cardiac Patients In Ucth
- - The Use of The Foley Catheter As A Haemostatic Agent During Myomectomy For A Giant Intramural Fibriod
- - Efficacy of Mass Ivermectin Administration For The Control of Onchocerciasis In Agbokim and Ajassor Communities...
- - Pattern of Growth of Exclusively Breastfed Infants Born At The University of Abuja Teaching Hospital,...
- - Neglected Musculoskeletal Deformities In The Nigerian Youth: is There Any Hope?
- - Effect of Amodiaquine On The Cytoachitecture of The Cerebellum of Wistar Rats
- - Inhibition of Dna Distribution In The Testis of Wistar Rats Following Long Term Treatment With Chloroquine...
- - Hydrological and Rainfall Patterns of Simulium Breeding Sites At Ugbem and Ukwepeyiere Communities In Biase...
- - Phyllodes Tumour of The Breast: Report of Six Cases
- Vol-9 No-1 (2009)
- - Instrumental Vaginal Operative Delivery In University of Calabar Teaching Hospital Calabar, Nigeria
- - Epidemiology of Paragonimiasis In Ohan Community of Cross River State, Nigeria.
- - Histochemical Characterization of Rain-Forest Strain of Onclzocerca Vo/Vu/Us Microfilariae isolated In Akamkpa,...
- - A Controlled Study of Effect of Counseling On Psychological Symptoms Among People Living With HIV/AIDS In Uyo,...
- - Placenta Praevia At The University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital: A Five Year Retrospective Study
- - The Assessment of Heavy Metals and By-Products On Fried Foods Sold By Road Side Vendors In Calabar, Nigeria.
- - Factors Intluencing Utilization of Modern Family Planning Services Among Women of Child Bearing Age (15 - 49...
- - Evaluation of Heavy Metals In Canned Meat and Fish Sold In Calabar, Nigeria.
- - Chemical and Biological Evaluation of Fried Plantain Sold By Roadside Vendors In Calabar, Nigeria.
- - Consumer Awareness of Safe Food Handling By Food Service Establishments In Calabar, Nigeria
- - Aetiological Factors For Mandibular Fractures Seen In The University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar,...
- - HIV/ AIDS Awareness Among Traders In Port-Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
- - Osteomyelitis of The Mandible In Sickle Cell Disease: Report of A Case
- - Sperm Quality and Fertility Following Prolonged Immobilization Stress In Wistar Rats
- - Chloroquine Induced Lipid Deposition In The Lateral Geniculate Body and Superior Colliculus of Adult Wistar...
- - Modulatory Effect of Vitamin C and E On Dihydroartemisinin (COTECXIN) Induced Hepatotoxicity In Wistar Albino...
- - Garcinia Kola (BITTER KOLA) As An Anti-Microbial Agent: Effects On The Normal Flora of The Mouth.
- Vol-9 No-2 (2009)
- - Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases In Pregnant Women In Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.
- - Prevalence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and HIV Co-Infection Among Prisoners In Calabar, Nigeria
- - Mortality Patterns In The Medical Wards of University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar, Nigeria
- - Comparison of Acidometric and Iodometric Methods In The Detection of Penicillinase Production By...
- - Prevalence of Intestinal Parasitic Infections Among Inmates of Calabar Prison, Cross River State, Nigeria
- - Calcium, Inorganic Phosphates, Alkaline Phosphatase and Acid Phosphatase Activities In Breast Cancer Patients...
- - The Relationship Between The Health Profile of Wast Scavengers and Microbial Load Burden of Dumps In Port...
- - Prostatic Diseases In Akwa Ibom State
- - Pediatric Eye Care: Common Causes of Blindness and Visual Impairment In Children In A Hospital Setting
- - The Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Alchornea Cordifolia Leaf On The Histology of Kidney of Diabetic Wistar...
- - In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Titlionia Diversifolia (SUNFLOWER) Leaf Extracts On Aerobic Bacterial...
- - Nutrition and Health Status of Preschool Children of Rubber Plantation Workers In Calabar, Nigeria.
- Vol-10 No-1 (2010)
- - Antiretroviral Treatment and Level of Transaminase In HIV-Infected Out-Patients Attending The Central Hospital...
- - Morbidity and Mortality Patterns of Nigerian Petroleum Oil Refining and Distribution Industry
- - Patterns ofaccidents and Injuries In A Nigerian Oil Refining and Distribution Industry
- - Height As A Surrogate For Bodyweight For Estimating The Dosage of Praziquantel and Artesunate In The Treatment...
- - The Burden of Soil Transmitted Helminths Induced Anaemia In Pregnant Women In Port Harcourt, Nigeria
- - The Effect of Acute and Chronic Consumption of Fresh and Thermoxidized Palm Oil On Total and Differential White...
- - Prevalence of Gallstone Disease In South-Eastern Nigeria
- - Prevalence and Intensity of Schistosoma Haematobium In Odau Community In The Niger Delta, Nigeria.
- - Pattern of Injury Among Students of The University of Calabar, Nigeria, Following A Violent Clash With Youths...
- - Anxiety Among Residents Living Near Poultry Farms During Avian Influenza H5Ni - Outbreak In Nigeria
- - Risk Factors of Pre-Eclampsia In Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano, Nigeria
- - Prevalence of Candida Albicans In Symptomatic Vulvovaginitis In Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
- - Plasma Fibrinogen Levels of Healthy Non-Pregnant Women In Calabar, South-South Nigeria
- - Human Papillomavirus Infection In Cervical Tissue of Patients Visiting Ucth Calabar, Nigeria
- - Semen Quality In Men Investigated For Infertility In Jos, Nigeria
- - The Relationship Between The Health Profile of Waste Scavengers and Microbial Load Burden of Dumps In Port...
- - Echocardiographic Features of Rheumatic Heart Disease In Lagos.
- Vol-10 No-2 (2010)
- - Prevalence of Hepatitis B Seropositivity Among Adults In Makurdi, Nigeria
- - Breast Tumors In Childhood and Adolescence In Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
- - Comparative Study of The Effects of Allium Extract and Honey On Dermatophytes isolated From Primary School...
- - Impact of Nigerian Grown Honey On Haematologicai Parameters and Red Blood Cells Fragility In Wistar Rats.
- - Hormonal Profile In Hyperprolactinaemic Infertile Men
- - Clinical Presentations Associated With Rotavirus-Induced Diarrhoea In Ilorin, Nigeria.
- - Clinico-Pathological Features of Uterine Sarcomas At The University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin-City,...
- - Association Between Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria In Pregnancy and Perinatal Outcome Among...
- - Clinical Experience With Manual Aspiration At The University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital.
- - Spectrum of Medical Emergencies Presenting At The University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.
- - Preventing Osteoporosis Among Underweight and Obese Sedentary Young Women.
- - Medical Management of Unruptured Ectopic Pregnancy In A Tertiary Care Facility In Nigeria
- Vol-11 No-1 (2011)
- - Experience With The Repair of Vesico-Vaginal Fistulas In A Non- Conventional Setting In Sub-Sahara Africa
- - A Healthy Workforce Engenders Optimal Productivity
- - Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome In Chronic Kidney Disease
- - The Outcome of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation In A Paediatric Emergency Room
- - Pattern of Neurological Admissions At The Intensive Care Unit In A Tertiary Hospital;A 15 Year Review
- - Knowledge of Physicians In Cross River State Ministry of Health On Women Related issues In Epilepsy.
- - An Open Label 14-Day Therapeutic Efficacy Trial of Artesunate Plus Amodiaquine For Treating Uncomplicated...
- - Awareness of Women'S issues In Epilepsy: A Survey of Physicians In The Cross River State Ministry of...
- - Association Between Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria In Pregnancy and Perinatal Outcome Among...
- - Condom Use Among Final Year Medical Students of A Nigerian University
- - Contraceptive Use Amongst Patients With Induced Abortion At The University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital.
- - Eagles Syndrome: Key To Definitive Diagnosis Report of An Unusual Case and Discussion
- - Prevalence of Tinea Capitis Among School Children In Urban Areas of Imo State, Nigeria
- - The Prevalence of Anaemia At Booking Among Pregnant Women At The University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, Nigeria
- - Pattern of Knowledge, Use and Counseling For Papanicolaou Smear Among Doctors In Delta State, Nigeria
- Vol-12 No-1 (2013)
- - Awareness and Utilization of Haemoglobin A1C Estimation As A Glycaemic Monitoring Tool In Persons With Diabetes...
- - Prevalence of Malaria Parasitaemia Among Women of Different Blood Groups In Calabar, Cross River State,...
- - Antioxidant Levels and Lipid Peroxidation In Patients With Advanced Cervical Cancer
- - Utilization of Cervical Cancer Screening Services By Women of Child-Bearing Age In Uyo Metropolis, Akwa Ibom...
- - Opportunistic Cervical Cytology At The University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria
- - Early Outcome of Treatment of Congenital Clubfoot Using Kite'S Method - The Need For Review of Treatment...
- - Breast Self Examination Among Secondary School Teachers In Edo State, Nigeria: A Survey of Perception and...
- - Factors Influencing The Practice of Exclusive Breast Feeding Among Mothers In Ikot Omin, Calabar, Nigeria.
- - Diagnosing Irritable Bowel Syndrome In A Student Population; A Comparison of The World Gastroenterology...
- - Evaluation of Thin Layer Agar For Rapid and Accurate Diagnosis of Turberculosis In A Resource-Limited Setting.
- Vol-13 No-1 (2014)
- - Manual Vacuum Aspiration In Contemporary Practice: The Federal Medical Centre Umuahia Experience
- - Insecticide Treated Mosquito Bednet Ownership, Use and Retreatment Practices of Maternal and Child Health...
- - Bacterial Pathogens Associated With Wound Infections In Calabar, Nigeria
- - Incidence, Risk and Aetiological Factors of Stillbirth At A Tertiary Institution In Abakaliki, South East,...
- - Acute Abdomen From Ruptured Liver Abscess In A Resource Poor Setting – A Report of Two Cases
- - Attitude and Practice of Weaning Among Women of Child Bearing Age In Akpabuyo, Cross River State, Nigeria.
- - Second Hand Covered Shoes: Transmission Route of Fungal Foot Infections
- - Changes In Some Biochemical Iron-Related Parameters Following Repeated Blood Donation Among 184 Male Subjects...
- - Acute Toxicity of Blighia Sapida (FISH POISON PLANT) On Oreochromis Niloticus
- - Giant Primary Renal Schistozoma Granuloma Mimicking A Renal Tumor: Challenges of Diagnosis
The Journal (MSJM) publishes original research papers, review articles, case reports and short communications on any aspect of health and tropical diseases. All papers are referred by independent assessors.
Submission of Manuscripts
Papers for publication should be submitted in triplicate, including all illustrations and should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Chuks Ejezie, Department of Medical Microbiology, College of Medical Sciences, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria. Manuscripts should be accompanied by a letter signed by ALL the
authors stating their involvement in the work being reported and that they agree to its publication. Submitted papers will not be returned so a copy must be retained by the authors.
Format for Original Articles
Papers should be organized as follows Title, Authors (and their affiliations) Abstracts, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, Reference. Manuscripts should be typed, on one side of A4 paper (210 x 297)mm only, with double line spacing and wide margins. It should contain the purpose of the investigation, materials and methods, principal findings and the major conclusion. Tables and legends to figures should be typed on separate sheets.
References to literature (Vancouver System) should be numbered in the text in order of appearance, and should be listed in numerical order on a separate sheet. List of references must include name(s) and initials of the author(s), years of publication, full title of paper, full title of journal (as in Index Medicus), volume and first and last page numbers e.g. Greenwood B.M. Asymptomatic malaria infections - Do they matter? Parasitology Today 1987; 3 (7) 206-214. Ejezie, G.C. and Ezedinachi, E.N.U. Malaria parasite density and body temperature in children under 10 years of age in Calabar, Nigeria. Trop. Geogr. Med. 1992; 44 (2): 97-101. One set of page proofs will be supplied for authors to check for typesetting accuracy. No changes to the manuscript will be accepted after the proof stage.
- Prof. G. Chucks Ejezie
- Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. E. E. Ekanem
- Editor
- Prof. S. J. Etuk
- Editor
- Prof. A. E. Archibong
- Editor
- Prof. E. J. Peters
- Editor
- Prof. A. I. Obiekezie
- Member