- Language: English
- Established Year: 2001
- Published Articles: 285

Executive Editor | : | Prof. Barth N. Ekueme |
Publication Frequency | : | Annually |
Publisher | : | Bachudo Science Co. Ltd |
Paper Submission E-mail | : |
- Vol-0 No-0 (2008)
- - Adoption of Chemical Fertilizer As Influenced By Farmers’ Socio-Economic Characteristics In The North...
- - Performance and Economic Analysis of Egg Production of Laying Pullets Fed Urea-Treated and Fermented Brewer’S...
- Vol-0 No-0 (2009)
- - Impact of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers On The Postharvest Fruit Qualities of Four Musa (AAB SUB-GROUP)...
- Vol-1 No-1 (2002)
- - Analysis of The Macro Economic Effect of The Productivity of Social Overhead Capital (SOC) Investment On...
- - Bacteriological and Sensory Properties of Smoke-Dried Fish Stored At Ambient Temperature
- - Callus Initiation and Regeneration In A Minor Tuber Crop 'Rizga' (PLECTRANTHUS ESCULENTUSN. E. BR)
- - Comparative Anatomy of Long Bones of The Appendicular Skeleton of Yankassa Sheep and Red Sokoto Goat In Zaria...
- - Effects of Dna Extraction Procedures On The Cl-Taracterization of A Minor Tuber Crop 'Rizga'...
- - Eliminating Seedborne Fungi of Monodora Myristica ( AFRICAN NUTMEG) Used In Southern Nigeria
- - Food Animal Supply and Consumption Pattern In Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
- - Influence of Environment On Protein and Oil Contents of Soybeans Seed ( GLYCINE MAX ( L) Merril)
- - Influence of Poultry Manure Amendment On Bioremedial Activity of Petroleum Oil Polluted Soil and Early Cowpea...
- - Studies On The Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Productivity of A Concreat Reservoir
- - Age and Seasonal Changes In The Morphomethric Development of Accessory Glands of The West African Dwarf Goat.
- Vol-1 No-2 (2002)
- - Allocative Efficiency of Labour Resource In Swamp Rice Production In Obudu Local Government Area of Cross River...
- - Development of Hamburger Using Full Fat Soybean Flour
- - Distribution of Lepidopterous Stemborers of Maize (ZEA MOYS L) In Ecological Zones of Cross River State of...
- - Effects of Mulching, Staking and Tillage On Weed Growth In Yam Plots During The Dry Season
- - Functional Property Changes In Heat Processed Soyabean (GLYCINE MAX) Meal
- - Motivation and Non-Financial Sanctions Among Informal Groups In Imo State: Lessons For Success of Group Lending...
- - Productivity of Roselle/Cowpea Intercropping System In A Semi-Arid Agroecology
- - Proximate Composition and Tannin Content of Some Multipurpose Tree Leaves
- - The Economics of Farm Commodity Storage: A Policy Model Framework
- - Yield Response of Soybeans To Level of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizer In The Humid Tropics
- Vol-2 No-1 (2003)
- - Effect of Aqueous Extracts of Medicinal Plants On Growth of Fusarium Moniliforme Var Subglutinans Wollenw and...
- - Effect of Queous Extracts of Some Medicinal Plants On In Vitro Growth of Botryodiplodia Theobromoe Pat
- - Effects of Oil Palm Bunch Refuse On Humic Acid Content of Five Soils Grown To Oil Palm
- Vol-2 No-1 (2002)
- - Egg Weight and Egg Shell Thickness As Affected By Dietary Calcium
- - Germination of Witchweed [STRIGA HERMONTHICA(DEL)Benth.]Seeds In Response To Stimulation By Root Exudates of...
- Vol-2 No-1 (2003)
- - Haematological Studies In Apparently Normal Adult Camels (COMELUS DROMEDURIUS) of North Ea5T Sahel Region of...
- - Nigeria: Macroeconomic Environment and The Perennial Crops
- - Notes On The Biology of Oryctes Monoceros (OLIV.) A Pest of Palms In Nigeria
- - Physical Properties of Inland Valley Soils of Central Cross River State, Nigeria
- Vol-2 No-1 (2012)
- - Effects of Global Climate Change On Nigerian Agriculture: An Empirical Analysis
- Vol-2 No-2 (2003)
- - An Assessment of Prevalent Livestock Diseases In !Garra Cattle Ranch In Akoko Edo L G. Area of Edo State A Nd...
- - Analysis of Constraints In Resource Use Efficiency In Multiple Cropping System By Small-Holder Farmers In...
- - Comparative Efficacy of Acorus Calamus Powder and Two Synthetic Insecticides For Control of Three Major Insect...
- - Distribution and Socio-Economics of Two Leguminous Tree Species In Guinea and Suddan Savanna Agro-Ecologies of...
- - Effect of Farm Size and Frequency of Cutting On Output of Fluted Pumpkin (TELFERA SP.] In Itu Local Government...
- - Effect of Fertilizer Application On The Growth and Nutritional Composition of Mulberry Leaf
- - Effect of Live Maggot On Growth of The Nile Perch, Oreochromis Niloticus (CICHLIDAE) In South Eastern Nigeria
- - Effect of Salinity On Surv Ival and Larval Development of The African River Prawn, M Acrobrachium Vollenhovenii...
- - Effect of Soil Amendment With Rice Husks and Cow Dung On The Incidence and Severity of Pythium Damping- off
- - Evaluation of Growth of Some Fungi In Crude Oil Polluted Environment
- - Fungal Diseases of Rice In Nursery Farms In Bayelsa State of Nigeria
- - Preliminary Studies On Millipede: Proximate Composition, Nutritionally Valuable Minerals and Phytate Contents
- - Presence of Axillary Bud and Application of Plant Growth Hormones On Rooting and Tuberization of Yam (DIOSCOREA...
- - Production Analysis of Groundnut, (ARACHIS HYPOGAEA) In Ezeagu Local Government Area of Enugu S Tate, Nigeria
- - Response of Maize (ZEA MAYS) To A Loamy Sand Ammended With Rice Husk At Obubra, South Eastern Nigeria
- - Stabilization of Yield Parameters and Some Nutrient Components In Cocoyam Cultivars With Time In Uyo,...
- - The Effects of Nitrogen Rates On Growth and Yield of Five Varieties of Swamp Rice {Oryza Sativa Linn.} In Ini,...
- - The Use of Seed Extracts of The Physic Nut (JATROPHA CURCAS L.) In The Control of Maize Weevil (SITOPHILUS...
- - Variation of Rice Yield With Temperature and Rainfall At Ogoja, Nigeria
- - Characterization and Classification of The Inland Valley Soil of Central Cross River State, Nigeria
- Vol-2 No-2 (2004)
- - Early Growth of Some Introduced Agroforestry Species In Akure, Nigeria: Influence of Potting Containers
- Vol-3 No-1 (2004)
- - Effect of Feeding Varying Levels of Microdemis Puberula and Alchornea Cordifolia On The Body Size and Carcass...
- - Effect of Replacing Soybean Meal With Lima Bean Meal On Finishing Broiler Chicken
- - Effects of Oil Palm (ELAEIS GUINEENSIS) and Gmelina (GMELINA ARBOREA) Plantations On Soil Properties In The...
- - Efficacy of Candlewood Zanthoxylum Xanthoxyloides (LAM.) For The Control of Sitophilus Zeamais (MOTS.)...
- - Financing Foodstuff Marketing In Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria: Some Considerations
- - Fungi Associated With Tomato Wilt In The Tropical Humid Lowlands of Southeastern Nigeria and Preliminary...
- - Germination Biology of Mariacus Longibracteatus Cherm and Oryza Barthii A. Chev
- - Hatching and Brooding of Guinea Fowl (NUMIDA MELEAGRIS GALEATA PELLAS) Egg Using Local Hen
- - Lchthyohaematological Studies On The Electric Catfish Malapterurus Eletricus (GMELIN, 1789)
- - Prevalence of Micro-Organisms In Flies and Meat Cuts In Uyo Abattoir, Akwa Ibom State
- - Response of Okra (A MOSCHUS ESCULENTUS {L) Moench) To Some Mulch Materials
- - Studies On The Karyotype of The Genus Musa L
- - Dough Rheology and Quality of Wheat Bread Supplemented With Fluted Pumpkin Seed Protein Concentrate
- Vol-4 No-1 (2005)
- - Budget and Budgetary Control In Nigeria: Procedures, Practices and Polic-Y issues.
- - Effect of Length of Soaking In Water At Room Temperature and Hot Water Treatment On The Germination of Mucuna...
- - Evaluation of Phosphorus Status of Some Soils Under Estate Rubber (HEVEA BRASILIENSIS MUEL. ARGO.) Trees In...
- - Flooding Effects On Yielld of An Indigenous Vegetable (AMARANTHUS CRUENTUS L.) In The Niger Delta Region of...
- - Influence of Seed Size and Planting Date On The Growth, Development and Yield of Potato ( SOLANUM TUBEROSUM L.)...
- - Inheritance of Stripe Pattern On Fruits and Seed Colour In
- - Local Knowledge of Utilization of Nipa Palm (NYPA FRUTICANS, WURRNB) In The Coastal Areas of Akwa Lbon1 State,...
- - Nutrient Digestibility, Haematological Indices and Carcass Measurements of Rabbits Fed Graded Levels of Goat...
- - Pathogenicity of Meloidogyne Lncognita Race On Nigerian Pepper (CAPSICUM SPP) Lines
- - Planning Sustainable Soil Management Under Intensified Crop Production System In Nigeria: An Ecosystem Approach
- - Preliminary Study On Zero Tillage and Bulldozing As Land Preparations On Oil Palm Growth, Yields and Soll...
- Vol-4 No-2 (2005)
- - Blood, Carcass and Organ Measurements As Influenced By Aspergillus Niger Treated Cassava Waste In The Diets of...
- - Capability and Suitability Evaluations of Fadama Soils For Selected Crops In The Nigerian, Sudan Savanna
- - Determination of Phosphorus Requirements of Cowpea (VIGNA UNGUICULATA) In The Acid Soils of Southeastern...
- - Dynamics of Soyabean Prodution In Nigerian Agriculture
- - Effect of Harvesting Interval and N-Fertilizer Application On The Gross Energy, Digestibility and Crude Fibre...
- - Evaluation of Fertility Rate In Friesian and White Fulani (BUNA II) Breeds of Cattle Following Artificial...
- - Formulation and Evaluation of Beef / Soy Patties
- - Influence of Variety and Intra-Row Spacing On Cercospora Leafspot Disease of Groundnut In Bauchi, Nigeria
- - Performance of Tomato To Combined Application of Foliar Algifol and Granular NPK Fertilizers On A Typic...
- - Potentials of Covercrops For Sustainable Short Fallow Replacement In Low-Input Systems of Maize Production In...
- - Responses of Cucumber (CUCUMIS SATIVA L) To Nitrogen In Obubra, Cross River
- - Some Aspect of The Physico-Chemical and Biological Properties of Cross River, An Inland Water Body In...
- - Structure of Maiduguri Cattle Market, Borno State, Nigeria
- - World Cocoa Output and Price Variabilities: Implications For Economic Development of Exporting Countries
- Vol-4 No-12005 (2004)
- - Budget and Budgetary Control In Nigeria: Procedures, Practices and Policy issues
- Vol-5 No-1 (2005)
- - Abundance of Pseudotolithus Elongatus In The Niger Delta Area- A Case Study In The Cross River Estuary
- - Age Changes In Organ Weights, Gut Morphology and Some Biochemical Characteristics of Serum In Caprine Fetuses...
- - An Analysis of The Production Capabilities of Small-Scale Soymilk Enterprises In Calabar, Nigeria
- - An Analysis of Women Participation In Cross-Border Trade In Northern Nigeria
- - Analysis of Risk In Cowpea Production In Kwara State, Nigeria: A Target- Motad Model Aproach
- Vol-5 No-1 (2006)
- - Break-Even Analysis and Comparative Profitability of Intensively Managed Four Strains of Cockerels In A Humid...
- - Changes In Soil Ph and Maize Contents of Zinc and Phosphorus Under Zinc Sulphate and Organic Waste Applications
- - Crop-Livestock Integration and Food Security Among Resource-Poor Rural Farmers In North-Westrn Nigeria-An...
- - Determinants of Urban and Peri-Urban Farming In Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
- - Economic Optimum of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application In Cucumber Production: The Case of Cross River University...
- - Effect of The Ban On Importation of Frozen Turkey On Consumption In Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State,...
- - Fungi Associated With Spoilage of Stored and Marketed White Yam Tubers (DIOSCOREAROTUNDATAPOIR) In Umunede,...
- - Influence of N- Fertilizer Application and Cutting Interval On The Chemical Composition of Northern Gamba,...
- - Profit Efficiency In Broiler Production In Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
- - Socio-Economic Characteristics of A Community Forest In The Western Highlands of Cameroon. Case of Ijim Forest
- - Testicular Morphometry and Some Biochemical Characteristics of Testicular Spermatozoa and Fluid In Red Sokoto...
- - The Effect of N-Fertilizer Application On The Brix, Pol, Fibre and Purity of Two Pineapple Cultivars (Ananas...
- - The Effect of Tillage Types On Microcumatic Condition and Yield of Inter-Cropped Vegetables In Midwestern...
- Vol-6 No-1 (1999)
- - Preliminary Studies On The Antigen Characterization of Bovine Babesia Species
- Vol-6 No-1 (2007)
- - Avian Influenza (BIRD FLU) Outbreak News Scare and Its Economic Implication On Poultry In Adamawa State Nigeria
- Vol-6 No-2 (2007)
- - An Assessment of Sources and Utilization of Credit By Small Scale Farmers In Benin Metropolis of Edo State,...
- - Assessment of The Determinants and Implications of Agricultural Price Variability For Food Security In Nigeria
- - Comparison of Cotton Seed Cake and Poultry Litter As Protein Sources In The Diets of Growing Wadara Cattle Fed...
- - Economic Effects of Bee Pollination On Maize Yield In Furo, Fufore Local Government Area, Adamawa State,...
- - Effect of Concentrate Supplementation of Groundnut Hay Or Lablab Hay On Dry Matter Intake, Digestibility and...
- - Effect of Phyllanthus Amarus On Breeding Efficiency of Female Albino Rats
- - Effects of Cropping Patterns On The Control of Podagrica Spp. (COLEOPTERA: CHRYSOMELIDAE) On Okra (ABELMOSCHUS...
- - Effects of Phosphorus Rates On The Growth and Yield of Mucuna Flagellipes (VOGEL EX HOOK) In Obubra Cross ...
- - Evaluation of Directive and Non-Directive Approaches To Community Development: A Case Study of Rural Community...
- - Factors Affecting The Gross Margins of Broiler Enterprises In Calabar Municipality, Cross River State, Nigeria
- - Palm Oil Marketiing Efficiency In Ikom Locall Government Area, Cross River State
- - Performance of En Varieties of Rice (ORIZA SATIVA L.) Grown Under Irigation During The Dry Season In Bauchi,...
- - Profitability Analysis of Broiler Production In Oyibo Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria
- - Proximate and Phytochemical Composition of Garcinia Kola and Vernonia Amygdalina
- - Response of Annual Weed Species To Atrazine-Based Herbicides In Maize
- - Socio-Economic Conditions of Rural Settlers In Kpashimi Forest Reservation Area of Niger-State Nigeria:...
- - Sources of Finance To Agricultural Sector In Edo South Senatorial District of Edo State, Nigeria
- - The Effect of Quarrying On Soil and Vegetation In Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria
- - The Use of Diameter Distibutions For Determining Optimum Holding Length For Gmelina Arborea Plantations In A...
- - Unlocking The Profit Potentials of Innovations. A Case Study of The Iita Plantain and Banana Hybrids
- Vol-7 No-1 (2008)
- - Age and Growth of An Ecotype Cichlid “Wesafu” In Epe Lagoon, Lagos, Nigeria
- - Adoption of Chemical Fertilizer As Influenced By Farmers’ Socio-Economic Characteristics In The North –West...
- - Analysis of The Influence of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Sectors Performance On The Nigerian Economy...
- - Assessment of The Impact of Extension Services On Livestock Production In Omuma Local Government Area of Rivers...
- - Effect of Different Weed Management Techniques On Growth, Susceptibility To Wind Damage and Bunch Yield of A...
- - Effects of Different Companion Crops and Increasing NPK Fertilizer Levels On The Performance of Maize (ZEA MAYS...
- - Estimation of Body Weight From Linear Body Measurements In Two Commercial Meat-Type Chicken
- - Evaluation of Okra Cultivars and Breeding Lines For Agronomic Traits In Umudike In Southeastern Nigeria
- - Farmers’ Characteristics and Adoption of Recommended Practices Under The Fadama Project Scheme In Edo State,...
- - Genetic and Environmental Factors Affecting Growth Traits of Goats In Semi Arid Area of Nigeria
- - Monetary Policies and Credit Financing As Factors In Agricultural Productivity In Cross River State
- - Perceived Impact of Malaria On The Productivity of Rice Farmers In Ini Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State
- - Performance and Economic Analysis of Egg Production of Laying Pullets Fed Urea-Treated and Fermented Brewer’S...
- - Performance of Growing Male Pigs Exposed To Quantitative Feed Restriction
- - Population Analysis of Emergent Timber Trees Species (ETTS) In Iko Esai Forest Reserve, Akpamkpa, Cross River...
- - Quantity and Quality of Litterfall In Pure Pine and Pine/Gmelina Mixed Plantations In Umuahia, Abia State.
- - Quantity and Quality of Litterfall In Pure Pine and Pine/Gmelina Mixed Plantations In Umuahia, Abia State.
- - Reflections On Rural People’S Knowledge and Skill and Relevance In Agricultural Development. Case of Pastoral...
- - Seed Varieties and Quantities of Chemical Fertilizers Used In Agricultural Production In Northern Nigeria
- - Udder and Teat Traits As Possible Selection Markers For Milk Yield In Local Goats of Nigeria
- - Utilization of Crude Testis Extract To Enhance Broiler Production In The Humid Tropics
- Vol-7 No-2 (2008)
- - Adoption of Mixed Cropping By Farmers In The Northwest Zone of Nigeria
- - Econometric Analysis of Cowpea . Production In The North-Eastern Part of Adamawa State, Nigeria
- - Effect of A Batericide-Fungicide Additive On The Rates of Decomposition of Mature Fresh Leaves of Four Woody...
- - Effects of Sweet Potato Leaf Meal On The Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chickens
- - Evaluation of Lemon Grass (CYMBOPOGON FLEXUOSUS) As An Anticoccidal Agent In Broilers Production In Calabar,...
- - Genotype X Environment Effects On Cassava Response To The African Cassava Mosaic Disease In Derived Guniea...
- - Growth and Nutrient Utilization of Varying Levels of Toasted Bambara Nut (VOANDZEIA SUBTERVANEA) Based Diets...
- - Growth Performance of Clarias Gariepinus Fingerling Fed Cooked Breadfruit (ARTOCARPUS ALTILIS) Seed Meal As...
- - Influence of Parent Materials On The Physico-Chemical Properties of Soils In Central Cross River State, Nigeria
- - Marketing of Hooves and Horns Ln Maiduguri Metropolitan Area of Borno State, Nigeria
- - Morphometric Analysis of Eggs Laid By Two Ectotypes of Snail Archachatina Marginata {Swainson) Raised In...
- - Phytoplankton Productivity In The Okrika Port Harcourt Sector of Bonny Estuary Nigeria
- - Preliminary Studies of Soil Erosion In A Valley Bottom In Ibadan Under Some Tillage Practices
- - Production Efficiency In Small-Scale Irrigated Tomato Production In Bade Local Government Area of Yobe State...
- - Profitability Analysis and Management Practices of Masakwa Farmers In Yola Local Government Area of Adamawa...
- - Screening For Drought Tolerance In Rice (ORYZA SATIVA L.) At Both The Vegetative and Reproductive Stages of...
- - Survey of Properties and Constraints of Some Soils of Cross River State, Nigeria, For Higher Yields of Rubber...
- - The Nutritive Value of Dried Pito Mash In The Diets of Broiler Chickens
- - The Role of The Nigerian Agricultural and Cooperative Bank In The Development of Agricultural Extension...
- - Use of Polycross Technique In The Development of Sweetpotato Hybrid Lines For Resource-Poor Farming Systems
- Vol-8 No-1 (2009)
- - Analysis of Farmers’ Risk Aversion In Southern Borno, Nigeria.
- - Assessment of Agro-Marketers’ Patronage of Private Commercial Cold Rooms In Abakaliki Urban Area of Ebonyi...
- - Assessment of The Hydrolytic Performance of Locally Sourced Crude Amylases On Root (CASSAVA & POTATO) and...
- - Characterization, Classification and Land Use Management of Flood Plain Soils of Central Cross River State,...
- - Comparative Egg Production Analysis of isa Brown Laying Strain Raised In Three Poultry Farms In A Tropical...
- - Comparative Evaluation of Reproductive Performance and Some Egg Quality Parameters of Black and White Skinned...
- - Effect of Rice-Husk Ash On Exchange Acidity, Growth and Yield of Groundnut (ARACHIS HYPOGAEA L.) In An Acid...
- - Effects of Time of Nitrogen Application and Frequency of Weeding On The Performance of Okra (ABELMOSCHUS...
- - Environmental Risk Management Strategies: Household Response To Rice Yield Variability In Ebonyi State,...
- - Estimation of Water Requirement of Early and Late Season Tomato (LYCOPERSICON ESCULENTUM MILL) In Calabar,...
- - Germination Frequency of Woody Species In Exotic Plantation and Bush Fallow Land Area In Umuahia, Abia State
- - Nigerian Agricultural Sector and Budgetary Allocation, 1990-2008
- - Proximate and Phytochemical Compositions of Some Browse Plant Species of Southeastern Nigeria
- - Red, Far Red Wavelength, The Ratio Red To Far Red, Temperature and Vegetation At A Secondary Forest Regrowth...
- - Shoot Development of Three Physiological Ages of Gongronema Latifolia As Influenced By Some of Their Chemical...
- - Spatial Variability of Expansive Soil Properties At Different Scales Within Kibaha (TANZANIA)
- - Studies On The Pattern of Occurrence of Soil Seed Bank of Monodora Myristica In Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria.
- - The Role of Climatic Scenarios In Farmers Adjustments To Climatic Variations In Northern Nigeria
- Vol-8 No-2 (2009)
- - Relative Price Variability of Grains and Inflation Rate Movement In Nigeria
- - An Assessment of Agricultural Enterprises Owned By Women Farmers In Ikpoba-Okha Local Government, Edo State,...
- - An Assessment of Nigerias Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund: Evidence From Time-Series Analysis
- - Correlates of Potable Water Demand Among Farming Households In Abak, Nigeria
- - Determinants of Fertilizer Use Among Small-Holder Farmers In Wetland Region of Cross River State.
- - Effect of A Complementary Application of Algifol Nutrient Solution and NPK On Growth, Flowering and Yield of...
- - Effect of Thermal Processing Methods On The Proximate Composition, Gross Energy, Minerals and Ricin Content of...
- - Effects of Dietary Protein Intake On Lactation Performance of The Laboratory Mouse, Mus Musculus
- - Effects of Feeding Fat On Lactation Performance of The Laboratory Mouse, Mus Musculus
- - Estimating The Determinants of Poverty Among Farming Households In Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
- - Gross Margins Analysis of Rice, Beans and Garri Sellers In Southern Zone of Cross River State.
- - Impact of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers On The Postharvest Fruit Qualities of Four Musa (AAB SUB-GROUP)...
- - Profitability Analysis and Management Practices Among Poultry Farmers In Yola Metropolis of Adamawa State,...
- - Relative Price Variability of Grains and Inflation Rate Movement In Nigeria.
- - Socio-Economic Determinants of Income Among Cowpea Farmers In Bama Local Government Area of Borno State,...
- - The Relationship Between Social Factors and The Poverty Experienced By Farming Households In Borno State,...
- - Wetland Use and Resource Degradation Among Small-Scale Farmers In Cross River State, Nigeria
- Vol-9 No-1 (2009)
- - Field Infestation of Three Maize (ZEA MAYS L.) Genotypes By Lepidopterous Stem Borers In Makurdi, Nigeria.
- - Phosphate Relationships In Acid-Sulphate Soils of Mbiabet Swamp Rice Farm, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.
- Vol-9 No-1 (2010)
- - Agronomic Performance and Estimate of Genetic Variability of Upland Rice Genotypes On Acid Soil of Cross River...
- - Analysis of Profitability and Poverty Reduction of Yoghurt Processing Industries In Maiduguri Metropolitan Area...
- - Assessment of The Economic and Social Implications of The Avian Flu Outbreak On The Nigerian Poultry Industry
- - Economic Assessment of The Performance of Private Sector Marketing of Fertilizer In Delta State – Nigeria
- - Economies of Scale and Production Efficiency In Smallscale Rice Farmers In Nigeria: Empirical Approach For...
- - Effects of Nitrogen Enrichment On Heavy Metals Content of Cattle Dung/Poultry Manure Compost and Maize Yield.
- - Fertilizer−Manure Substitution Among Arable Crop Farmers In Akwa Ibom State: Empirical Evidence.
- - Field Infestation of Three Maize (ZEA MAYS L.) Genotypes By Lepidopterous Stem Borers In Makurdi, Nigeria.
- - Market Supply Response of Imported Sardinella In Cross River State, Nigeria
- - Response of Cowpea Lines To Inoculation With Four Seed Transmitted Viruses of Cowpea
- - Study On Agroforestry Practices In Abak Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
- Vol-10 No-1 (2011)
- - Analysis of Differences In Rural-Urban Households Food Expenditure Share In Kwara and Kogi States of Nigeria
- - Assessment of The Nutritive Value of Some Indigenous Wild Fruits For Domestic Consumption and Industrial...
- - Awareness and Adoption of Nigeria Institute For Oil Palm Research (NIFOR) Technologies By Farmers In Owan-West...
- - Effects of Spacing On The Growth and Yield of Okra (ABELMOCHUS ESCULENTUS) L. Moench In Obubra, Cross River...
- - Measurement of Farm Level Efficiency of Home Gardens In Uyo, Nigeria: A Stochastic Production Frontier Approach
- - Non-Genetic Factors and Correlation Studies In Cattle.
- - Performance Assessment In Nigeria’S Peasant Agriculture: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis On Rice...
- - Role of Beekeeping In The Conservation of Forests
- - Structure and Conduct of Vegetable Marketing In Kwadom Yalmatu Deba Local Government Area of Gombe State,...
- - Wild Vertebrate Pests Activities On Agricultural Crops At Gashaka Gumti National Park Nigeria
- Vol-10 No-2 (2011)
- - Effect of Different Protein Levels On The Growth Performance of African Giant Land Snail (ACHATINA ACHATINA)...
- - Effects of Tectona Grandis (TEAK) Plantation On Soil Micro Organisms In A Ferruginous Soil of North Central...
- - Effects of Cassava Mill Effluent On Some Chemical and Micro-Biological Properties of Soils In Cross River...
- - Extension Communication and Farmers Adoption of Yam Production Technologies In South South Nigeria
- - Fistulation and Cannulation of Goat Single Stage Technique Using Locally Improvised Cannula
- - Motivation Factors Affecting Employees Job Performance In Selected Agricultural Oil Palm Industries In Edo...
- - Performance of Agricultural Co-Operative Societies In Mubi Zone of Adamawa State, Nigeria
- - Probability Distribution of Long-Run Indiscriminate Felling of Trees In Adamawa State, North Eastern Nigeria.
- - Relationship Between Egg Weight, Hatch Weight and Subsequent Body Weight In Fulani Ecotype Chicken.
- - Studies On Blood and Plasma Biochemical Characteristics of The African Giant Rat (CRICETOMIS GAMBIANUS)
- Vol-11 No-1 (2012)
- - A Comparative Study of The Influence of Heavy Metals On Soil and Crops Growing Within Quarry Environment At...
- - Characterization of Wetland Soils Developed On Limestones Parent Material In Cross River State, South Eastern...
- - Climate Change and Agricultural Production
- - Cultivation of Mushroom (PLEUROTUS OSTREATUS) Using Corn Cobs and Saw Dust As The Major Substrates
- - Determining The Optimum Combination of Palm Kernel Cake and Wheat offal As Maintaining Ration For Matured...
- - Effect of Daylight Hours On Performance of Growing Grasscutters
- - Effect of Different Sizes of Planting Material On The Growth and Yield Components of Edible Mushroom Pleurotus...
- - Inhibitory Activity of Plant Extracts On The Early Blight Pathogen Alternaria Solani Growth
- - Optimum Replacement Level of The Soybean Meal For Processed Horse Eye Bean Meal (MUCUNA URENS) In The Broiler...
- - Screening of Some Cultivated Hybrids of Maize (ZEA MAYS L.) For Productivity In The Jos-Plateau Environment
- Vol-11 No-2 (2012)
- - Analysis of Agro-Biotechnological Innovations and Adoption Behaviour of Pig Farmers In Obubra Local Government...
- - Analysis of Edible Mushroom Marketing In Three Villages In Central Cross River State, Nigeria
- Vol-11 No-2 (0000)
- - Assessment of Soil Fertility and Groundnut (ARACHIS HYPOGEAE) Yield Performance Under Different Weeding Regimes
- Vol-11 No-2 (2012)
- - Effect of Different Rates of Wood Ash On Exchangeable Aluminum, Growth, Nodulation, Nitrogen Accumulation and...
- - Effect of Growth Hormones On The Germination of Sheanut (VITELLARIA PARADOXA C. F. GEARTN) After Pre-Treatment
- - Evaluation of Some Conventional Methods For Estimating Available Phosphate In Muds At Mbiabet Rice Farm, Akwa...
- - Rapid Assessment of Protected Area Pressures and Threats In Nigeria National Parks
- - Role of Mass Media In Agricultural Productivity In Adamawa State, Nigeria
- Vol-12 No-1 (2013)
- - Achieving Improved Financing For Low-Income Producers In Developing Countries: The First Set of Approaches
- - Economic Analysis of Soil and Associated Nutrient Loss From Gully Erosion Features In Mubi Area, Adamawa...
- - Effect of N, P and Fym Rates On Dm Accumulation and Uptake of K, Ca and Mg By Roselle (HIBISCUS SABDARIFFA L.)...
- - Effect of NPK Fertilizer and Interval Management On The Chemical Properities of Coastal Plain Sands of...
- - Effects of Rhizobuim Leguminosarum Inoculation On The Growth and Yield of Mucuna Flagellipies
- - Hedonic Demand Analysis For Beef In Benin Metropolis
- - Mid-Term Assessment of The Activties of Fadama Iii Development Project In Cross River State
- - Nutritive and Replacement Value of Hungry Rice ‘‘Acha’’ (DIGITARIA EXILIS) Grain For Maize Grain In...
- - Radial Variation In Fiber Length of Some Lesser Used Wood Species In Nigeria
- - Technology and Market Opportunities In Fiber Cement Composites For Small Scale Enterprises In Nigeria
- - Time-Series Analysis of Nigeria Rice Supply and Demand: Error Correction Model Approach
- Vol-13 No-1 (2014)
- - Seasonal Variations In The Growth Duration of Some Rice Varieties Grown In Cross River State
- - Multilocational Evaluation of White Yam Genotypes Using Gge Bi-Plot Methodology
- - Nutritive Effect of Cabbage ( BRASSICA OLERACEA ) On Growth, Obesity, Lipidaemia and Haematology In Broiler and...
- - Phosphorus Forms In Soils of Oban Hills, Akamkpa, Cross River State, Nigeria
- Vol-13 No-1 (0000)
- - Response of Onion ( ALLIUM CEPA L.) Bulb Yield To Day Length Extension
- Vol-13 No-1 (2014)
- - Response of Onion ( ALLIUM CEPA L.) Bulb Yield To Day Length Extension
- - Genetic Response of Growing Cockerels To Sorghum offal Substitute For Sorghum Meal In A Research Environment
- Vol-14 No-1 (2015)
- - Effect of Time of Fertilizer Application On Growth and Yield of Maize (ZEA MAYS L.) In Jos - Plateau...
- - Feeding Value of Processed Horse Eye Bean Meal As Alternative Protein Source In Pullet Chicks Diets
- - Analysis of Cost Efficiency In Food Crop Production Among Small-Scale Farmers In Adamawa State, Nigeria
- - Parasites of Crayfish ( P. CLARKI) and Lobsters (MACROBRACHIUM VOLLENHOVENIC ) As Indicators of Metallic...
- - Adoption of Improved Rubber Production Technologies By Farmers In Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
- - Analysis of Poverty Status of Rural Farm Families In Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
- - Correlation Studies of Mineral Nutrients’ Concentrations In Soils and Pineapple ( ANANAS COMOSUS ) Plants In...
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Peters, E. J., Imanagha, K. K., Eduwem, D.U. and Effiong, R. L., 2001. Admission criteria and subsequent academic performance of medical students at the University of Calabar. Global J. Pure and Applied sciences 7(2): 397-401.
Ekwueme, B. N., 1999. Science Insight. University of Calabar Press, Nigeria, 128pp.
Attoh, K. and Ewueme, B.N., 1997, Greenstone belts of West Africa Shield. In M. J. de wit and L.D. Ashwal (Editors) Tectonic Evolution of Greenstone Belts. Oxford Monograph on Geology and Geophysics, Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp.517-528.
Akpeke, G. B. 2000. The nature and origin of barite mineralization in Akpet area, Oban massif, Southeastern Nigeria. M. Sc. Thesis, Univ. Calabar, Nigeria, 79pp.
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Prof. Barth N. Ekwueme
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