Publisher: University of Port Harcourt

Assessing The Status of Urban Agriculture In Greater Port Harcourt City Towards Evidence Based Policy Support For Urban Food Production

Babatunde, B.b., Obafemi, A.a., Etela, I., Mmom, P.c., Mohammed, A.t.
KEYWORDS: Evidenced based policy, Urban agriculture, Urban food production, Greater Port Harcourt City


The status of food production in the urban and sub-urban areas termed urban agriculture in Greater Port Harcourt City, Rivers was assessed using appropriate tools for primary data collection from farmers. Structured and verified questionnaires were administered to owners of farms in the study area. Ten communities were selected at random for the study and every farm georeferenced. Data collected from farmers were plotted on charts and incorporated into location maps using GIS tool.  Results across the communities showed that female recorded 57.5% and male 42.5%, the age group of the respondents showed the most farmers fall between the ages of 36 years to 45 years old which represents 48%. 73.5% of respondents at the study area were married, 14% of them widowed, 11% were single while 1.5% were divorced. Family size with 4 to 6 people recorded the highest value of 39%, 30% had 7 to 9 people, 25.5% reported 1 to 3 people, 5% reported a family size of 10 people or more while 0.5 had no response. 41% had primary education 33% had post primary education, 18% had possessed tertiary education and 8% had no formal education. The overall result at the study area showed that 67.5% grew food crops and vegetables, 7.5% were involved in livestock farming, 1.5% practiced fish farming, 4% kept poultry, 5.5% grew food crops, vegetables, and kept livestock, 3.5% grew food crops, vegetables and fish, 3% grew food cops, vegetables, poultry, livestock and fish. The dominant food crops were cereals such as maize, guinea corn, then roots and tubers such as cassava, yam and potatoes. The study area has great potentials for contributing to urban food supply and should be encouraged

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