The Impact of Training and Development On Workers’ Productivity In Some Selected Nigerian Universities
Staff training and development is a key to achieving organizational success and corporate development. This study is aimed at finding out the Impact of Training and Development on workers’ productivity via the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) Academic Staff Training & Development 2010 Sponsorship of some selected Nigerian universities.. The study hypothesised that there is no significant relationship between training and workers productivity. Results revealed that training and development programmes improve employees’ skills and performance at work place, enhance their technical knowhow/ wherewithal to withstand the challenges of contemporary times, thus, an effective tool for sustaining and enhancing workers productivity in the academia. The study recommends that Tertiary Education Trust Fund should improve on its training policy in its entire ramification because in recent times academics are being faced with new innovations and techno- scientific developments so as to meet up with the changing trends and circumstances.