• Language: English
  • Established Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 89
Global Journal of Geological Sciences

Executive Editor : Prof. Barth N. Ekwueme
Publication Frequency : Annually
Publisher : Bachudo Science Co. Ltd
Paper Submission E-mail :

Global Journal of Geological Sciences is aimed at promoting research in all areas of geological Sciences including Petrology, Mineralogy, geophysics, hydrogeology, Engineering geology, Petroleum geology, Palaeontology, environmental geology, Economic geology, etc.
    • Vol-7 No-2 (2009)
    • - Environmental Constraints On The Interdependence of Drainage Basin Morphometric Properties In The Upper Cross...
  • - An Assessment of The Calcination Characteristics of The Famosing Limestone For Quality Commercial Lime...
  • - Evidence For Upper Mantle Intrusion In The West African Coastal Sedimentary Basins From Gravity Data: The Case...
  • - Instrumental Approach and Diagnosis of Total Inorganics In A Typical Carbonaceous Matter
  • - Geophysical and Hydro-Chemical Investigation of The Area Around A Waste Dump Site In Ile-Ife, Southwest Nigeria
  • - Mineralization Episodes and Their Concentration Sites In A Typical British Coal
  • - Paleodepositional Environmental Diagnosis of The Nsugbe Area and Environs, Anambra State, Southeastern Nigeria:...
  • - The Geochemical Chararateristics of The Marble Deposits East of Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Nigeria
  • - Trace Element Assessment In Water of River Kassa System, Jos-Plateau Nigeria
    • Vol-8 No-1 (2010)
    • - An Appraisal of The Usefulness of Landsat5_Tm Imageries In Groundwater Reconnaissance Studies In Zaria –...
  • - Finite Markov Chain Model In Lithofacies Analysis: An Example From The Bida Sandstone, Bida Basin, Nigeria
  • - Fracture Systems In The Younger Granite Rocks Around Fobur, Northern Nigeria: Product of Residual Stress
  • - Influence of Pressure Gradients and Fracturing In Oil Field Rocks On Hydrocarbon Accumulation and Exploitation:...
  • - Palaeomagnetism of Neoproterozoic Formations In The Volta Basin
  • - Petroleum Potential of Campano-Maastrichtian Shales of Anambra Basin, South Astern Nigeria
  • - Rock Physics Investigation of Seismic Wave Absorption In Reservoir Rocks
  • - The Application of Seismic-Log Sequence Stratigraphy In Mapping Stratigraphic Traps and Reservoirs’ Facies In...
  • - Influence of Pressure Gradients and Fracturing In Oil Field Rocks On Hydrocarbon Accumulation and Exploitation:...
    • Vol-8 No-2 (2010)
    • - Kaltungo and Environs, Northeastern Nigeria.
  • - Major Oxides and Trace Element Distributions In Coal and Coaly Shale Seams In The Enugu Escarpment of...
  • - Occurrence of Some Maastrichtian Dinoflagellate Cysts From The Upper Cretaceous Sediments of The Bida Basin,...
  • - On The Evolution of The Kazaure Schist Belt of Nw Nigeria: A Re-Interpretation
  • - Palynology and Biostratigraphy of The Maastrichtian Coal Measures In The Anambra Basin, Southeastern Nigeria
  • - Seasonal Variation In Chromium Hexavalent and Copper Contamination In Groundwater of Jimeta-Yola Area,...
  • - Tectonic Environments and Rare Metal Mineralization In Pegmatites of Komu Area, Southwestern Nigeria
  • - The Use of Anion Geochemistry In Mapping Groundwater Facies In The Port Harcourt Area of The Niger Delta,...
    • Vol-9 No-1 (2011)
    • - Geochemical Studies of Groundwater Systems of Semiarid Yola Area, Northeast, Nigeria
  • - Geotechnical Assessment of Lateritic Soils From A Dumpsite In Ilorin (SOUTHWESTERN NIGERIA) As Liners In...
  • - Hydrochemical Evolution of Groundwater In Jimetayola Area, Northeastern Nigeria
  • - Lateritic Weathering of Granite-Gneiss In Obudu Plateau, South Eastern Nigeria
  • - Oscillatory Ripples, Evaluation of Ancient Wave Climates and Epierogeny In The Anambra Basin and The Afikpo...
  • - Physicochemistry of Five Watersheds Within The Oil Abstraction Areas of Inland Niger Delta, Southwestern...
  • - Second Vertical Derivatives and Trend Surface Analysis of The Aeromagnetic Data Over Part of The Benin Basin,...
  • - Shales: A Review of Their Classifications, Properties and Importance To The Petroleum Industry
    • Vol-9 No-2 (2011)
    • - Application and Comparison of Groundwater Recharge Estimation Methods For The Semiarid Yola Area, Northeast,...
  • - Carbonate Microfacies and Major Element Content of The Paleocene Eocene Sections Exposed At The Sagamu Quarry,...
  • - Environment of Deposition of The Awgu Formation (LATE CRETACEOUS), Southern Benue Trough, Nigeria
  • - Estimation of The Petrophysical Parameters of Sediments From Chad Basin Using Well Logs San
  • - Facies and Facies Architecture and Depositional Environments of The Cretaceous Yolde Formation In The Gongola...
  • - Occurrence and Geochemistry of Nafada Gypsum, North-Eastern Nigeria
  • - Preliminary Geological and Radiometric Studies of Granitoids of Zing-Monkin Area, Adamawa Massif, Ne Nigeria
  • - Sedimentology and Paleoenvironmental Studies On The Chad Formation of Bornu Basin, North-Eastern Nigeria
  • - Some Geochemical Considerations In The Petrogenesis of Madagali Granitoids, Northeastern Nigeria
    • Vol-10 No-1 (2012)
    • - Sedimentology, Paleoenvironments and Provenances of The Clastic Sequence of The Gombe Sandstone Around Gombe...
  • - A Study of Basement Fracture Pattern Around Akoko Area of Southwestern Nigeria For Groundwater Potential Using...
  • - Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) In Residential Land Capability Index Mapping of A Developing...
  • - Facies Analysis and Paleoenvironments of The Upper Cretaceous Sediments In Share – Lafiagi Areas, Northern...
  • - Hydrocarbon Resource Potential of The Bornu Basin Northeastern Nigerian
  • - Investigation of Seasonal Variation of Groundwater Quality In Jimeta-Yola Area Northeastern Nigeria
  • - New 207Pb/206Pb-Zr Minimum Evaporation, Metamorphic 87Rb/86Sr- Wr-Bt Ages and Tectonic Imprints In The Archean...
  • - Occurrence and Distribution of Barite Mineralization In Cross River State, South-Eastern Nigeria
  • - Petrology and Rare Earth Elements (REE) Distribution Patterns of Magmatic Rocks In Gboko Area, Lower Benue...
  • - Sedimentology, Paleoenvironments and Provenances of The Clastic Sequence of The Gombe Sandstone Around Gombe...
    • Vol-10 No-2 (2012)
    • - Albitization In The Inkisi Sandstones, Republic of Congo: Characterization and Interpretation
  • - Geochemistry of Schists of Northwest Obudu Plateau, Southeastern Nigeria
  • - Petrology and Geochemistry of Calc-Silicate Schists and Calc-Silicate Reaction Bands In The Jakura Marble,...
  • - Selecting Suitable Drainage Pattern To Minimize Flooding In Sangere Village Using Gis and Remote Sensing
  • - The Aledjo Quartzitic Ruins In Northern Togo: Genesis and Structural Geomorphology
    • Vol-11 No-1 (2013)
    • - A Preliminary Assessment of Groundwater Samples Around A Filling Station In Diobu, Port Harcourt, Rivers State,...
  • - Compaction and Porosity Based Pore Pressure Prediction In The “Cappe Field”, Coastal Swamp Depobelt, Niger...
  • - Effects of Weathering On Mechanical Properties of Granite Gneiss and Dolerite: A Case Study of Oban and Obudu...
  • - Geochemistry of The Bayonplutonic Complex - Western Cameroon
  • - Physical Volcanology of Pyroclastic Tephra Deposit At Batoke Mt. Cameroon, West Africa: An Over View
  • - PremièRes DonnéEs Microstructurales Sur Le Complexe Granito-Migmatitique De La RéGion De Nikki, NebéNin
  • - Resistivity Methods In Hydro-Geophysical Investigation For Groundwater In Aghalokpe, Western Niger Delta
    • Vol-12 No-1 (2014)
    • - Groundwater Quality and Its Suitability For Domestic and Agricultural Uses In Wilberforce island, Southern...
  • - Chemical and Microbiological Assessment of Surface Water Samples From Enugu Area, Southeastern, Nigeria
  • - U-Pb Geochronology of Metasedimentary Schists In Akwanga Area of North Central Nigeria and Its Implications For...
  • - Grain Size Analysis of Beach Sediment Along The Barrier Bar Lagoon Coastal System, Lagos, Nigeria; Its...
  • - Identification of Hydrogeochemical Processes In Groundwater Using Major Ion Chemistry: A Case Study of Yenagoa...
  • - Ground Scintillometric Investigations of Parts of Kerri-Kerri Formation, South – West Gombe, North - Eastern...
    • Vol-13 No-1 (2015)
    • - Lineament Studies of Rocks In Omifunfun Area, Southwestern Nigeria: Remote Sensing and Petrologic Observations
  • - Morphometric Features of A Low-Elevation Urban Catchment and The Implications For Flooding
  • - Hydrogeochemistry and Quality Assessment of Some Ground Water Samples From Enugu and Environs, South-Eastern,...
  • - Using Lame’S Petrophysical Parameters For Fluid Detection and Lithology Determination In Parts of Niger Delta
  • - Petrography, Compositional Characteristics and Stable isotope Geochemistry of The Ewekoro Formation From Ibese...
  • - The Chemical Composition and Industrial Quality of Barite Mineralization In Calabar Flank, Oban Massif, Mamfe...
    • Vol-14 No-1 (2016)
    • - A Preliminary Assessment For Groundwater In A Part of North Central Nigeria Using Landsat Etm+
  • - Hydrochemical Assessment of Groundwater Quality In Sagamu Area, Southwestern Nigeria
  • - Hydrogeochemical Appraisal of Fluoride In Groundwater of Langtang Area, Plateau State, Nigeria
  • - Hydrogeochemistry of Shallow Groundwater In Kurgwi and Environs, North-Central Nigeria
  • - Paleoclimatic Significance of Microflora Retrieved From Well ‘Y’, Western Niger Delta, Nigeria
  • - Provenance of Sandstone On The Western Flank of Anambra Basin, Southwestern Nigeria
  • - Reservoir Characteristics and Palaeo-Depositional Environment of Duski Field, Onshore, Niger- Delta, Nigeria
  • - Stabilization of Dredged Spoils For Pavement Construction In The Niger Delta, Nigeria
    • Vol-15 No-1 (2017)
    • - Depositional Environment of The Gombe Formation In The Gongola Sub-Basin of The Northern Benue Trough: Using...
  • - Depositional Framework and Stratigraphy of The Konshisha Area, Southern Benue Trough
  • - Hydrochemical Characteristics and Quality Assessment of Groundwater From Shallow Wells In Gboloko Area, Central...
    • Vol-18 No-1 (2012)
    • - Hydrogeophysical Investigation of The Area Around Angware In Jos East Plateau State, North Central Nigeria

Global Journal Series Publishes original contributions in the areas indicated (no. 1 to 9). Review articles, Short- Communications, and Book Reviews are also welcome. Articles to be published should not exceed 10 printed pages. Authors are asked to contribute page charges at the galley proof stage. Three copies of the manuscript including copies of all illustrations should be submitted. Originals of illustrations should be kept by authors until they are requested to submit them. Articles should be sent to the Editor-In-Chief and Managing Editor. An assessment fee of N1000 (One Thousand Naira) or (US$10) should accompany all articles submitted. Articles not accompanied by the assessment fee shall not be processed. If you want to send your article through the internet please use Microsoft word and send an Assessment fee of USD20.

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Draw illustrations with black ink on good quality tracing paper. The originals or sharply focused glossy photographic prints should be submitted upon request. Each figure should be numbered and referred to in the text. Provide a separate sheet for figure captions. Sharp Laser printed figures are acceptable.

In the text references to the literature cited should list the author’s name, year of publication, and if possible specific page numbers e.g. (Ebana, et al., 1995, P.3). At the end of text all literature cited should be listed alphabetically by authors and chronologically under each author. This section should be given the subheading “REFERENCES”. The style of citation is as shown below and References should not be numbered in the test and when listing them.

Peters, E. J., Imanagha, K. K., Eduwem, D.U. and Effiong, R. L., 2001. Admission criteria and subsequent academic performance of medical students at the University of Calabar. Global J. Pure and Applied sciences 7(2): 397-401.

Ekwueme, B. N., 1999. Science Insight. University of Calabar Press, Nigeria, 128pp.

Attoh, K. and Ewueme, B.N., 1997, Greenstone belts of West Africa Shield. In M. J. de wit and L.D. Ashwal (Editors) Tectonic Evolution of Greenstone Belts. Oxford Monograph on Geology and Geophysics, Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp.517-528.

Akpeke, G. B. 2000. The nature and origin of barite mineralization in Akpet area, Oban massif, Southeastern Nigeria. M. Sc. Thesis, Univ. Calabar, Nigeria, 79pp.

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Authors will be given 10 reprints of their paper. Any author who requires additional reprints of his/her paper should indicate this upon receipt of the acceptance letter and will be required to pay for these additional reprints.

Prof. Barth N. Ekwueme
Editor-in-Chief /Managing Editor
Global Journals
Department of Geology
University of Calabar
P.O. Box 3651 Unical
P. O. Calabar, Nigeria.

Barth N. Ekwueme
V. I. Olarewaju
A. F. Ogezi
J. A. Adekoya
L. I. Mamah
A. E. Edet
I. N. Ototo
S. S. Dada
C. F. R. Odumodu
A. O. Oyinloye
J. I. Omada
I. I. Funtua
O. C. Okeke
M. O. Olorunfemi
U. A. Lar
E. E. Ntekim
C. T. Okonkwo
George Essien