Effectiveness and Efficiency of Rehabilitation and Parole System In The Reduction of Recidivism In Rivers State, Nigeria
The study examined the effectiveness and efficiency of rehabilitation and parole system in the reduction of recidivism in Rivers State, Nigeria. The rate of recidivism is increasing and this has been affecting adverse effect on the society. It is on the basis of this that the research looked into the nexus between rehabilitation programmes for ex-convicts and recidivism in Rivers state. Seven hundred and eight (708) formed the number of recidivist while forty two (42) form the total number of ex-convicts. Three hundred and two (302) was the sample size drawn from this population using Taro Yamane formula. Snowball sampling method was adopted in selecting the ex-convicts across the state. The research tool was a four-point likert scale questionnaires. Descriptive (frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics (Spearman’s correlation statistics) were adopted in this study using Statistical Package for Social Scientists software, version 20.0. The results revealed that rehabilitation programmes such as employment, vocational skills, parole system and family ties for are important parameters in reducing recidivism. The study recommended that transient and transitional programmes be design effectively to reintegrate recidivist into the community by making available avenue for them through which ex-convicts are meaningfully engaged.

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Anele K.a.
Iwarimie-jaja D.