Publisher: University of Calabar

Effects of Women Education (LITERACY AND VOCATIONAL) On Their Participation In Community Development In Ogoniland, Rivers State, Nigeria

Dr. Adekola, G, Kumbe, S.a
KEYWORDS: Women Education, Literacy Education, Vocational Education, Participation, Community, and Community Development


The study examined the Effects of Women Education on their participation in Community Development in Ogoniland. The researchers employed the Descriptive Survey Design. Two (2) research questions and Two (2) null hypotheses guided the study. A sample of 548 women was randomly drawn from a population of 5,485 registered women organizations in Khana and Tai Local government areas. The instrument used to obtain data was a structured questionnaire titled “Questionnaire on Women education and participation in community development (QWPCD)”. The instrument had a reliability index of 0.76. Mean analysis was used to answer the two research questions while Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that women’s acquisition of literacy and vocational education have positive effects on their participation in community development.It was also revealed in the study that there is significant difference between in the participation of literate and illiterate women in community development. Based on these findings, the researchers recommended among others, the removal of every cultural and religious belief that impede women education and their optimal participation in community development, provision of free and mandatory education for women from primary to the tertiary institution and establishment of women literacy and vocational education centres in every village in Ogoniland.

The study examined the Effects of Women Education on their participation in Community Development in
Ogoniland. The researchers employed the Descriptive Survey Design. Two (2) research questions and Two
(2) null hypotheses guided the study. A sample of 548 women was randomly drawn from a population of
5,485 registered women organizations in Khana and Tai Local government areas. The instrument used to
obtain data was a structured questionnaire titled “Questionnaire on Women education and participation in
community development (QWPCD)”. The instrument had a reliability index of 0.76. Mean analysis was used
to answer the two research questions while Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used to test the
hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that women’s acquisition of literacy and
vocational education have positive effects on their participation in community development.It was also
revealed in the study that there is significant difference between in the participation of literate and illiterate
women in community development. Based on these findings, the researchers recommended among others, the
removal of every cultural and religious belief that impede women education and their optimal participation
in community development, provision of free and mandatory education for women from primary to the
tertiary institution and establishment of women literacy and vocational education centres in every village in

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