Design For Performance Measurement System Using Entreprise Engineering Approach of The Local Government In Indonesia
Nagari government is the lowest local government in Indonesia. This kind of Government has a significant role to determine the development of Nagari. In addition, the nagari goverment has to have the adequate system to be able to enhance the performance. therefore, one of system that has to have is Performance Measurement System (PMS). In order to have a optimal PMS, it is better to developed rather than using the generic one, especially in new public management paradigm: public value management (PVM). Therefore, this study developed the PMS for Nagari government in Indonesia. By using Saosa et al (2005)’s framework, the study utilized several concept of performance measurement category, such as resources, process, output, society, and outcome. Further, the concept are working time (resources), speed (process), number being serviced (output), citizen satisfaction (citizen), and economy wealthfare (outcome).