Recidivism As A Function of Income and Employment Status In Rivers State, Nigeria
Police records of violent, property related crime and drug related crime from 2003-2012 indicated a continuation of tends that have existed since mid 1990s. It is on the basis of this that the research looked into the nexus between income and employment in relation to recidivism in Rivers State. Seven hundred and eight (708) formed the number of recidivist while forty two (42) form the total number of ex-convicts. Three hundred and two (302) was the sample size drawn from this population using Taro Yamane formula. Snowball sampling method was adopted in selecting the ex-convicts across the state. The research tool was a four-point likert scale questionnaires. Descriptive (frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics (Spearman’s correlation statistics) were adopted in this study using Statistical Package for Social Scientists software, version 20.0. The results revealed that income and employment were significantly correlated with re-offending at p<0.05. Findings also showed that 12.2% and 87.8% were ex-convict and prison inmates respectively with respect to their present social status. Furthermore, 38.9%, 49.4%, and 11.7% had been convicted once, twice and more than twice respectively. However, results showed that 65.9% were not employed before conviction. The study therefore recommends that effort should be applied by the relevant authorities as regards the employment placement of ex-convicts as a means of reducing recidivism.