- Language: English
- Established Year: 1995
- Published Articles: 989

Executive Editor | : | Prof. Barth N. Ekwueme |
Publication Frequency | : | Bi-annually |
Publisher | : | Bachudo Science Co. Ltd |
Paper Submission E-mail | : |
- Vol-1 No-2 (2002)
- - Globalization: Its Sociological and Conceptual Analysis
- Vol-6 No-1 (2000)
- - Effect of Feeding Heat Treated Soybean (GLYCINE MAX) and Pigeon Pea (CAJANUS CAJAN) As Major Sources of Protein...
- - Inhibition of Mild Steel Corrosion In Hydrochloric Acid By 2-Aminopyridine and 2-(AMINOMETHYL) Pyridine
- - Pb-Pb and Sm - Nd isotope Study of Metaigneous Rocks of Kaduna. Region: Implications For Archaean Crustal...
- - On Incompressible-Fluid Flow In Presence of Slip Parameter
- - Effect of Feeding Heat Treated Soybean (GLYCINE MAX) and Pigeon Pea (CAJANUS CAJAN) As Major Sources of Protein...
- - A Comparative Study of Vigna Unguiculata Bean Meal With Two Legume Leaf Meals As Partial Substitutes For...
- - Chemical Composition and Soaping Characteristics of Peels From Plantain (MUSA PARADISIACA) and Banana (MUSA,...
- - Clino-Pathological Study of Human Onchocerciasis In Imo River Basin, Nigeria, and Its Implication To The...
- - Effect of Sorbitol Pretreatment On Yield and Viability of Protoplasts isolated From Etiolated Shoots of Three...
- - Effect of Time Duration of Thermal Treatments On The Nutritive Value of Mucuna Cochinchinensis
- - Epidemiology of Ascariasis In Some Rural Communities In Ogun State, Nigeria
- - Evidence of Glucose Gradient Along The Umblical Cord: Implications For Fetal Deveopment
- - Fruit Terpenoids and Fatty Acids of Strychnos Spinosa Lam
- - Gamma Radiation Department of Transitve Absorption Coefficient of Wood
- - Petrography In Relation To Palaeogeography of The Late Cretaceous Limestone Units In Ohafia Area of...
- - Studies On Certain Characteristics of Extracts of Bark of Pausinystalia Johimbe and Pausinystalia Macroceras...
- - Studies On The Germination Inhibitors In The Fruits of Four Tropical Tree Species
- - Synthesis and Electron Microscopic Studies of Nanostructured La1-Xsrxco03(X = 0.0, 0.3, 0.5) Systems
- - Temporal Variations In Beach Tar Concentration Along Ibeno Coastline, Nigeria
- - The Induction of Some Common Hydrolytic Enzymes and Antibiotics In Trichoderma Harzianum and Fusarium Oxysporum...
- - The Use of Gliadin Electrophoresis In Wheat Breeding Programme
- - Theobromme Administration Inhibits Platelet Aggregation and Elevate Serum Hdl-Cholesterolin Hyperlipidemic...
- - Trace Metals In Dust Particulates From Calabar. Municipality, Nigeria
- - Antisickling Activity of Phenylalanine: Effect On Erythrocyte Membrane Atpases
- - Effect of Ph On Enzyme Productivity By Three Pathotypes of Choanephora Cucurbitarum
- Vol-6 No-2 (2000)
- - Effect of V2O5 and Nio Dopants On Zno Varisitor System
- Vol-6 No-3 (2000)
- - Morphology of The Leaf Epidermis and Systematics In Some Dissotis Benth Species (MELASTOMATACEAE)
- - Major and Trace Elemens (+ SR ISOTOPJC) GeochemicalCharacteristics of The Mid-Atlantic Ridge Peridotites and,...
- - Investigation of Foundry Properties of Ikere-Ekiti Clay Deposit
- - The Chemical Forms of Lead In Roadside Dusts of Metropolitan Lagos, Nigeria
- - An Almost Unbiased Ratio-Cum-Product Method of Estimation
- - Nutrient Composition of Five "Draw" Leafy Vegetables of Adamawa State, Nigeria
- - Agglomeration and Nature of Particle Size and Some Characteristic Properties of Zn- Ferrites
- - Anthropometry of Farm Workers In South-Western Nigeria
- - Antifungal Effect of Azadirachta Indica A. Juss Extracts On Colletotrichum Lindemuthianum
- - Carcass Yield and Duality of Broiler Chicken Fed Varying Protein Levels
- - Comparative Studies On Seed Morphology, Moisture Content and Seed Germination of Two Varieties of Irvigngia...
- - Comparison of Growth and Survival of Two Strains of Oreochromis Niloticus (TREWAVAS) Fed With...
- - Cross Section of Equatorial Electrojet Magnetic Fields
- Vol-6 No-3 (0000)
- - Determination of Grindability and Work Index of Itakpe Iron Ore
- Vol-6 No-3 (1998)
- - Erythrocyte Membrane Atpases: Effect of Hyperphosphataemia On Atpases
- Vol-6 No-3 (2000)
- - Estimation of Calcium, Zinc, Hydrocyanate, Oxalate and Phytate In Dioscorea Bulbifera Tuber
- - Metabolism of Oreocbromis Niloticus (PERCIFORMES: CICHLIDAE) In Various Salinities
- Vol-6 No-3 (1999)
- - Microbiological Post Impact Assessment of Mobil Oil (IDOHO) Oil Spill In The Coastal Areas of South Eastern...
- Vol-6 No-3 (2000)
- - Plant Products As Seed Protectants Against Weaver Bird Damage
- - Prevalence and Intensity of Urinary Schistosomiasis In Gwagwalada F. C. T. Using School Children As Tracers
- - Rheological Characteristics of Fresh, Heat Processed Beef Products and Their Relationship To Tenderness...
- - Software Development and Intellectual Property Laws In Nigeria
- - Stability of Stored Serum Bilirobin In Calabar, A Tropical Region: Time, Light and Temperature Effect
- - Tannia Cocoyam Tuber Meal (XANTHOSOMA SAGITTIFOLIUM) As A Replacement For Maize Grain In The Diets of Rabbits
- - Water Scarcity and The Linkage Effects of Hydro Projects In Aya River Basin At Ogoja, South East Nigeria
- - Effect of Extruded Full-Fat Soybeans On The Performance of Layers
- Vol-6 No-4 (2000)
- - The Structure and Function of The Artisanal Gill- Net Fishery of The Lower Cross River System, Nigeria.
- - Partial Melting Mechanism and Mantle Peridotite Chemical Geodynamics
- - Recovery of Metal Values From Jos Tin Slag Using Naoh
- - Bacterial Inhibitory Effects of Potassium Sorbate and Retardation of Spoilage of Oysters (CRASSOSTREA GASAR) At...
- - Digestion of Carbon Materials By Pectolytic and Celluloytic Enzymes of Fusarium Moniliforme Sheld
- - Effect of Different Soil Moisture Regimes On The Development of The Charcoal Rot Disease of Soybean By...
- - Effect of Fungicides On Fusarium Grain Rot and Enzyme Production In Maize (ZEA MAYS L.)
- - Effect of H2O2 As Catalyst On Product Distribution On Ar-H Oxvchlorination At Low Temperature
- - Evaluation of Powder and Ash From Neem Tree (AZADIRACHTA INDICA A. JUSS) As Seed Protectants Against...
- - Factors Affecting The Organoleptic Characteristics of Palm Wine From Nsukka Area, Eastern Nigeria
- - Heavy Metals In Top Soils of Abeokuta Dump Sites
- - Hydrothermal Alterations Associated With Molybdenite Mineralization In The Kigom Younger Granite Complex...
- - Length Weight Relationship of Eight Fish Species From The Cross River, Nigeria
- - Microbial Population Dynamics and Storage-Stability of Soybean Supplemented Maize ('SOY -KWOKA')...
- - Petrography and Geochemical Studies of The Ania-Ohafia Ironstone Occurrence, Se Nigeria: A Preliminary Report
- - Predicting The Effect of Particle Size Profile, Blanching and Drying Temperature On The Dispersibility of Yam...
- - Preliminary Study of The Hypoglycemic Action of The Extract of Leaf of Telfairea Occioentalis In Normoglycemic...
- - Relationship Between The Genetic and Some Beneficiation Characteristics In The Ferruginous Quartzites of Itakpe...
- - Zero Prevalence and Socio-Demographic Factors of HIV In Pregnancy In Cross River State, Nigeria: A Redefinition...
- Vol-6 No-4 (1999)
- - Soil Characterization In Relation To Aquaculture: A Case Study of Ikwuano L.G.A, Abia State, Nigeria
- - Spot-Check On Ikwuano'S River Systems and Fish Fauna
- Vol-6 No-4 (2000)
- - Steel Reaction To Thermal Cycles On Welding: Case Study of Steel 09G2S Used In Petroleum and Gas Industries
- Vol-7 No-1 (2001)
- - Post-Harvest Deterioration of Irish Potato(SO/ANUNT TUBEROSUM L) By Micro-Organisms
- - Post-Harvest Deterioration of Irish Potato(SOLANUM TUBEROSUM L) By Micro-Organisms
- - Post Harvest Deterioration of Irish Potato (SOLANUM TUBEROSUM) By Micro-Organisms
- - A Comparative Study of The Triglyceride and Fatty Acid Compositions of Palm Oils From Plantations In...
- - The Geochemistry, Tectonic Setting and Origin of The Massive Melanocratic Amphibolite In The Ilesha Schist...
- - Design, Construction and Testing of An Optical Device For The Determination of Egg Fertility
- - Electrical Resistivity Soundings To Determine Subsurface Contamination In The Vicinity of Refuse Dump
- - Temperature Variations In The Niger Delta Subsurface From Continuous Temperature Logs
- - A Simple Method For Estimating Thermal Response of Building Materials In Tropical Climatic Zones
- - A Theoretical Markov Chain Model For Evaluating Correctional Methods Applied To People With Criminal Tendencies
- - Alternative Models For The Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Data In Areas Around The Magnetic Equator
- - An Inverse-Scattering Approach To The Physics of Transition Metals
- - Cytotoxicity of Cell Free Filtrates of Campylobacter Jejuni isolated In Lagos, Nigeria
- - Effect of Bilirubin Concentration On Radiation Absorbed Dose Equivalent Using Lif (TLD-100) Chips
- - Effects of Clay On Resistivity Index Thin Bed: Case Study From Western Niger Delta
- - Effects of Early Starvation On The Development and Survival of Macrobrachium Vollenhovenii (HERKLOTS, 1857)...
- - Geographysical Exploration For Groundwater In A Sedimentary Environment: A Case Study From Nanka Formation In...
- - Inter-Relationship Between Major Ions, Total Dissolved Solids and Conductivity In Some Tropical Fish Ponds
- - Moulting Cycle and Growth In The African River Prawn Acrobrachium Vollenhovenii (HERKLOTS 1857) (DECAPODA,...
- - Observations On The Helminth Parasites of Wild and Cultured Tilapia In The Okigwe Area of Imo State, Nigeria
- - On Finding The Non-isomorphism Classes of The (NXN)/K Semi-Latin Squares
- - On Mean State of The Atmosphere At The End of Rainy Season In Southwest Nigeria During The Mososcale Experiment...
- - Organic Matter Evaluation of The Nkporo Shale, Anambra Basin, From Wireline Logs
- - Photolysis of Nickel Hydroxy Azide
- - Porosity and Compaction Trend In Okan Field (WESTERN NIGER DELTA) Based On Well Log Data
- - Response of Water Leaf Vegetable (TALINUM TRIANGULARE JACQ) To Nitrogen and Organic Fertilizers In Calabar Area...
- - Synthesis and X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Al203 Using Aluminum Ace Tylacetonate (AAA) Precursor Via A Novel...
- - Technical and Allocative Efficiencies of Small Scale Cassava Growers In Five Selected Local-Government Areas of...
- - Temperature Variability and Outreak of Meningitis and Measles In Yola, Nigeria
- - The Computation of Linear Triangular System Matrices In The Finite Element Method
- - The Effect of Heat Treatment On The Chemical Composition of Canned Meat
- - The Effects of Y-Irradiation On The Optical and Electrical Properties of Buffer Solution Crown Cds Thin Films
- - The Effects of Climatic Factors On The Occurrence and Gross Pathological Lesions In Bacterial Pneumonia of...
- - The Estimation of Modified Non-Specific Solubility Parameter of Liquids By Correlation With Refractive Index...
- - The Microbiology and Deterioration of Soft Drinks Subjected To Two Different Marketing Conditions
- Vol-7 No-2 (2001)
- - Comparison of Haematological Indices In Juvenile Catfish, Chrysichthys Nigrodigitatus (LACEPEDE), Fed Complete...
- - Geochemistry of Slates and Semi-Pelitic Schists From Koriga Area, N. W. Nigeria and Jebba Area, S. W. Nigeria
- - Use of Triethylene Glycol To Dehydrate Natural Gas
- - Environmental Noise Studies In Some Areas of Calabar and Uyo, Nigeria
- - Dual Slope Integration Technique To Design A Digital Thermometer
- - Admission Criteria and Subsequent Academic Performance of Medical Students At The University of Calabar
- - A New Flavone Glycoside From Dicoma Tomentosa
- - Adsorption of Methylene Blue By Activated Carbon From Coconut Shell
- - An Economic Analysis of Women'S Dependence On Forest Resources In The Rainforest Communities of...
- - Antagonistic Activity of Species of Pseudomonas Against Botryodiplodia Theobromae Pat. In Culture
- - Biodegradation of Urea Formaldehyde Modified Saw-Dust By Cellulolytic Fungi I
- - Distribution of Nutritive Elements In Waterleaf (TALINUM TRIANGULARE) and Juice Mallow (CORTHORUS OLITORUS)
- - Distribution Pattern of Haemalnodes In West African Dwarf Goats
- - Effect of Celosia Mosaic Virus On Celosia Argentea L.
- - Effects of Different Concentrations of Polyethylene Glycol On Cells of Three Soybean Cultivars
- Vol-7 No-2 (2000)
- - Evolution of The Enugu Cuesta: A Tectonically Driven Erosional Process
- Vol-7 No-2 (2001)
- - Geophysical Investigation of Suspected Springs In Ajegunle-Igoba, Near Akure, South Western Nigeria
- - Grading Students Performances In A Difficult Examination
- - Health Status of University of Calabar Workers
- - Human Onchocerciasis In Imo River Basin: A Prevalence Survey
- - Influence of Light On The Vegetative Growth and Fruitbody Formation of Pleurotus Sajor-Caju (FR.) Singer
- - isolation of Milk Grp Immunoreactive Peptide
- - Kinetics of The Oxidation of 2- Mercaptobenzoic Acid By Di - U - Tetrackis (1, 10-PHENANTHROLINE)-Dimanganese...
- - Local Time Dependence of Ionospheric Current Correlations In Low Latitudes
- - Interaction of Inositol Hexaphosphate With Human Methemoglobins A and S
- - Microbiological, Physical and Nutritive Changes Occurring During The Natural Fermentation of African Yam Bean...
- Vol-7 No-2 (2000)
- - On Mean State of The Atmosphere During The Onset of Rainfall In Southwest Nigeria (25TH - 30TH MAY, 1993)
- Vol-7 No-2 (2001)
- - Rural Savings Mobilization and Agricutural Production In The Southern Zone of Abia State, Nigeria
- - Some Optimality Conditions For The Existence of Optimizers of Certain Class of Linear Programming Problems
- - The Computation of System Matrices For Bilinear Square Finite Elements
- - The Influence of Different Anticoagulants On The Rate of Change of Blood Sugar
- - The Performance of Broiler Chickens Fed Wet and Air-Dry Mash In Humid Tropical Environment
- - Varietal Differences and Polymorphism In Palm Oil: A Case Study of Palm Oils Blended With Coconut Oil
- - Compatibility of Cocoyam. (XANTHOSOMA SAGITTIFOLIUM (1.) Schott), Egusi Melon (COLOTYNTHIS CITRULLUS L) and...
- - Effects of Cyanide and Various Concentrations of Scopoldin: On Some Serum Lipid Levels of Wistar Rats
- - Gravity Evidence For A Possible Plate Tectonic Origin of Namaqua/Damara Structural Province Boundary In Namibia...
- - The Computation of System Matrices For Biquadratic Square Finite Elements
- - A Neumann Problem For An Elastic Cylinder Under Out-of-Plane Loading
- - Analysis of Noise Bother By Survey Method
- - Effects of Petroleum Products On The Survival of Beneficial Pseudomonas Species
- Vol-7 No-3 (2001)
- - Applicability and Reliability of World Health Organisation Sanitary Survey (SS) Method In Borehole Water...
- - Assessment of Water Quality and Macroinvertebrate Abundance In Opa Stream Reservoir System, Ile-Ife
- - Common Errors and Performance of Students In Junior Secondary Three Mathematics Certificate Examinations In...
- - Effects of Leaf Extract and Leaf Meal of Calapogonium Mucunoidis Desv. and Eremomastax Polyspema(BENTH.) Dandy...
- - Electrical Resistivity Soundings To Determine Subsurface Contamination In The Vicinity of Refuse Dump
- - Evaluation of The Chemical Composition of Indigenous Spices and Flavouring Agents
- - Evaluation of Some Cowpea ( VIGNA UNGUICULATA (L.) Walp) Cultivars Adaptable To Acid Soils of Uyo, South...
- - Factors That Constitute Road Traffic Noise In The Nigerian Environment
- - Geoelectric Investigations of Groundwater Resources At Onibode Area, Near Abeokuta South Western Nigeria
- - Heavy Metals In Top Soils of Abeokuta Dump Sites
- - Impact of Refuse Dump Sites On Ground Water Quality In Jos, Bukuru and Environs, Nigeria
- - Investigating The Equatorial ·Ionospheric F-Region At Sunrise.
- - Lithofacies Analysis of Conglomerates In The North-Eastern Part of Niger Delta, Nigeria
- - Locally Available Black Materials For Use As Flat Plate Solar Absorber
- - Metallurgical Applications of Ion Implantation: A Review
- - Occurrence, Chemical Composition and Industrial Quality of Limestones In Guyuk, North Eastern Nigeria
- - Petroleum Hydrocarbon Degrading Capabilities and Growth Profile of Bacteria From Crude Oil Polluted Ultisol and...
- - Physicochemical Characterization of Breadnut (ARTOTARPUS ALTILIS) Seed Oil
- - Sorption, Diffusion and Energetics Properties of Polypropylene Samples In Aromatic Solvent
- - Studies On Hepatic Glutathione-S-Transferase Specific Activity Following Primaquine Pretreatment In Wistar...
- - The Prevalence of Lice and Fleas of Chickens In Bokkos Local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria
- - Thermal Properties of Oil and Raffia Palim Fibres
- - Verification of Relationship Between Relative Permitivity and Viscosity For Determination of Adulteration and...
- - Waterleaf (TALINUM TRIANGULARE - WILD) Production In South Eastern Nigeria: Existing Practices, and Suggestions...
- - Weighted Least Squares Method and Associated Time Series Data Problems
- Vol-7 No-4 (2001)
- - Feeding Behaviour of Epiplatys Senegalensis(PISCES: CYPRINODONTIFORMES; CYPRINODONTIDAE).
- - Photochemical Study of Nickel Hydroxy Azide Through Benzene Filter
- - Mineralogy of The Clay Components of The Famosing Limestone, Se Nigeria
- - Influence of Compaction Delay On Some Characteristics of Lateritic Soil Stabilized With Cement Kiln Dust
- - Exploring The Potentials of The Negative Binomial Distribution
- - A Geoelectric Investigation For Groundwater Development of Orita-Obele Area, Near Akure Sw Nigeria
- - Antifertility Effect of Momordica Charantia(BITTER GOURD) Fruit On The Gonads On Male Guinea Pigs.
- - Assessment of Stocking Densities On The Performance, Behaviour and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chickens...
- - Bacteria Causing Spoilage of Beef In Meat Shops In Jos Main Market, Nigeria
- - Constructlon and Operation of A Voltage-Controlled Oscillator
- - Design, Construction and Evaluation of A Simple Radiation Monitor For Protection of Patients Against Diagnostic...
- - Effects On Heat-Treated Cowpea On Caliosobruchus Maculatus Infestation
- - Flowering and Fruiting Periodicity of Some Tree Species In South Eastern Nigerian Moist Forest
- - Investigation of The Conditioning Potential of Canavalia Insiformis (JACK BEAN SEED)
- - Laboratory Measurement and Inversion of The 2-Di-Mensional Geoelectric Response of A Hydrocarbon Impacted Sand...
- - Microbiological and Physlcochemical Analysis of African Yam Bean Moimoi Stored At Room and Refrigeration...
- - Mineralogy and Diagenesis of The Mfamosing Limestone, S. E. Nigeria
- - Models For Calculating Position Annihilation Rates In Solids
- - Monitoring of Total Suspended Air Particulate In The Ambient Air of Welding, Car Painting and Battery Charging...
- - Occurrence of Trace Metals In Pinaeus Notialis (DECAPODA: PENAEIDAE) From The Brass River Systems of The Niger...
- - Preliminary Investigations On The Effect of Pawpaw Peel Meal On Growth Visceral Organ and Endocrine Gland...
- - Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Ionospheric Currents-2. Longitude-Local Time Cross Sections of 781...
- - Spectral Signature of Shallow Groundwater In The Basement Complex Rocks of Wudil Area (SHEET 81), Central...
- - Stack: The Data Structure of All Programmers
- - The Compositional Changes In High Temperature Oxidation of Mineral and Synthetic Lubricants
- - The Development, Production and Quality Evaluation of Cake Made From Cooking Banana Flour
- Vol-8 No-1 (2002)
- - Malathion Degradation In Tropical Soil and Aquatic Eco-Systems
- - Evaluation of Dust Formulations of Actellic and Phostoxin For Insecticidal Activity..
- - Using Piezometer Records To Evaluate The Stability of Goronyo and Tiga Dams In Northern Nigeria.
- - Quantization In Type 1 Multiple Quantum Well (MQW) and Superlattice (SL) Systems.
- - Faith and Science: From Conflict To Conversation
- - A Survey of The Background Radiation Levels of The Sub-Industrial Areas of Port Harcourt.
- - An Assessment of The Nutrient Composition of Benniseeds (Sisamum Indl(Umjgrown In Differents Locations In...
- - Assessment of Some Biochemical Indices In Fishes From Two Different Parts of Rivers State, Nigeria
- - Changes In Body Composition of Heterobranchus Longifilis (TELEOSTEI: CLARIIDAE) Valenciennes, 1840
- - Effect of Moisture and Bulk Density On Soil Temperature.
- - Effect of Ricinus Communis Seed Oil (CASTOR OIL) On Experimental (ETHANOL-INDUCED) Gastric Ulcer In Rats.
- - Electron-Positron Correlation Energy Due To Screening In Metals
- - Energy Characterization of Chaos In The Hydrogen Atom In A Uniform Magnetic Field.
- - Interpretation of Pseudo-Gravimetric Data Over The Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria.
- - Lightning Related Damages In Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria
- - Major, Trace Element and isotope Geochemistry of Mafic-Ultramafic Massifs Emplaced Within The Gneissic Basement...
- - Morphometric Analysis of Manis Tricuspis (PHOLIDOTA-MAMMALIA) From South-Western Nigeria.
- - Nutritional Evaluation of Cowpea and Its Products By Conventional and Germ Free Rats.
- - On The Relationship Between Net Radiation and Solar Radiation
- - Phytochemical, Cytotoxicity and Microbial Screening of Euphorbia Hirta Linn.
- - Review of Sokoto Phosphate Deposit Sokoto, Nigeria.
- - The Chemical Composition and Physico-Chemical Properties of Mucuna Sloanei Seed.
- - The Effect of Magnetic Field Buoyancy On The Surface Temperature of The Sun.
- - The Entropic Formulation of Statistical Mechanics Using The ising Model
- - The Impedance Measure of Yttrium Aluminium Garnet Doped With Cadmium Oxide.
- Vol-8 No-1 (2009)
- - Human Resource Management For Sustainable Microfinance Institutions In Nigeria
- - Job Hunting Through The Internet: The Experiences of Some Graduates of Nigerian Tertiary Institutions
- Vol-8 No-2 (2002)
- - A Checklist of Desmids In Nigeria
- - Biodegradability of The Major Components of Bonny Light Crude Oil By Bacillus Subtilis
- - Effects of Processing Methods The Quality of Maize-Groundnut Infant Weaning Food
- - Effects of Skip-A-Day Feeding Programme On The Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chickens In A...
- - Factors Influencing Energy Quantisation
- - Hepatoprotective Effect of Sephadex G5O Red Fraction of H. Rosasinensis Petal An Thocyanin Administered To Rats...
- - Introduction of Anthephora Species To The Tropical Rain Forest: Implications For Grazing Propagation and...
- - Phytochemical Studies and Comparative Efficacy of The Crude Extracts of Some Haemostatic Plants In Edo and...
- - Proximate, Physical and Sensory Properties of Soy-Sweet Potato Flour Cookie
- - Socio-Economic Determinants of Water Leaf Production In Calabar Municipality and Calabar South Local Government...
- - Testicular and Renal Toxicity In Rats Administered Extracts of Heinsia Crinita Leaves
- - The Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Piper Guineense On The Histology of Some Organs of Oreochromis Niloticus...
- - The Model For Linking Savings and Credit Groups With Banks In Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
- - The Use of Piper Guineense Fruit Oil (PFO) As Protectant of Dried Fish Against Dermestes Maculatus (DEGEER)...
- - The Use of The Measurement While Drilling (MWD) Data In Reservoir Identification and Formation Evaluation
- - Theory of Earthquake Origin Location and Its Application In The Ethiopian Western Plateau
- Vol-8 No-2 (2009)
- - Local Government Autonomy and Development of Localities In Nigeria: issues, Problems and Suggestions
- - The Causal Texture of Trade Union Environments
- Vol-8 No-3 (2002)
- - Band Models Approach In Atmoshperic Transmission Function Calculation - A Review
- - Comparative Effects of Scopoletin and Cyanide Serum Electrolytes, Urea, Creatinine and Some Haematological...
- - Conditions For The Formation of Deep Convective Activities Over Nigeria
- - Effects of Industrial Effluents On Some Haemotological Parameters of Saratherodon Melanotheron and Tilapia...
- - Effects of Lithology On Geothermal Gradient In The South-East Niger Delta, Nigeria.
- - Effects of Tuber Portion and Time of Harvesting On Accumulation and Partitioning of Dry Matter In Water Yam...
- - Error Control Coding Schemes In Digital Systems
- - Ground Electrical Conductivity For Medium Wave Link Design At Ilorin, Nigeria.
- - Length Frequency Distribution of Ethmalosa Limbriato (BOWDICH) In Cross River Estuary and Adjacent Coastal...
- - Mathematical Modelling Approach To The Treatment of Insulin Dependent Diabetes Disease
- - Measurement of Salinity and Electrical Conductivity of Some Soil Samples of Uruan Local Government Area of Akwa...
- - On Building An Or-Based Decisions Model Via Coherent Pluralism
- - Radiological Dose Implications of The Natural Radioactivity In Surface Soils In Ekiti State, Nigeria
- - Rb-Sr isochron Dating of Granitoids From The Kazaure Schist Belt, North Western Nigeria
- - Serum Lipid Profiles of A Population of Pregnant Women In Borno State Nigeria
- - Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Ionospheric Currents - 4: Altitude-Local Time and Altitude-Longitude Cross...
- - The Effects of Age On Muscle Texture and Eating Qualities of Broiler Chickens For Nigerians
- - Variability Study of Temperature For A Tropical Station
- Vol-8 No-4 (2002)
- - Alternative Coolant To Soluble Oil Machining and Mild Steel Material
- - Cadmium Uptake By Telfairia Occidentalis Hook F. (CUCURBITACEAE) Grown In Cadmium - Polluted Soil
- - Comparison of In Situ and Laboratory Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy of Terrestrial Gamma Radiation In Ibadan, South...
- - Earthquake Triangle
- - Effect of Roasted Leucaena Leucocephala Leaf Meal On The Performance of Broiler Chickens
- - Generation of A Xenopsin Immunoreactive Peptide By Pepsinization of Bovine Milk
- - Hypocholesterolemic and Hypertriglycerolemic Effects of Chronic Cyanide Intoxication In Rabbits.
- - isothermal Vapour-Liquid.Equilibria Data of Methanol+ Propan- 2-Ol, Methanol + 2 B Methyl Propan-2-Ol and...
- - Model For Predicting Proportion of Diesel Fuel and Engine Oil In Diesel Adulterating Sae 40 Engine Oil Sample
- - Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria Enhanced Bioremediation of A Crude Oil Polluted Soil
- - Role of The Ambient Magnetic Field B In The Longitudinal Variation of Equatorial Electrojet
- - Strength Characteristics of Two Nigerian Rocks
- - Studies On The Longitudinal Profile of The Bacteriological Quality of Aba River, Nigeria
- - Temperature Dependence of Transport Coefficients of 'Simple Liquid' Below 1 K
- - The Ability of Raw and Processed Cowpeas To Support Growth In Weaning Wistar Strain Rats
- - The Microbial Flora of The Different Gut Regions of The Variegated Grasshopper Zonocerus Variegatus (L)...
- Vol-9 No-1 (2003)
- - A Comparative Study of Superoxide Dismutase Activity of Different Yam Species
- - Amylolytic Studies of Pleurotus Tuber- Reiguim
- - An Analysis of Beef Demand In A Nigerian Urban City
- - Analysis of Local Salta Using X-Ray Spectrometric Techniques
- - Anti Material Drug Quinine and Activated Charcoal Effect On Haemtological Parameters In Rats
- - Antidiabetic Effect of Crude Glycoside of Abrus Precatoriusin Alloxan Diabetic Rabbits
- - Biochemical Changes In Serum of Protein Energy Malnourished Children Following Dietary Protein Repletion
- - Effecf of Partial Water Deprivation On The Performance and Clutcass Charaaeristics of •Roiler Chickens...
- - Functional Properties of Soybean and Locust Bean Dawadawa; A Bacterial Fermented Product
- - Fungi Associated With Peels of Post Harvest Yams (DIOSCOREA SFP) In Storage
- - Identification of Trimer and Dimer of 4-Hydroxy-3-Methoxy Benzadehyde In Crystal Structure of Vanillin
- - Kinetics and Mechanism of The Oxidation of Thiocyanate Ion By. Dl-µ-Oxo-Tetrakis....
- Vol-9 No-1 (2000)
- - Macronutrient Status and Speciation of Cu, Fe, Zn and Pb In Soil Containing Palm Oil Mill Effluent
- Vol-9 No-1 (2003)
- - Moisture Content and Polyphenol Oxidase Activity of Growing Dioscorea Bulbbifera As Indicators of Tuber...
- - Parastitc Contamination of Leafy Vegetables: A Function of Rhe Leaf Area Index (LAI)
- - Study of Methyl Bromide Reactivity With Human and Mouse Haemoglobin
- - The Effect of Exposure To Petroleum Products On Some Renal Functi0N Parameters of Motor Mechanics In Port...
- - Prediction of Mean Annual Flood (MAF) For Ogun Drainage Basin, South Western, Nigeria
- - The Infared Specta of Diaqua Tetra-μ- Formato Dichromium(II): A Normal Coordinate On 1:1 Formate Complex
- - Effects of Roasting and Soaking On The Proximate Composition and Functional Properties of Selected Tropical...
- - Influence of Electrical Conductivity On Microorganisms and Rate of Crude Oil Mineralization In Niger Delta...
- - Response of Microbial Enzymes Syntheses To Toxicity of Weathered and Biodegraded Oils.
- Vol-9 No-2 (2003)
- - A Preliminary Survey of Micro-Organisms In The Gut and Pellets of A Tropical Millipede Doratogonus Uncinatus...
- - Changes In Activities of Polyphenol Oxidase, Ascorbate, Peroxidase, Hydroperoxide and Lipid Levels During...
- - Determination of Trace Metal Levels In Used Lubricating Oil In Aqueous Medium Using Atomic Absorption...
- - Effects of Tannins and Polyphenols of Some Medicinal Plants On Bacterial Agents of Urinary Tract Infections.
- - Electrosynthesis and Characterization of Conducting Polypyrrole Doped With Alkylsulfonate Anion
- - Evaluation and Charaaerization of The Seed Oils of Trichosanthes (UCUMER/NA (SNAKE GOURD) and Ricinodendron...
- - Geothermal Gradients In The Niger Delta Basin From Continuous Temperature Logs
- - High Performance Liquid Chromatographic (HPLC) Separation of Some Fatty Acids As Naphthyl Methly Derivatives...
- - In Vitro Effects of Anti Malarial Drug Pyrimethamine -Sulphadoxine and Activated Charcoal On Rat Ileal Smooth...
- - Modelling and Characterisation of Transistors
- - Optimum Size Distribution of Sorhum Grist For Brewing Purposes
- - Phytochemical Screening and Mineral Composition of Chewing Sticks In South Eastern Nigeria
- - The Influence of Macronutrient Deficiencies, On Chemical Composition of Dwarf Green Coconut (COCUS NUCIFERA...
- - Urea Fragments Drug Treated Human Erythrocytes By Externalization Without Temperature Increase
- Vol-9 No-3 (2003)
- - Analysis of Sky Condition Using Solar Radiation Data Over A Iropical Station
- - Axial Velocity Distribution of A Two Component Plasma In A Magnetised Tube of Slowly Varying Section
- - Bacterial Enzym Biosyntheses Inhibition: A Tool For Ecotoxicity Assay
- - Colorimetric Determination of Chloramphenicol and Metronidazole In Pharmaceutical Formulations After Schiff &...
- - Dose Assessment Due To Terrestrial Gamma Radiation In Ibadan, South Western Nigeria
- - Effect of Processing and Storage Methods On The Shelf Life and Incidence of Insect Pests On Smoked Fish
- - Effect of Salts On The Functional Properties of Protein Concentrate of Water Melon (CITRULLUS VULGARIS) Seed
- - Electrical Treeing Ceramic-Based Insulating Materials (BA TI03 -SI02)
- - Modeling Air-Quality In Complex Terrain Using Mesoscale and Dispersion Models - Part 1: Evaluation of A...
- - Ratio Estimation In Poststratified Sampling Over Two Occasions
- Vol-9 No-3 (2002)
- - Syntheses and Spectral Properties of Iron(II) Complexes With Tetraaza(12) Macrocyclic Ligands.
- Vol-9 No-3 (2003)
- - Syntheses and Spectroscopic Properties of Mercury(II) and Nickel(II) Complexes of Bis(N-PHENYL THIOUREA)
- - Temperature Dependence of Transport Coefficients of 'Simiple Liquid' Below 1K
- - The Velocity - Thickness Characteristics of The Mangrove Swamp Low Velocity Layer (LVL), South Central Niger...
- - Trace Metal Levels In Soils and Vegetation From Some Tin Mining Areas In Nigeria.
- - Treatment of Some Textile Industrial Effluents Usiing Dry Corn Stalk
- - A Comparative Study of The Starch Pasting Properties of Unprocessed and Processed Cassava (MANI HOT ESCULENTA)...
- Vol-9 No-4 (2003)
- - Actvities of Aspartate (E.C. } AND ALANINE (E.C. Transaminases, and Alkaline Phosphatase (E.C....
- - Ampere Hour Method of Sizing A Stand Alone Photovoltaic System
- - Bacterial Enzyme Biosyntheses Inhibition: A Tool For Ecotoxicity Assay
- - Confined Transmission Resonances In Multiple Quantum Well System
- - Determination of Weathering Depth By Uphole Shooting Technique In Some Parts of Owerri, South Eastern Nigeria
- - Ficus Exsperata: Effects On Diabetes Mellitus In An Experimental Rat Model
- - Geoelectric Sounding For The Determination of Groundwater Conditions Around Iwaya Area of Lagos, Nigeria
- - Influence of Electrical Conductivity On Microorganisms and Rate of Crude Oil Mineralization In Niger Delta...
- - Kinetic and Mechanism of The Base- Catalysed Reaction of 4- Nitrophenyl (4- METHYLPHENOXY) Formate In Benzene
- - Locally Prepared Antibiotic Sensitivity Discs: A Substitute For Imported Commercial Discs
- - Microbiological and Physico-Chemical Analysis of Soymilk and Soyflour Sold In Uyo Metropolis, Nigeria
- - Millipede Outbreaks In Akwa Ibom State, Southeastern Nigeria
- - Modelling of M-Cresol isopropylation For Obtaining N-Thymols
- - Preliminary Investigations On The Effects of Naphthalene- Based Syntan On Accacia Nilotica Tanning Material
- - Prospects of Chemically Deposited Cos-Cus Coating For Solar Control Applications
- - Proximate Composition and Functional Properties of Raw and Processed (STEEPED, BOILED AND ROASTED) Plantain...
- - Quantum Mechanics of A Free Particle Beyond Differential Equations
- - Response of Microbial Enzymes Syntheses To Toxicity of Weathered and Biodegraded Oils.
- - Seasonal Changes In The Heavy Metal Resistant Bacterial Population of The New Calabar River, Nigeria
- - Some Physicochemical Properties of Acid Protease Produced During Growth of Aspergillus Niger (NRRL 1785)
- - Spectrometric Determination of Ammonium- Nitroge.N With Quinol In Aqueous Medium
- - Viscous Cosmological Models With A Variable Cosmological Term
- Vol-9 No-5 (2003)
- - Periwinkle (T.FUSCATUS) Shell As Alternative Source of Lime For Glass Industry
- Vol-10 No-1 (2004)
- - Antidiabetic Effect of Emilia Sonch-Fora In Dithizone Diabetic Rats.
- - Antifungal Activity of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Eutalyptus Tamaldulensis Dehn. Against Ringworm Pathogens
- - Application of Activated Carbon Prepared From Olive Stones In The Removal of Two Basic Dyes From Water
- - Aspects of The isolation and Characterization of Thermostable α- Amylase From Alternaria Alternala.
- - Career Motivation and Speciality Choice of Veterinary Medical Students At Usman Danfodio University, Sokoto,...
- Vol-10 No-1 (2003)
- - Chemical Analysis of Some Nigerian Gypsum and Limestone Samples Utilized By A Leading Cement Manufacturing...
- Vol-10 No-1 (2004)
- - Composition and Properties of Cola Nitida and Cola Accuminata Flour In Nigeria
- - Design and Construction of An Absolute Gravity Meter
- - Distribution of Iodine and Some Goitrogens In Two Selected Water Bodies In Ondo-Sta'Re, Nigeria
- - Effect of Aloe Barbadensis On The Lipid Profile and Fasting Blood Sugar Concentration of Rabbits Fed High...
- - Effect of African Oil Bean Seed (PENTACLETHRA MACIIOPHYLLA) On Blood Cholesterol Level In Rats.
- - Effect of Aqueous Extract (CRUDE) of Leaves of Vernonia Amygdalina (DEL) On Blood Glucose, Serum Albumin and...
- - Effect of Cooling Rates On The Microstructure and Crystallographic Properties of Ni-Ni3B Eutectic
- - Effects of Alley Cropping and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Inoculation On The Growth and Yield of Maize (ZEA MAYS L.)...
- - Effects of Processing On The Nutrients Composition of A Selected Fresh and Brackish Water African Catfish (...
- - Elevated Temperature Effects On The Electrical Properties of Bi Metal Probe To Si Thin Film.
- - Ethno-Zoological Knowledge and Perception of The Value of Insects Among The Ijebus (SOUTH WESTERN NIGERIA)
- - Impact of The Effluent Discharge From A Brewery Plant On Three Communities In Ibadan Municipality, South...
- - isolation of 2-Methoxyethanol Degrading Bacterial isolate Pseudomonas Sp. Strain Vb.
- - Metal Chelating Agents Iv: Electron Ionization and Chemical Ionization Mass Spectra of 2-Phenyl Acetophenone...
- - Molecular Biology Approach To The Search For Novel HIV Proteases Aiid Antiretroviral Drugs.
- - Monthly Variation of The Physicochemical Properties of Effluents From Rimco Industries Nnewi, Nigeria
- - Nutrient Enrichment of Sweet Potato (LPOMOEA BALATAS L.)By Solid Substrate Fermentation Using Four Fungal...
- - Occurrence and Prevalence of Viruses of Leafy Vegetables In Lagos, Nigeria
- - Physico-Chemical Studies of Soil Along The Banks of Mili Shallow Stream In Nnewi, Ananmbra State of Nigeria For...
- - Post-Harvest Fungal Diseases of Pawpaw (CARICA PAPAYA L.) Fruits and Seeds In Nigeria
- - Production of Malachite Green By Oxidation of Its Leuco Base Using Potassium Persulphate, Potassium...
- - Solar Energy and Its Applications In Nigeria.
- - Some Physicochemical Properties and Application of Alpha- Cellulose From Pennisetum Purpureum As A Disintegrant...
- - Studies On Macrophomina Phaseoli(MAUB.) Ashby Growth and Some Physiological Aspect of Groundnut (ARACHIS...
- - Substrate Specificity and Inhibition Studies On African Catfish ( CLIRIAS GARIEPINUS)Liver Glutathione...
- - Synthesis and Analysis of La0.9 Mno3 By Combustion Method
- - The Effect of Two Pesticides Dichlorvos and Paraquat On Hetehobranchus Longifilis(VALENCIENNES)
- - Thermal Stability of Nickel Azides
- - Thermodynamic and Analytical Studies On The Charge Transfer Complex Formed Between Chloranicic Acid and Amino...
- - Thermodynamic Studies On The Charge-Transfer Complex Between Amitriptyline and Chloranilic Acid
- Vol-10 No-2 (2004)
- - A Probable Pathway In The Degradation of 2-Methoxyethanol By Pseudomonas Species Strain Vb.
- - Bioavailability of Zinc and Copper In Rats Fed On Nigeria Peasant Diets
- - Biological Effect of Methanol Extracts of Candlewood Zanthoxylum Xanthoxyloides (LAM. ) Against Infestation of...
- - Cadmium Uptake By The Green Alga Chlorella Emersonii.
- - Compressibility of Some Made-In-Nigeria Foam Mattresses
- - Correspondence of Line Segments Between Two Images: Comparision Between Epipolar, Bayesian and Neuronal...
- - Effects of Adopol Evs-9279X On The Emulsion and Film Properties of Poly (VINYL ACETATE) and Acrylic Resin
- - Exact Solutions of The Spherically Symmetric Multidimensional isotropic Harmonic Oscillator.
- - Fishing Effort Statistics of The Artisanal Fisheries of The Cross River Estuary, Nigeria.
- - Microbiology of Natural Fermentation of Cowpea and Groundnut For Dawadawa Production
- - Modulation of Porphyridium-Aerugineum Polysaccharide Rheology By Aqueous Extract of A Garden Soil.
- - Percentage Absorbance and Transmittance of Various Types of Glasses
- - Response of Food Organisms To Inorganic Nitrogen Availability
- - Reviewing Efforts In Global Forest Conservation For Sustainable Forest Management: The World Wide Fund (WWF)...
- - Synthesis and Spectral Properties of Chromium (II) Complex of Semicarbazone Derived From isatin
- - The Food of Parachanna 0Bscura In Asejire Reservoir, Oyo State, Nigeria
- - The Kinetics of Hydrolysis of Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASPIRIN) In Different Polar Media
- - The Study of Epoxy Polyamide and Polyvinyl Resins As Corrosion Protective Coating On Low Carbon Steel
- Vol-10 No-3 (2004)
- - Effect of Rate of Agitation On Poly (ETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE) Degradation In Phenol. 1,2-Dichlorobenezene...
- - Application of Microsoft Excel Program For Prediction of Fluid Catalytic Cracker Performance
- - A Geoelectric Mapping of Ijapo, Akure Southwest Nigeria and Its Hydrogeological Implications.
- - A New Summability Property of The Zeros of Bessel Functions
- - An Alternative Tool For Research In Phonetics: Computer Based Speech Signal Processing
- - Bacteriological and Physicochemical Evaluation of Syrups Produced From Local Starch Sources
- - Detection of Adulteration In Petroleum Products Using High-Sensitivity Float
- - Effect Oe Oral Cadmium On Haematological Indices and Liver Function of Adult Male Rats: Implications For Warri...
- - Effect of Three Stocking Densities and Three Diets On Growth and Survival of Post Larval Macrobkachuim...
- Vol-10 No-3 (2008)
- - Estimation of Levels and Trend of Infant and Child Mortality In Nigeria
- Vol-10 No-3 (2004)
- - Length-Weight Parameters and Condition Factor of Bonga, Ethmalosa Fimbriata In The Cross River Estuary,...
- - Microbiological Characteristics and Sensory Quality Attributes of Potassium Sorbate Treated and Untreated...
- - Some Physicochemical Properties and Application of A-Cellulose From Pennisetum Purpureum As A Disintegrant In...
- Vol-10 No-3 (2003)
- - Synthesis, Magnetic Measurement and Spectroscopic Studies On Cobalt (II) Complexes With Thiosemicarbazones...
- Vol-10 No-4 (2004)
- - 5 and 4 Dimethylaminobenzylidene) Rhodanine As A Reagent For The Spectrophotometric Determination of Copper and...
- - A Note On Simulated Annealing To Computer Laboratory Scheduling.
- - Biochemical Estimation of Erythrocyte and Plasma Electrolytes, Urea and Cratinine As An Index of Kidney...
- - A Method For Predicting The Direct Transmittance of Atmospheric Aerosol For Solar Radiation Models.
- - Beneficial Effects of Selected Antioxdants In Experimental Diabetes.
- - An Improved Modelling of Asynchronous Machine With Skin - Effect.
- - Antifungal Activity of Leaf Extract of (Hassocephalumcrepidiodes On Selected Dermatophytes and Candida...
- - Bioconversion of Cassava Wastes For Protein Enrichment Using Amylolytic Fungi- A Pneliminahy Report
- - Fusion of Two Yeast Strains For Enhanced Crude Oil Degradation
- - Diplog Analysis of Paleocurrent and Depositional Energy of Miocene Reservoir Sands In The Northwestern Niger...
- - Biomass Loss As An Index of Pollution In Various Gradient of A Crude Oil Polluted Terrestrial Environment.
- - Characterization of Insoluble Organic Matter of The Lokpanta Oil Shales Anambra Basin, By Quantitative Infrared...
- - Effect of Carica Papaya {Paw - Paw) Seeds Ethanolic Extract On The Pituitary, Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands of...
- - Effect of Soy Supplementation On The Physicochemical and Sensory Qualities of 'Akara' From Cowpea...
- - Effects of Temperature and Salt On The Shelf Quality of Cured Chhysichthys Nigrooigitatus
- - Influence of Harvesting Management and Nitrogen Fertilizer Application On Plant Fractions In Field Swards.
- - Influence of Rainfall On The Dynamics of Two Prawn Populations In The Cross River Estuary, Nigeria.
- - Intraspecific Hybridization In "Egusi" Melon, Colocylynthis Citrullus L.
- - Kinetics of The Reduction of Rosaniline Hydrochloride With Sulphite Ion In Aqueous Perchloric Acid.
- - Microbial Deterioration of Surface Paint Coatings.
- - Occurrence of Parasites In Psiudotolithus Llongatus and Cynoglossus Slnegllnsis In Cross River Estuary,...
- - Responses On Indoor Thermal Environment In Selected Dwellings During The Hot Season In Ibadan, Nigeria
- - Screening Cowpea ( VIGNA UNGUICULATA (L) Walp) Lines For Infection Responses To Some Cowpea Viruses In Nigeria.
- - Seasonal Variations of Heavy Metal Concentrations In Qua Iboe River Estuary, Nigeria.
- - Spectroscopic Studies On isatin -3- Semicarbazone and isatin -3- Thiosemicarbazone.
- - The Electrocardiogram In Healthy Nigerians Resident In Lagos State.
- Vol-11 No-1 (2005)
- - Econometrics Analysis of Semi Intensive Beef Cattle Fattening In Adamawa State, Nigeria: A Case Study of Yola...
- - Cataractogenic Potential of Cyanide-Induced Oxidative Stress In Rabbits.
- - Comparative Toxicity of Five Commonly Used Analgesics On Rat Sperm Count and Sperm Morphology.
- - Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus and Pruning of Woody Legumes On The Tuber Yield of Alley Cropped...
- - Effects of Extracts of Telfairia Occidentalis Leaves On Some Biochemical Parameters In Rat.
- - Enhancing The Wash Oil Antifouling Action In A Cracked Gas Compression ( CGC) System.
- - Excess Molar Volume of Binary Mixtures From iso-Propyl Alcohol, Tertiary- Butyl Alcohol and Toluene Liquids At...
- - Generation of Multicopy Pichia Clones From Gap Vector.
- - Occurrence of Parasites In Pseudotolithus Elongatus and Cynoglossus Seneglensis In Cross River Estuary,...
- - Performance of Growing Rabbits Fed Graded Levels of Goat Rumen Content.
- - Prevalence of Intestinal Helminthiasis In Parts of Imo State, Nigeria.
- - Radiation Monitoring Along The Creeks of Calabar River and Its Environs.
- - Studies On The Effects of An Alcohol Extract of The Leaves of Telfaira Occidentalis On Alaxan Induced Diabetics...
- - The Effect of Noise On Human Blood Pressure
- - Variation of The Effects of Adopol Evs-9279X On The Emulsion and Film Properties of Emulsion Paint With Time.
- - Resource Use Productivity Among Small-Scale Farmers In Yola Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria.
- Vol-11 No-3 (2005)
- - The Tempering Quality Evaluation of Cocoa Liquor During Industrial Production.
- - Measurements of Nitrogen Dioxide In Ewohim, Edo State, Nigeria Using Diffusion Tubes.
- - Inhibitory Effects of Selected Disinfectants and Antiseptics On Some Resistant Strains of Pseudomonas...
- - Impact of Water Availability On Diarrhoeal Mobidity In Two Contrasting Communities In Cross River State, South...
- - Determination of Infiltration Characteristics and Suitability of Kostiakov and Philip Infiltration Models In...
- - Concomitant Typhoid Infection In Urinary Schistosomiasis In South Eastern Nigeria.
- - Comparative Efficacy of Crude Aqueous Extract of Mangiferia Indica, Carica Papaya and Sulphadoxine...
- - Antibacterial and Cytotoxicity Properties of Leaf Extract of Persia Americana
- Vol-11 No-4 (2005)
- - The Hydrogen Atom In A Magnetic Field
- - The Variation of Electrical Conductivity With Temperature For Cu-Doped Zns Alloy
- - The Variation of Electrical Conductivity With Temperature For Cu-Doped Zns Alloy
- - Tannin, Oxalate, Saponin, Cyanogenic and Cardiac Glycosides Contents of Cola Nitida and Cola Acuminata
- - Locally Prepared Antibiotic Sensitivity Discs: A Substitute For Imported Commercial Discs
- - Growth Response of Amaranthus Caudatus To Earthworm Casts and Poultry Manure Application
- Vol-12 No-1 (2006)
- - A Comparative Study On Infestation of Three Varieties of Maize (ZEA MAYS (L.) With Maize Weevil(SITOPHILUS...
- - Analysis of Tannery Effluents From The Challawa Industrial Estate In Kano, Nigeria.
- - Anthropometric Comparison of Cephalic Indices Between The Ijaw and Igbo Tribes
- - Comparative Studies of The Lipid Characteristics and Industrial Potential of Coula Edulis (AFRICAN. WALNUT)...
- - Comparison of A Two Electron With A Two Charged Boson Variational Hubbard Interactions
- - Effect of Four Plant Extracts On The Infestation of Cowpea (VIGNA UNGUICULATA (L.) Walp) By Megalurothrips...
- - Evaluation of Bunch Characteristics and Flour Yield Potential In Black Sigatoka Resistant Plantain and Banana...
- - Impact of Abattoir Waste On Aquatic Life: A Case Study of Yola Abattoir
- - Influence of Media Composition On Acid Protease Production By Aspergillus Niger (NRRL 1785)
- - Length-Weight Relationship of Palaemonid and Penaeid Shrimps of The Cross River Estuary, Se Nigeria
- - Physio-Chemical Composition of Unripe (GREEN) Plantain and Banana Hybrid Fruits
- - Separation of Copper and Zinc Cations From Each Other In Aqueous Acid, Sulphate Solution Using Tri-N-Butyl...
- - The Tempering Quality Evaluation of Cocoa Liquor During Food Production
- - Variation of Heavy Metal Levels In The Tissues of Periophthalmus Papillio From The Mangrove Swamps of The...
- - Velocity-Porosity Relationship In Clastic Formations A Case Study From Some Parts of Niger Delta, Nigeria
- Vol-12 No-2 (2006)
- - An Assessment of The Environmental Education In Greece
- - Cadmium Sulphide Thin Film For Application In Gamma Radiation Dosimetry
- - Determination of Solar Insolation In Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike Using A Photoresistor
- - Effect of Moving Away From Half Filling On The Variational Two Electron T-U-J Interactions On One Dimensional...
- - Effects of Vitamin E and C On Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress
- - Effects of Partial Replacement of Soyabean Meal Or Groundnut Cake With Sunflower Seed Meal In Broiler Chicken...
- - Genetic and Cropping Cycle Effects On Proximate Composition and Antinutrient Contents of Flour Made From Eleven...
- - Multiple Attenuation Using Eigenvalue Decomposition
- - Mutagenesis Effects of X-Irradiation On The Germination, Growth and Development of Maize (ZEA MAYS) Seeds Due...
- Vol-12 No-3 (2006)
- - Influence of Cutting Frequencies and N-Rate On Peroent Water Content of Herbage In1 Three Grass Species
- - A Comparative Study of The Fastness Properties of Decorative African Textiles - 'Kampalas' and...
- - Application of Geophysical Wireline Logs In Hydrocarbon Reservior Characterization: A Case Study From Onshore...
- - Bio-Chemical Studies and Anti-Ulcerogenic Potential of Oncoba Spinosa
- - Collisional Kinetic Energy Dissipation In The Suparauroral Ionosphere For Drifting Maxwellians
- - Collisional Kinetic Energy Dissipation In The Suparauroral Ionosphere For Drifting Maxwellians
- - Effect of Aqueous Extract of Garcinia Kola On Some Liver Enzymes of Rats With Carbon Tetrachloride Induced...
- - Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Hibiscus Sabdariffa L. On 2, 4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine-Induced Changes In Blood...
- - Effect of Harvesting Interval and Nitrogen Application On Tiller Height, Number of Green and Dead Leaf Blade...
- - Effect of Nutrient Supplementation and Successive Plantings In Oil-Polluted Soil On The Performance of Carica...
- - Effect of Phenacetin On Nadh-Methaemoglobin Reductase of Human Erthrocytes
- - Enhancement of Hydrocarbon Recovery By Modified Solvent Extraction
- - Fecundity, Gonadosomatic Index and Size At Maturity of Bonga, Ethmalosa Fimbriata In The Coastal Waters off The...
- - Intra-Layer (LOW-LEVEL/UPPER LEVEL) Refractivity Relations Over Lagos and Kano
- - Intra-Layer (LOW-LEVEL/UPPER LEVEL) Refractivity Relations Over Lagos and Kano
- - Marketing of Chrysophyllum Albidum (LINN) Fruits Within The Produce Market In Uyo, Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria
- - Multiresolution Texture Feature Extraction Based On Pyramid Wavelet Decomposition
- - On The Combined Effect of The Chemical Reaction and A Higher Order Temperature Profile On The Velocity of A...
- - Prevalence of T. Vaginalis In Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinics In Kaduna, Nigeria
- - Removal of Heavy Metal Ions By Blended Periwinkle Shells
- - The Effect of Pawpaw Peel Meal On Testicular Morphometry Carcass Yield and Organ Weights In Male Rabbits
- - The Effect of Varying Energy Levels On Organ Weights, Hematology and Some Biochemical Characteristics of Serum...
- - Varietal Influence of Cowpea Seeds Culture On Oviposition and Development of Callosobruchus Maculatus (F)...
- - Verification of Predicted Heavy Rain On 5Th August 1998 In Nigeria, Using Both The Eta Regional Coordinate...
- Vol-12 No-4 (2006)
- - Corrosion Inhibition of Copper In Contaminated Alcohols
- - Development of A Vacuum Csvt Low Cost Technique To Deposit Culnse2 Thin Films
- - Effect of Diets Contaminated With Crude Petroleum Products (BONNYLIGHT AND FORCADOS) On Enzyme Activities of...
- - Fatty Acids and Unsaponifiable Composition of Cucumis Amaris Seeds Oil
- - Growth Performances of Parachanna Obscurus (GUNTHER, 1861) Fry Reared In Earthen Ponds Under Mono- and...
- - Growth Response of Maize (ZEA MAYS L.) To Gas Flaring In Delta State
- - Influence of N-Fertilizer Application On Weight, Number and Longetivity of Tillers of Northern Gamba, Guinea...
- - Intermalleolar Distance In Normal Adults and Adults With Genu Valgum
- - Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Parasitism In Three Primary Schools In Rafinkada District of Wukari Local...
- - Radiogenic Heat Production In Crustal Rock Samples From Cross-River State, Nigeria
- - Surfactant Properties of An Exopolymeric Substance Produced By A Glucose and Hydrocarbon-Utilizing Bacterium...
- - The Bacteriocidal and Bacteriostatic Activities of Normal Bovine Serum With and Without Extraneous Complement...
- - The Effect of Dietary Vitamin A Supplementation On Some Biochemical Characteristics of Serum In Gravid Large...
- Vol-13 No-1 (2007)
- - Acute In-Vivo Gastrointestinal ·Effect of Food Colourants, Bright Red and Egg Yellow In Rats
- - Analysis of Factors Facilitating The Adoption of Manure Contract Among Rural Farmers In Zamfara Grazing Reserve
- - Anti-Histaminergic Activity of African Bread Fruit Seed Diet On Gastric Acid Secretion In Rats
- - Application of Adjustable Kernel Method In Test Evaluation
- - Entral Difference Approximation of Heat Function In Forced Laminar Flow On Flat Plate With Varying Surface...
- - Combined Effects of Radiation and Hal Current On Oscilatory Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Free Convention Flow Past...
- - Drying Characteristcis of Water-Based Alumina Suspension For Tape Casting
- - Economic Analysis of Small Holder Bee Keeping Industry In Adamawa State, Nigeria
- - Effects of Maternal Administration of Bonny Light Crude Oil On Brain Dimensions of Wistar Rat Foetuses
- - Genetic Variability and Correlation Studies In Sesame (SESAMUM INDICUM L.)
- - Hydrogeophysical Study of Ogbese South Western Nigeria
- - Infrared Spectroscopy of The Diferent Type of Second Order Structural Phase Transition In Mulecular Crystals
- - Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Mixed Convection of A Radiating and Viscous Dissipating Fluid In A Heated Vertical...
- - Marketing Efficiency: A Case Study of Maiduguri Cattle Market, Borno State, Nigeria.
- - Microbial Sensitivity To Extracts of Mitracarpus Scaber
- - Normal Coordinate Treatment On The Diaquo Tetra-μ- Formato Dichromium (II) Complex In The Solid State. Ill...
- - Population Structureand Density of Tree Species of Meliaceae Family ( MAHOGANY) In A Tropical Rainforest...
- - Stability To Microbial Deterioration of Lubrication Oil
- - Structural Interpretation of Seismic Reflection Data: A Case Study of An X-Field, Western Niger Delta
- - The Effectiveness of Sources of Information and Farmers Awareness of Farm Practices In Rural Communities of...
- - Thermodynamic Quantities of Two-Dimensional One Component Plasma
- - Variability of Surface and Subsurface Properties of An Ultisol As Function of Topography In Sandstone Landscape...
- - A Device For The Extraction of Palm Kernel Oil In A Hot-Water Medium
- Vol-13 No-2 (2007)
- - Biochemical Changes of Some Waste Agricultural Residues After Solid State Fermentation
- - Construction and Operation of An Active Band Reject Filter
- - Depth Estimates From A Ground Magnetic Survey Across A North-South Trending Geologic Structure In A Part of The...
- - Effect of Age and Time of Transplanting Suckers On The Vegetative Performance of Pineapple In The Basement...
- - Effect of Chronic Exposure To Water Soluble Fractions of Forcados Crude Oil On The Growth and Development of...
- - Effect of Varying Doses of Ccl4 On Serum Aspartate Aminotrasnferase (AST), Alanine Aminotrasnferase (ALT),...
- - Effects of Radiation On Oscillatory Mhd Flow and Heat Transfer In A Porous Medium Past An Infinite Vertical...
- - Environmental Noise Pollution Pattern Within Warri Metropolis
- - Estimation of The Parameters of Linear Regression Model With Autocorrelated Error Terms Which Are Also...
- - Extraction and Characterization of Gelatin From Cow Bones: Using Substitute Demineralizing Agent (H2S04)
- - Frequency-Dependent Noise Characteristics In A Gasa To-Liquid Plant In The Swamp Area of The Niger Delta
- - Geoelectric Study of The Clay Deposit In Agbede, Estako West L.G.A Edo State
- - Influence of Radiation On Unsteady Mhd Free Convection Flow of Polar Fluids Past A Continuously Moving Heated...
- - Influence of Social Economic Class On Menace of Nigerian Girls In Port Harcourt
- - Level of Heavy Metals In Soils and Lemon Grass In Jos, Bukuru and En/Irons, Nigeria.
- - Mathematical Representation of Seasonal Cycles of Aerosol Optical Depths At Ilorin Nigeria Using Aeronet Data
- - Measurement of Aerosol Concentration Variation By Opto-Electronic Method
- - Measurements, Analysis and Impact of Industrial Noise On Workers and Community Residents In Parts of Cross...
- - Multi-Criteria Approach To Solid Waste Management In, Yola Metropolis. Adamawa State
- - Null Controllaeility of Non-Linear Infinite Delay Systems With Implicit Derivative
- - Prediction of Water Absorption Properties of Extruded Acha/Soybean Blends Using Response Surface Analysis
- - Rock-Borne Radium Equivalent In Ekiti State
- - The Effect of Protein and Carbohydrate Diets On The Body Composition of Heterobranchus Logifilis Fingerlings
- - The Influence of Three Hormones On The Induction of Flowering and Yield of Two Pineapple Cultivars (ANANAS...
- - Variable Time and Space Steps (VTSS) Solution of A Two-Phase Moving Boundary Problem In Cylindrical Coordinates
- - Acute Toxicity and Behavioural Effects of Lambda- Cyhalothrin Pesticide On Juveniles of Clarias Gariepinus
- - Analysis of Lanister Variscus and Egeria Radiata Shells As Possible Raw Materials For Ceramic Glaze Production
- Vol-13 No-3 (2007)
- - Bilinear Moving Average Vector Models and Its Application To Estimation of Revenue Series
- - Bioaccumulation of Nickel, Lead,. Copper, Mercury and Cadmium In Tissues and Organs of Ethmalosa Fimbriata From...
- - Composition and Abundance of Benthic Macro-Invertebrates of Nta- Wogba Stream, Port Harcourt Nigeria
- - Crude Oil Degrading Potential of Freshwater Bacterial isolates From Slow Running Freshwater System Located In...
- - Determination of Aerosol Metal Composition and Concentration During The 2001/2002 Harmattan Season At Uturu,...
- - Effect of Alcohol-Kolanut Interaction On Brain Monoamine Oxidase Activity In Wistar Albino Rats
- - Effect of Cinnamic Acid On Polyphenoloxidase Activity of Dioscorea Rotundata
- - Effect of Crude Extract of Carica Papaya Seeds On The Reproductive Efficiency of Male Albino Rats
- - Effect of Particle Size Distribution On Gully Erosion Growth In A Watershed In Enugu State
- - Effect of Sub-Lethal Doses of Chlorpyrifos-Ethyl On Some Biochemical Parameters of African Catfish C.Gariepinus
- - Effects of Processing Methods On The Malonaldehyde Content of Some Cereals
- - Gastrointestinal Parasites Associated With The Stools of Bottle- Fed Babies In Benin City, Nigeria
- - Influence of Niobium As Solute Element On High Temperature Mechanical Behaviour of Low Carbon Steel
- - Microflora Population In Mangrove Sediments of Cross River Estuary
- - Mineralogy and Ceramic Properties of Lateritic Clays Derived From Basement Complex Rocks In Ibadan Area,...
- - Surfactant Properties of An Exopolymeric Substance Produced By A Glucose and Hydrocarbon-Utilizing Bacterium...
- - Testicular Morphometry, Sperm Production Rate Gonadal and Extragonadal Sperm Reserves In The Indigenous West...
- - The Effects of Nitrogen Rates On Phenology and Yield Components of Early Maturing Maize Cultivars
- - The Effect of Interval Between Harvests and N-Fertilizer Application On Tiller Production and Yield Attributes...
- - The Th1/Th2 Balance In Clinical Course of Burkitt'S Lymphoma
- - Trace Metals and Total Hydrocarbon Levels In Soil and Biota of A Seasonal Wetland Drained By Municipal Runoff...
- - Visual Detection of Cyanobacterial Toxins By Thin-Layer Chromatography
- - A Vibration Analysis of Non-Mindlin Rectanglar Plates Traversed By Uniformly Distributed Moving Line Masses
- - Biochemical Studies On The Effect of Diet Formulated With Allium Sativum (GARLIC) On The Gastrointestional...
- Vol-13 No-4 (2007)
- - Effect of Counterion, Solvent and Ligand Substituents On The Reduction Potentials of Copper (II) Complexes of...
- - Enhancement of User Satisfaction, and Computer Resource Management Through The Application of Fisheye Interface...
- - Effect of Extraction Melhod On The Phytochemical Constituents of Vernonia Amygdalina
- - Effect of Leaves of Ipomoea Batatas, (L) Lam, Telfairia Occidentalis, Hook .F. and Jatropha Tanjorensis, L. On...
- - Influence of Sodium Chloride (NACL) Salinity On Some Rice Genotypes Adapted To The Calabar Humid Environment
- - Experimental Thermal Perfomance Study On A Thermosyphon Solar Water Heater, With An Internal Exchanger, In Cote...
- - Effect of Ethanol Extract of Ziziphus Maurtiana Leaf On Serum and Hepatic Lipid Peroxidatlon and Vitamin C...
- - Root Activity Pattern of Pineapple (ANANAS COMOSUS) Determined With Radioactive Phosphorus During The Dry...
- - Land-Snail Diversity In A Threatened Limestone Formation In Odukapni, Cross River State, Nigeria
- - Foliar Epidermal Features In Certain Species Euphorbia L. (EUPHORBIACEAE) In Nigeria
- - Modulatory Effect of Dracaena Manni Leaf Extract On Some Biochemical Parameters of Wistar Rats Treated With...
- - The Economic Lot Size For Random Demand and Quantity In Store: A Simple Optimal Solution
- - Formulation and Estimation of Stochastic Frontier Production Models In Egg-Laying Enterprise In Akwa Ibom...
- - Nutritive Composition and Physical Characteristics of Supplemented Limitation Milk From African Yam Bean...
- - Effect of Alcohol and Kolanut-Co Administration On Serum and Brain Cholesterol and Phospholipid Levels In...
- - Osmotic Fragility Index of Hbaa Red Blood Cells In The Presence of Aqueous Extracts of Three Medicinal Plants...
- - Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Rbbr:Yb2+ Crystals At Elevated Temperatures
- - The Occurrence and Chemical Composition of Gypsum At Cham In The Yola Arm of The Upper Benue Trough, N. E....
- - Chemical Composition of The Kernel of Nypa Fruticans (NYPA PALM) and Its Application In Confectionery...
- - Defibrenation and Time Course Fermentation Impact On The Cyanide Content of Industrially and Locally Processed...
- - Dynamics -of Carbon-Dioxide Production and Its Economic Importance: A Review.
- Vol-14 No-1 (2008)
- - A Coulomb Potential Interacting Model of Bose Einstein Condensation
- - A Laboratory Assessment of Anaerobic Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons In A Typical Niger Delta Wetland
- - Alternative To Searls Ratio Type Estimator In Sample Surveys
- - Analysis of Insect Populations In Stored Crops In Cross River State, Nigeria
- - Biochemical Effect of Piper Gumense Diet On Some Organs of Wistar Albino Rat
- - Classification and Evaluation of Soils Under Rubber (HEVEA BRAZILLIENSIS MUELL ARGO) Plantation At Nko, Cross...
- - Corrosion Inhibition Properties of Thiosemicarbazone and Semicarbazone Derivatives In Concentrated Acid...
- - Damage By Yam Beetle Heteroligus Meles (COLEOPTERA: DYNASTIDAE) Under Different Population In Yam Cropping...
- - Effect of Enzyme Hydrolysis On Saccharification and Consumer Acceptability of Banana Fig
- - Effect of N-Fertilizer Rates On Dry Matter Yield (OMV), Ano Quality of Pineapple Propagu (ANANAS COMOSUS) In...
- - Growth and Yield of Sweet Potato (LOMOEA BATATAS ( L.) As Influenced By Type of Planting Material
- Vol-14 No-1 (0000)
- - Growth Assay of Histoplasma Capsulatum Var Duboisii On Different Cave Soil Extracts
- Vol-14 No-1 (2008)
- - Induction of Model Time-Related Airway Inflammation In Wistar Rats With Crude Extract of Periplaneta Americana
- - isolation of Biosurfactant/Bioemulsifier-Producing Bacteria From Soil and Sewage Sludge
- - On The Parameter Estimation of First Order Ima Model Corrupted With Ar (1) Errors
- - Simulation of A Production Line With Machine Breakdowns Using Pert Network Modelling
- - Typing/Correlation of Nigerian Crude Oils Using Saturates and Aromatic Biomarkers
- - Phytogeography and Biodynamic Assessement of Species of Cucurbits In The Niger Delta Area of Nigeria
- - The Effects of Partial Defatting, Chemical Treatment and Ambient Storage On Functional Properties and...
- - Production Function Analysis of Cassava . Sole Cropping Systems In Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
- - Pyrene Mineralization In Clay Soil With and Without Organic Carbon: The Role of Adsorption and Desoption...
- - Women and Household Energy Use In Cross River State
- - Spatial Price Efficiency of Maize In Borno State, Nigeria
- - The Effect of Stability Treatment On The Surface Energetics of Inhalation Grade Lactose
- - Solubility Studies of Haemoglobin A Modified With Acetyl-3,5-Dibromosalicylic Acid
- - Application of Design and Analysis of 23 Factorial Experiment In Determining Some Factors Influencing Recall...
- Vol-14 No-2 (2008)
- - Analysis of Micro-Credit As A Strategy For Poverty Alleviation In Rural Cross Rlver State; Nigeria
- - Effect of Chloroquine Treatments On Sperm Count and Weight of Testes In Male Rats
- - Correlations Between Total Prostate Volume and Anthropometric Variables In Normal Subjects
- - Determination of The Proximate Composition, Ascorbic Acid and Heavy Metal Contents of Star Fruit ( AVERRHOA...
- - Breeding Losses In Cattle Egret, Bubulcus Ibis L. Causes and Repercussion On Generational Propagation In Arid...
- - An Assessment of Urban Road Corridors and Heavy Metal Accumulation In Zaria, Nigeria.
- - Effects of Microstructure On The Corrosion Behaviour of Medium Carbon Steel
- - Comparison of Bootstrap and Jacknife Methods of Sampling In Estimating Population Parameters
- - A Preliminary Survey of The Prevalence and Intensity of Urinary Schistosomiasis Among School Children In. Akpet...
- - A Simple Receiver Adaptation For Vlf Signal Reception
- - Evaluation of Potency and Immunogenicity of Indigenous New Castle Disease Lasota Vaccine, Sold At Various...
- - Influence of Four Varieties of Sesame (SESAME INDIUM L.) On Maize/Sesame Intercropping In The Southeastern Rain...
- - Mineralogy and Genesis of The Lalamila Iron Deposit, Central Region, Togo
- - Rain Induced Depolarization Scaling Parameters For Linearly Polarized Shf Waves Communication On Earth Space...
- - Resistance Pattern of Salmonella isolates From Food Animal and Human Sources To Common Antimicrobial
- - Socioeconomic Analysis of The Marketing of Gnetum Africanum ( AFANG) and Bush Meat In Ikom Local Government...
- - Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Eu2+ Ions In Rbci, Rbbr and Rbl Single Crystals
- - Spectral Analysis of Aeromagnetic Anomalies of The Northern Nupe Basin, West Central Nigeria
- - Total Protein and Cholesterol Concentrations of Spermarozoa and Fluids During Sperm Maturation In Bovine and...
- - Solar Now: A Module For Increased Use of Solar Energy In Schools
- - Compartmental Model For Uptake of Cs By Pine In Forest Soil
- Vol-14 No-3 (2008)
- - Comparative Effects of Theobromine and Cocoa Bean Shell (CBS) Extract On The Performance, Serum Constituent...
- - Article Size Distribution and Control On Bitumen Saturation of Some Tar Sand Deposits In Parts of South-Western...
- - Crude Protein Electrophoresis of Seeds of Ten Species of Solanum L.
- - A Comparative Study of The Performances of Some Estimators of Linear Model With Fixed and Stochastic Regressors
- - Comparative Acute Toxicity of Chlorpyrifos-Ethyl (ORGANOPHOSPHATE) and Lambda-Cyhalothrin (PYRETHROID) To The...
- - Review of Pvt Correlations For Crude Oils
- - Histological Studies of The Pancreas of Wistar Rats Following Administration of Nicotiana Tabacum (SNUFF)
- - Design of A Web-Based Paper Submission and Reviewing System (PSRS)
- - Investigation of The Microbial-Induced Corrosion Potential of Soils In Southern Ijaw LGA In Niger Delta,...
- - Studies In The Suitability of NPK-15-15-15 Fertilizer, Animal Dung, and Petroleum Agar As Nutrient Supplements...
- - Morphological Characteristics and Classification of Soils Derived From Diverse Parent Materials In Central...
- - Nutritional Value of Bottle Gourd (LAGENARIA SICERARIA) Seeds
- - The Ethno-Botany and Utility Evaluation of Some Species of Cucurbits Among The People of Niger Delta Nigeria
- - Determination of The Chemical Composition, The Physicochemical Properties of The Oil Extract and The Amino Acid...
- - Malaria Protection In Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficient Individuals In Bamenda Population of Cameroon
- - Electrodeposition of Cadmium On N-Type Silicon Single Crystals of Different Surface Orientations
- - Studies In The Suitability of NPK-15-15-15 Fertilizer, Animal Dung, and Petroleum Agar As Nutrient Supplements...
- Vol-14 No-3 (2004)
- - Production Function Analysis of Small-Scale Poultry Production In Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau...
- Vol-14 No-4 (2008)
- - Comparison Between The Characteristics of Wind Power Calculation and Solar Radiation At Onne
- - Comparison of Diffused Solar Radiation Models Using Data For Onne, Nigeria
- - Choice of Computer Networking Cables and Their Effect On Data Transmission
- - Heat Transfer In Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Couette Flow of A Two-Component Plasma With Variable Wall...
- - Hydrogeological and Geotechnical Investigations of Gully Erosion Sites In Calabar Area, Southeastern Nigeria
- - Effect of Microbial Fermentation of Lignocellulose Waslfes On Nutritive Status
- - Electronic Waste: A Growing Challenge In Nigeria
- - Gastrointestinal Absorption of Drugs (CARBAMAZEPINE -CBZ): In Vivo - In Vitro Correlations Using A Commercial...
- - A Survey of Local Preparation Methods and Quality of Kunun-Zaki In Two Metropolitan Towns of Northrn Nigeria
- - Mixed-Ligand Complexes of Nickel (II) With 2-Acetylpyridine Thiosemicarbazone and Some N/S Monodentate Ligands:...
- - Studies On Performance of Broiler Chickens Fed Oil Palm Slurry
- - X - Ray Studies, Spectral Characterization and Thermal Behaviour of A Two - Dimensional Zinc Phosphate...
- - Measurements and Analyses of Key Performance Indices of Telephone Traffic In Kaduna and Kano Metropolises
- - Phytochemical Composition and Effect of Aqueous Extract of Struchium Sparganophora (L) On Cockroach Crude...
- - Investigations of Powder Surface Properties of Drug Substances Using Inverse Gas Chromatography (IGC)
- - The Change In Physical and Chemical Properties of Blended Oils of Palm Origin With Soyabean Oil
- Vol-14 No-4 (2004)
- - Effect of Copper (II) Phthalocyanine Concentration On Poly (ETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE) Degradation In Phenol and...
- - Photovoltaic Cells, Efficiency and Optimizarlon.
- Vol-15 No-1 (2009)
- - The Approach of Spectral Response For A Bifacial Silicon Solar Cell Under A Constant Magnetic Field
- - An Assessment of The Efficacy of Dfmo In Baboons (PAPIO ANUBIS) Infected With Trypanosma Brucei Gambiense
- - Anthropometric Comparison of Cephalic Indices Between The Urhobo and Itsekiri Ethnic Groups of Nigeria
- - Assessment of Bubblepoint Oil Formation Volume Factor Empirical Pvt Correlations
- - Dietary Protein Requirements and Growth Performance of Clarias Gariepinus (BURCHELL, 1822) Fingerlings
- - Digestibility and Hematological Parameters of Broiler Chickens Fed Blood Meal As A Replacement For Synthetic...
- - Effect of Aspartame and Sucrose On Some Biochemical and Haematological Parameters In Wistar Albino Rats
- - Effect of Drying Conditions On The Micronutrient Content of Five Leafy Vegetables of Eastern Nigeria
- - Effect of Leptin Status On Neuroendocrine- Reproductive Regulation and Maternal-Fetal Nutrient Transfer In...
- - Heavy Metal Composition of Commercial Fertilizers From Zaria, Northern Nigeria
- - Inter-Relationships Between Yield and Yield Attributes of Potato Grown Under Supra-Optimal Ambient Temperatures
- - Performances of The Full Information Estimators In A Two-Equation Structural Model With Correlated Disturbances
- Vol-15 No-1 (2008)
- - Phytoremediation Potential of Vigna Unguiculata In A Crude Oil Polluted Tropical Soil of The Niger Delta
- Vol-15 No-1 (2009)
- - Renoval Charge Technic Applied To A Bifacial Solar Cell Under Constant Magnetic Field
- Vol-15 No-1 (2003)
- - Slope Stability Studies of Wabane Caldera, Western Cameroon: Impact of Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Human...
- Vol-15 No-1 (2009)
- - Software Development Framework For Electronic Land Titles Records Administration System
- Vol-15 No-1 (2005)
- - Terrain and Laboratory Conductivity Studies of Flood Plains of Oluwatuyi/Oshinle Areas of Akure
- Vol-15 No-1 (2009)
- - Anthropometric Comparison of Cephalic Indices Between The Urhobo and Itsekiri Ethnic Groups of Nigeria
- - The Study of Deactivation and Regeneration of A Fluid Cracking Zeolite Catalysts
- - A Mathematical Model On Malaria Infection and Its Spread Over A Given Population
- Vol-15 No-2 (2009)
- - Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals In The Catfish Chrysicthys Nigrodigitatus From Taylor Creek, Southern Nigeria
- - Confidence Interval Approximation For Treatment Variance In Random Effects Models
- - Determination of Lipid Contents of Two New Soy Bean Cultivars Using Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry...
- - Determination of Spatial Grain Size Distribution of A Sintered Metal
- - Effect of Dietary Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) Supplementation On Performance and Physiological Response In...
- - Effect of Ginger Extract On Gasoline Associated Immunitoxicities In Wistar Rats
- - Hydrogeophysical Study of The Groundwater Potential of Ilara-Mokin Southwestern Nigeria
- - Impact of Crude Oil On Recruitment of Epibenthic Organisms In Cross River Estuary, South East Nigeria
- - Impact of Polyparasitism On The Haemoglobin Values of Primary School Children In Akpet Central Biase- Nigeria
- - Mitogenic Properties of Lectin From Mucuna Sloanei Seed Extracts
- - Proximate and Mineral Composition of Two Soups As Prepared In The South-West and South-South Regions of Nigeria
- - Relationships Between Fruits and Seed Sizes, Germination and Early Seedling Growth of Some Edible Plant Species...
- - Seasonal and Long Term Rainfall Trends In Calabar, Nigeria
- - Serum Electrolytes and Blood Pressure of Apparently Healthy Nigerians
- - Subsurface Contamination In The Vadose Zone By Leachate At Four Open Refuse Dumps In Maiduguri, North East...
- - The Inverted-Triangle Technique of Converting The Computer Number Systems (BINARY, OCTAL AND HEXADECIMAL) To...
- Vol-15 No-3 (2009)
- - A Comparative Study of Effects of Storage On Basic Nutritional Composition of Two Major Edible Dioscorea...
- - Aluminum and Iron Contents In Phosphate Treated Swamp Rice Farm of Mbiabet, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
- - An Attempt To Estimate The Curie-Point isotherm Depths In The Nupe Basin, West Central Nigeria
- - Antibacterial Activity and Medicinal Properties of Ginger (ZINGIBER OFFICINALE)
- - Antibiotic Sensitivity of True and Opportunistic Pathogens In Dental Unit Water Lines
- - Construction and Operation of A Solar Lighting System
- - Effect of Cow Dung and Poultry Droppings On Nutrients Uptake, Growth and Yield of Garden Egg (SOLANUM...
- - Effect of Methods of Extraction On Phytochemical Constituents and Antibacterial Properties of Tetracarpidium...
- - Effects of Pesticide (CHLORPYRIFOS ETHYL) On The Fingerlings of Catfish (CLARIAS GARIEPINUS)
- - Evaluation of The Control of Onchocerciasis Through Community-Directed Treatment With Ivermectin (CDTI) In...
- - Highly Selective Second Order Derivative Spectrophotometry For Simultaneous Determination of Nickel (II) and...
- - Household Food Demand Analysis: A Survey of Semi-Urban and Rural Households In South-West Nigeria
- - Hygienic Quality and Pectinhygienic Quality and Pectin Polysaccharide Characteristics of Dried Mango Pulp...
- - Influence of Extraction Methods On The Hepatotoxicity of Azadirachta Indica Bark Extract On Albino Rats
- - Influence of Plastic Mulch On Damage and Yield of Yam Tuber By Yam Beetles (HETEROLIGUS SPP.) In Delta State,...
- - Model For Clinical Management Using Body Mass Index of Diabetes Patients
- - Modeling of The Construction of Sewer Systems
- - Modification of Fluid Flow Equation In Saturated Porous Media
- - Morphological Observations On The Development of The Vomeronasal Organ In The Prenatal Red Sokoto Goats (CAPRA...
- - Optical Absorption and Transmission In Cuzns Alloys
- - Performance and Nutrients Digestibility of Piglets Fed Dietary Detoxified Balanites Augyptiaca Fruits
- - Physicochemical Characterisation of Butternut Jugulans Cinerea) Oil
- - Pollutant Levels In Effluent Samples From Tanneries and Textiles of Kano Industrial Areas, Nigeria
- - Price Transmission and Market Integration: A Test of The Central Market Hypothesis of Geographical Markets For...
- - Probit Regression In Prediction Analysis
- - Sensitivity Pattern of Clinical isolates of Candida Albicans From HIV/AIDS Patients To Combined Physcia...
- - Spike Protection Device For Electronics and Communication Appliances
- - The Effects of Porosity and Angle of Inclination On The Deflection of Fluid Flow In Porous Media
- - Time-Independent Inverse Compton Spectrum For Photons From A Plasma Cloud of Finite Extent
- - Utilization of Maternity Care In Nigeria
- Vol-16 No-1 (2010)
- - Behavioural and Olfactory Responses of Sitophilus Zeamais (COLEOPTERA: CURCULIONIDAE) To Aframomum Melegueta...
- - Characterization of Two Benchmark Soils of Contrasting Parent Materials In Abia State, Southeastern Nigeria
- - Design, Development and Construction of A Low Cost Automatic 2 Kva Inverter System
- - Design and Implementation of A Web Based Information System For National Health Insurance Scheme Using The...
- - Ecological Implications of Allometric Growth In Brachyurans: Data From Uca Tangeri Resident In A West African...
- - Ecotaxonomic Baseline Evaluation of The Plant Species In A Seasonally Flooded Forest Land Proposed For A Rivgas...
- - Effects of Macronutrient Composition On Specific Dynamic Action In The Laboratory Mouse, Mus Musculus
- - Enhancement of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTS) Education Through The Development of...
- - Evaluation of The Nutritional Quality of “Tom Brown” Weaning Diet
- - Geostatistical Prediction of Future Volcanic Eruption and Risk Assessment For The Mount Cameroon Volcano
- - Influence of Vitamin B-12 Complex Injection (ELDERVIT-12) On Gentamicin Nephrotoxicity In Rats: A Preliminary...
- - Phytochemical Screening of Activity Directed Extracts of Vernonia Amygdalina Leaves
- - Preliminary Studies On The Anthelmintic Effects of Ethanolic Extract of Garcinia Kola (HECKEL) Seed and...
- - Response of Clarias Gariepinus To Dietary Castor Seeds Processed By Different Methods
- - Statistical Investigation of The Impact of Timing of Marriage On Marital Stability of Female Nigerians
- - Studies On The Adsorption of Naphthalene and Pyrene From Aqueous Medium Using Ripe Orange Peels As Adsorbent
- - The Microbiological Quality and Some Physical Parameters of Different Water Used At A Municipal Abattoir In...
- Vol-16 No-2 (2010)
- - Antimicrobial Activity of “Dutsen Dan Libya”
- - Comparative Analysis of Rubber Seed Methyl Ester With Other Methyl Esters
- - Correlates of Eggshell Thickness
- - Designing A Framework For A Unified Electronic Identity System: Nigeria A Case Study
- - Effect of Gasket of Varying Thickness On Spark Ignition Engines
- - Estimation of Background Radiation At Rivers State University of Sciences and Technology, Port Harcourt
- - Growth and Yield Responses of Sweet Potato (IPOMOEA BATATAS) To Time of Potassium Fertilzer Application
- - Performance of Maize (ZEA MAYS L.) In Crude Oil Treatment
- - Physico-Chemical Studies of Disazo Dyes Derived From P-Aminophenol On Synthetic Polymer-Fibres
- - Sero – Prevalence of Human Immunodeficency Virus (HIV) Infection Among Antenatal Clinic Attendees In St...
- Vol-16 No-2 (0000)
- - Studies On Trace Metal Concentration Pseudotolithus Elongatus From Marine Coastal Waters At Mbo, South-Eastern...
- Vol-16 No-2 (2010)
- - The Effect of (TRECULIA AFRICANA) African Breadfruit On Serum Electrolyte Enzyme and Some Haematological...
- - Trade On Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPS) Between South West Cameroon and Nigeria
- - Chemical and Mineralogical Characteristics of Lateritic Iron Ore Deposit At Iyuku, Etsako West Local Government...
- Vol-16 No-3 (2010)
- - Acute Toxicity of Qua Iboe Light Crude Oil On A Fresh Water Fish, Oreochromis Niloticus
- - Clinical Complaints Among Males In Beniseed Consuming Areas of Cross River and Benue States of Nigeria
- - Comparative Effects of The Leaves of Gongronema Latifolium and Telfairia Occidentalis Incorporated Diets On The...
- - Derivation of Epsilon (E) and Pi (ππππ) From The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Matter
- - Determination of The Level of Some Elements In Edible Oils Sold In Zaria, Northern Nigeria
- - Evaluation of Proximate Composition of Fruits of Lycopersicon Esculentum (ROMA VF) Under Stress and Staking
- - HIV / AIDS Awareness Among Secondary School Youths In Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
- - Influence of Crude Extract of Root of Telfairia Occidentalis (FLUTED PUMPKIN) On The Cytoarchitecture of The...
- - Influence of Local Spices (TETRAPIEURA TETRAPTERA AND ALLIUM SATIVUM) On The Keeping Quality of Sausages...
- - Mobile Phone Interaction Techniques For Rural Economy Development – A Review
- - Numerical Two-Dimensional Natural Convection In An Air Filled Square Enclosure, Tilted (25° AND 65°) In ...
- Vol-16 No-3 (0000)
- - The Distribution of Abo and Rhesus Blood Groups Among Indigenes of Ijaw Ethnic Group In Niger Delta Region,...
- Vol-16 No-3 (2010)
- - The Use of F-K Filter In The Elimination of Artefacts From A Shallow Seismic Reflection Data In Zaria, Nigeria.
- Vol-16 No-3 (2011)
- - Escherichia Coli Removal From Water Using Electrophotocatalytic Method
- Vol-16 No-4 (2010)
- - The Current Susceptibility Pattern of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus To Antibiotics In Port...
- - A 3D Model For Thickness and Diffusion Capacitance of Emitter-Base Junction In A Bifacial Polycrystalline Solar...
- - Adsorption of Cu2+, As3+ and Cd2+ Ions From Aqueous Solution By Eggshell
- - An Improved Cocomo Software Cost Estimation Model
- - Antimicrobial Activities of Methanolic Extract of Gongronema Latifolia Stem On Clinical isolate of Escherichia...
- - Bluetooth Wireless Technology: A Milestone In ICT
- - Impacts of Different Concentrations of Spent Carbide Waste On The Growth and Yield of Maize (ZEA MAYS LINN.) ...
- - Origin and Generation Mechanisms of Geopressures In Shale Dominated Settings World-Wide: A Review.
- - Quantum Theory of Damped Harmonic Oscillator
- - Origin and Generation Mechanisms of Geopressures In Shale Dominated Settings World-Wide: A Review.
- - Quantum Theory of Damped Harmonic Oscillator
- - The Effect of Natural Antioxidants (FROM GROUNDNUT SHELL EXTRACTS) On The Oxidation Stability of Lubricating...
- - The Reproductive Characteristics of Mudskipper Periophthalmus Barbarus (LINNAEUS 1760) (TELEOSTEI, GOBIIDAE) In...
- - The T-J Model and Superconductivity
- - Ulcerogenic and Gastric Acid Stimulating Actions of Ethanolic Root Extract of Gonglonema Latifolium In Rats.
- - Variations In Virulence of Three (3) Escherichia Coli Serotypes Confirmed In Experimental Mammary Gland...
- Vol-17 No-1 (2011)
- - Assessment of Mechanical Properties of Mild Steel Drawn Using Vegetable Fatty-Based Oils As Lubricants
- - Changes In Some Meteorological Parameters In The Niger Delta Region of Nigeria Between 1989 and 1996
- - Chemical and Mineralogical Characterization of Lateritic Iron Ore Deposit At Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria
- - Climatic Condition of Calabar As Typified By Some Meteorological Parameters
- - Correlations Between Antibiotic Intake and Resistance of Some Enteric Gram Negative Bacilli To Antibiotics
- - Generation of Biogas From Segregates of Municipal Solid Wastes In Jos, Nigeria
- - Household Responses To Malaria: Cost Implications In Anantigha Area of Calabar South LGA of Cross River State,...
- - Iodometric Determination of The Ascorbic Acid (VITAMIN C) Content of Some Fruits Consumed In A University...
- - Lessons and Challenges From Software Quality Assessment: The Case of Space Systems Software.
- Vol-17 No-1 (2010)
- - Maximum Conversion Efficiency of Thermionic Heat To Electricity Converters Using Pure Tungsten As The Emitter:...
- Vol-17 No-1 (2011)
- - Mechanism For Partial Oxidation of Cyclohexene By Chromium (VI) Oxide In Acetic Acid
- - Nutrient Composition of Pleurotus Tuberregium (FR) Sclerotia
- - Poincare Surface Analysis of Two Coupled Quintic Oscillators In A Single Well Potential
- - Static Correction Parameters In The Lower Flood Plain of The Central Niger Delta, Nigeria
- - Study of The Nature of Urban Flood In Benin City, Edo State; Nigeria
- - Thermodynamic Assessment of Anionic Ligands - Modified Palm Kernel Febre In The Sorption of Some Toxic Metals
- - Types and Abundance of Arthropod Fauna In Relation To Physico-Chemical Properties of The Bottom Sediment of...
- - Variation of Reverberation Time With Quantity of Absorbers In An Unfurnished Room
- Vol-17 No-2 (2011)
- - A Comparative Study of Ree Geochemistry In Precambrian Pegmatites and Associated Host Rocks From Western Oban...
- - Analysis of Aeromagnetic Data Over Garkida and Environs, North-Eastern Nigeria
- - Chemical Composition of Bean Weevil (ACANTHOSCELIDES OBTECTUS)
- - Economic Effects of Crude Oil Spillages On Crop Farms In Rivers State, Nigeria
- - E-Health Cloud For Nigerian Teaching Hospitals
- - Evaluation of Carcass Performance of Matebele Goats Managed Extensively Based On The Eruption of Permanent...
- - Factors Influencing The Consumption and Standards of Bottled Drinking Water In Nairobi-Kenya
- - Geotechnology To Determine The Depth of Active Zone In Expansive Soils In Kibaha, Tanzania
- - Impact of Waste Batteries Dumpsites On The Water Quality of Parts of Ibadan Northeast (SHEET 261), Southwestern...
- - Predicting Mortality In Hepatitis-C Patients Using An Artificial Neural Network
- - Proximate Analyses of Some Selected Fish Species In Lake Geriyo, Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria
- - Trace Metal Level of Human Blood From Dareta Village, Anka, Nigeria
- - Evaluation of The Methanolic Extract of Mistletoe (TAPINANTHUS BANGWENSIS) Leaves Grown On Orange Trees For The...
- Vol-17 No-3 (2011)
- - A Comparative Study of A Local Plant Extract As A Possible Potential Medicated Agent In The Soap Industry
- - A Comparative Study of Direct and Indirect Solar Drying of Mango
- - A Kinematic Model For Calculating The Magnitude of Angular Momentum Transfer In An Accretion Disk Time...
- - Air Quality Status of Volatile Organic Compounds In Health and Financial Institution Microenvironments In Benin...
- - Airborne Microflora In An Hospital Environment of University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH), Benin City,...
- - Associated Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Heavy Metals of An Oil Spilled Site In The Niger Delta, Nigeria
- - Long-Term Hepatotoxicity and Hypoglycaemic Study of Aqueous Extracts of Carica Papaya Leaves On Normal Rabbits
- - Occurrence, Distribution and Diversity of Microflora In The Intertidal Mudflats and Sandbars of The Cross River...
- - Physico-Chemical Properties, Energy, Mineral, Vitamin and Sensory Evaluation of Wheat-Based Bread Supplemented...
- - Stoichiometry of Pyrogallol/Ammonium-Nitrogen Complex Using Spectrophotometry
- - Studies On The Correlation of Some Aggregate Parameters In The Drains of A Service Facility
- - Use of Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS) To Improve The Power Flow Control In The...
- Vol-17 No-4 (2011)
- - A Set of Rules For Constructing An Admissible Set of D-Optimal Exact Designs
- - A Study of The Effects of Oral Contraceptives On Plasma Urea of Wistar Albino Rat Rattus Rattus
- - An Appraisal of Groundwater Mapping and Its Implications For Sustainable Rural Water Supply In Nigeria
- - Assessment of Acidity Levels In Eucalyptus Camaldulensis Barks From Bauchi and Gombe States, Nigeria
- - Climate Change: Causes, Effects and Mitigation Measures-A Review
- - Effect of Heat Treatment On The Survival of Escherichia Coli O157:H7 In Raw Milk
- - Effect of Petroleum Waste Water On New Calabar River and Its Sediment In Buguma, Rivers State of Nigeria
- - Investigation of The Effect of Zinc Oxide-Modified Gum Arabic On Polar Substrates
- - Role of ICTs In Improving Food Accessibility of Iran'S Rural Households
- - Software Reliability: Failures, Consequences and Improvement
- - Synthesis and Spectra Characterization of Mixed-Ligand Complexes Derived From...
- - The Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Adsorption of Heavy Metal Ions On Titanium- Pillared and Un-Pillared...
- - View Shed Analysis of Federal University of Technology Yola, Wireless Internet Network
- Vol-18 No-1 (2012)
- - An Assessment of Timber Trees Producing Valuable Fruits and Seeds In Cross River State
- - Application of Hybrid Hash Message Authentication Code Approach In Biometrics Information System Design
- - Assessment of The Toxicity of Radiographic Developer Effluent On Catfish (HETEROBRANCHUS LONGIFILIS)
- - Comparative Study of Nutrient and Anti-Nutrient Content of Gnetum Africanum (AFANG) and Heinsia Crinita (ATAMA)
- - Economic Analysis of Intercropping Rubber (HEVEA BRASILIENSIS) In The Rubber Growing Areas of Edo and Delta...
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- - Enhancing Learning In Tertiary Institutions Through Multimedia Based Courseware
- - Fourier Series Models Through Transformation
- - Horizontal Distribution of Phosphorus In Soils of Irrigation Ditches
- - Influence of Home-Based Care On The Quality of Life of People Living With HIV/AIDS In Cross River State,...
- - Multivariate Analysis of Groundwater Quality In Parts of Lagos-Nigeria
- - Screening Lowland Rice Varieties For Resistance To Brown Spot Disease In Enyong Creek Rice Field In Akwa Ibom...
- - Small Hydropower (SHP) Development In Nigeria: issues, Challenges and Prospects
- - Survey of Economic Trees In Fresh Water Swamp of Calabar
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- Vol-18 No-1 (2007)
- - Vernonia Amygdalina Del: A Potential Prophylactic Anti- Diabetic Agent In Lipid Complication
- Vol-18 No-3 (2012)
- - A Comparative Study of The Drying Rate Constant, Drying Efficiency, Nutrients and Sensory Qualities of Dried...
- - An Appraisal of Fish Processing and Handling In Yola North Local Government Area of Adamawa State: The Question...
- - Changes In Lipid Content of Ungerminated and Germinated Seeds of Capsicum Annuum L. and Aframonum Melequeta K....
- - Dual Temperature Electron Distribution In A Laboratory Plasma
- - Towards Solving The Problem of Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power In Nigeria Via Superconductor...
- - The Effects of Mulch Cover On Splash Erosion In Makurdi Town
- - Spin Susceptibility In High - Tc Superconductivity
- - Spatial Variation of Magnetotelluric Field Components In Simple 2D and 3D Environments
- - Source Apportionment and Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Imo River Sediments Near Afam...
- - Project Management Using Critical Path Method (CPM): A Pragmatic Study
- - Laboratory Production of Alcohol From Rice and Maize Chaffs
- - Food and Nutrient Intake of Pregnant Women of The Out Patient Department of General Hospital, Calabar, Nigeria
- - Effects of Rainfall Intensity and Slope Angle On Splash Erosion In Makurdi, Benue State
- Vol-19 No-1 (2013)
- - Modelling of A Bilayer Heterojunction Organic Solar Cell Based On Copper Phthalocyanine and Fullerene...
- - Antiulcerogenic and Mucogenic Activity of Xylopia Aethiopica Fruit Extract In Rat
- - Comparative Study of The Inhibition Effects of Alkaloid and Non Alkaloid Fractions of The Ethanolic Extracts of...
- - Effect of Fermented and Unfermented Mucuna Bean Seed, On Growth Performance of Tilapia
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- - A Novel Curcumin Based Method of Fluoride Determination: The Pagikand Method
- - On The Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer(BCS) Hamiltonian
- - Some Haematological Parameters of Tuberculosis Infected Nigerians: A Study In Calabar - Nigeria
- - The Greens Functions of Superconductivity- A Review
- - Traffic Simulation For Mixed Traffic Systems
- - Utilization of Prosopis Africana Pulp For Rabbit Feeding: 2. Effects On Nutrient Digestibility, Blood...
- Vol-20 No-1 (2014)
- - Effects of Abattoir Wastes On Benthic Macroinvertebrates of The Elechi Creek, Port Harcourt, Rivers State,...
- - Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Status of Some Crops In The Cross River Basin of Nigeria
- - Effects of Nitrous Acid On Growth and Yield of Digitaria Exilis (HALLER)
- - Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterisation of Bis (4- HYDROXYBENZALDEHYDE) - P - Phenylenediamine Zinc(II)...
- - Comparative Toxicity of Petrol and Kerosene To Periwinkle ( TYMPANOTONUS FUSCATUS )
- - Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterisation of Amine-Templated Metal Phosphate Framework
- - Stabilization of Ikpayongo Laterite With Cement and Calcium Carbide Waste
- - Effects of Rice Husk Ash and Termite Hill Types On The Physical and Mechanical Properties of Burnt Termite Clay...
- - Effectiveness of The Ajayi - Makinde Two - Electrode Array As A Geoelectric Prospecting Method In Depth – To...
- - Comparative Profitability Analysis of Selected Rainfed and Irrigated Food Crops In Adamawa State, Nigeria
- - The Effects of Temperature and Ph On Bacterial Degradation of Latex Paint In Humid Environment
- - Geochemical Assessment of Influence of Urbanization On Heavy Metal Enrichment In Stream Sediments of Ondo Town,...
- - Antinutritional and Phytochemical Evaluation of Raw and Fermented African Locust Bean ( PARKIA BIGLOBOSA )...
- - Mapping of Health Facilities In Jimeta Metropolis: A Digital Approach
- - The Use of Geoelectrics In The Study of A Shallow Quaternary Alluvial Aquifer In Yenagoa, Southern Nigeria
- - A Pyramid Algorithm For The Haar Discrete Wavelet Packet Transform
- - Effect of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Water Containing Leech In University of Port Harcourt Community Abuja,...
- - Influence of Electromagnetic Waves Produced By An Amplitude Modulation Radio Antenna On The Electric Power...
- - A Stochastic Assessment of The Effect of Global Warming On Rainfall and Agriculture
- Vol-21 No-1 (2015)
- - Composition of Planktonic Organisms and Its Associated Physico-Chemical Parameters In Two Ponds At African...
- - Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites In Vegetables Sold In Major Markets In Ibadan City, South-West Nigeria
- - Re-Evaluation of Vulvovaginal Trichomoniasis Among Women In Niger Delta Region, Nigeria
- - Morphological Characterization and Variability Study of African Yam Beans [SPHENOSTYLIS STENOCARPA (HOCHST EX...
- - Effects of Sediment Input On Aquatic Animal Communities In New Calabar River Rivers State Nigeria
- - Chemical Profile of The Endocarp and Exocarp of Yellow Monkey Cola (COLA LEPIDOTA)
- - Compositionial and Industrial Assessment of isua- Akoko, Akure, Ayadi and Lafe (ODE AYE) Clay Deposits of Ondo...
- - The Assessment of Aquifer Potentials and Aquifer Vulnerability of Southern Paiko, North Central Nigeria, Using...
- - Electronic File Monitoring System
- - Evidence-Based Care: An Innovation To Improve Nursing Practice Globally
- - Improving Utilization of Conceptual and Theoretical Framework In Nursing Research
- - Evaluation of Metal Contaminants of Surface Water Sources In An Active Pb-Zn Mine Pit and A Nearby Pond:...
- - Physicochemical Quality of Borehole Water In Abonnema and Its Public Health Importance
- - Socio-Economic Determinants of Production of Pro-Vitamin A Cassava Varieties By Farmers In Etim Ekpo Local...
- - In Vitro Screening of Selected Herbicides On Rhizosphere Mycoflora From Yellow Pepper ( CAPSICUM ANNUM L VAR....
- - Effect of Thermoxidised Groundnut Oil On Aminotransferase Activity of Heart Tissue In Wistar Rats
- - Effects of Automobile Battery Wastes On Physicochemical Properties of Soil In Benin City, Edo State
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- - Nursing Informatics Education and Use: Challenges and Prospects In Nigeria
- - Perception and Attitudes of Parents Towards Teenage Pregnancy In A Rural Community of Cross River State,...
- - School-Based Survey of Adolescents’ Opinion On Premarital Sex In Selected Secondary Schools In Yakurr Local...
- - Improving Clinical Practice Through Simulation: A Case Study of Students of The Department of Nursing Science,...
- Vol-23 No-1 (2017)
- - Antibacterial and Toxicological Effects of Leaf Extracts of Eurphorbia Heterophylla On Some Enteric Bacteria
- - Birth Complications Control Between Midwives Among Women In Cross River States-Nigeria
- - Bayelsa, In Search of A Sustainable Health Financing Scheme
- - Comparative In Vitro Antioxidant Properties of Water Juice From Selected African Fruits Consumed In Calabar,...
- - Dirichlet’S Problem On A Cracked Trapezium
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Peters, E. J., Imanagha, K. K., Eduwem, D.U. and Effiong, R. L., 2001. Admission criteria and subsequent academic performance of medical students at the University of Calabar. Global J. Pure and Applied sciences 7(2): 397-401.
Ekwueme, B. N., 1999. Science Insight. University of Calabar Press, Nigeria, 128pp.
Attoh, K. and Ewueme, B.N., 1997, Greenstone belts of West Africa Shield. In M. J. de wit and L.D. Ashwal (Editors) Tectonic Evolution of Greenstone Belts. Oxford Monograph on Geology and Geophysics, Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp.517-528.
Akpeke, G. B. 2000. The nature and origin of barite mineralization in Akpet area, Oban massif, Southeastern Nigeria. M. Sc. Thesis, Univ. Calabar, Nigeria, 79pp.
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Prof. Barth N. Ekwueme
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Department of Geology
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