© Journal Of Good Governance And Sustainable Development In Africa (jggsda) . 2014. Vol. 2 No. 2
Publisher: University of Calabar
Forced Consumption of Some Essential Consumer Brands Amongst Rural Dwellers In Africa: The Nigerian Experience
Ojatta, Dominic Oteino, Momoh, Yalo Isah, Oyaka, James Oti
KEYWORDS: Malaria, mosquito insecticides, forced consumption, consumer values, rural dwellers
This study investigates post-purchase behaviour of consumers of brands of aerosol mosquito insecticides in Idah, Nigeria. One hundred heads of households were purposively sampled through self-administered questionnaire. The result shows that though respondents’ value expectations were not met from previous consumptions, they nevertheless engaged in repeat purchases of the brands. This forced consumption (FCS) is facilitated by weak regulatory structures, counterfeiting, illiteracy and poverty and criticality of products to consumers’ survival against malarial rampage in Nigeria. Study recommends restructuring and strengthening of regulatory agencies and product monitoring by brand owners in the country. Further research is indicated.
Malaria, Labour Productivities and Economic Growth In Nigeria, 1981-2014: An Econometric Assessment